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Angelo Credo;196410 said:
I've studied various martial arts, attaining a black belt in Tae Kwon Doe at the age of about 15.

Damn son, we should do some sparring together...

Angelo Credo;196410 said:
Oh, and I can hold my alcohol very well, I drink too much, long time practice, for example, tonight I drank three triple shots of gin and tonic, 40%, two large glasses of straight vodka, about 50%, two glasses of wine and three bottles of Stella Artois and I'm just feeling tired.

Probably not something I should be proud of, but hell, holding that much booze and still retaining all of my typing skills as well as the entirety of my vocabulary and only feeling somewhat tired is a bit of an achievement for me.

You're the man I need to celebrate the New Year Eve with...:lol:
Sparda™;196411 said:
Damn son, we should do some sparring together...

That'd be a laugh, mind you, I haven't practiced for a while, I'm sure I could put up a decent challenge though if I actually got back into my old routine. :P

Sparda™;196411 said:
You're the man I need to celebrate the New Year Eve with...:lol:

A lot of people say that, I drink most people under the table with ease, by the end of the night, I'm the one who's downed roughly two or three bottles of Russian finest Vodka and feels totally fine, then goes for another round, whilst everyone else is too smashed to carry on. :lol:

Hell, I've made an art out of drinking games these days, it's a damn good laugh. xD

I'm starting to get a reputation for having a cast iron stomach. :lol:
^ Dang man! I'm only fourteen, so no drinky for me! I've actually resolved NOT to drink unless it's a formal situation. Same goes for smoking, except NO SMOKING ANYWHERE. Anyway, that's my two cents worth.
Angelo Credo;196412 said:
That'd be a laugh, mind you, I haven't practiced for a while, I'm sure I could put up a decent challenge though if I actually got back into my old routine. :P

Don't get me wrong.

I'm out of shape myself when It comes to putting up a decent challenge in Tae Kwan Do. Maybe sparring with rapiers, some fencing. I got the equipment needed and the rapiers - don't worry - their tips are covered. :lol:

Angelo Credo;196412 said:
A lot of people say that, I drink most people under the table with ease, by the end of the night, I'm the one who's downed roughly two or three bottles of Russian finest Vodka and feels totally fine, then goes for another round, whilst everyone else is too smashed to carry on. :lol:

Hell, I've made an art out of drinking games these days, it's a damn good laugh. xD

I'm starting to get a reputation for having a cast iron stomach. :lol:

Haven't actually put myself to the test with alcohol, but I'd damn like to try It out with you - drinking I mean... :lol:
DreadnoughtDT;196413 said:
^ Dang man! I'm only fourteen, so no drinky for me! I've actually resolved NOT to drink unless it's a formal situation. Same goes for smoking, except NO SMOKING ANYWHERE. Anyway, that's my two cents worth.

Good man, not drinking will save you a fortune, it'll also probably save your liver. :lol: And not smoking? Good-o that's one habit I refuse to indulge in myself, I already have one vice that'll cost me a fortune, I don't need another.

However, I do make money out of drinking in turn, my friends seem to forget about the fact that I have a cast iron stomach and can take a lot of drink, we play various drinking games and place bets on who will win, guess who's the one taking home a nice £50 at the end of the night? :lol:

Sparda™;196415 said:
Don't get me wrong.

I'm out of shape myself when It comes to putting up a decent challenge in Tae Kwan Do. Maybe sparring with rapiers, some fencing. I got the equipment needed and the rapiers - don't worry - their tips are covered. :lol:

That'd be a laugh, I did quite a significant amount of training in weapons and disarmament, I'd love to give that a go tbh, haven't gone toe to toe sparring with someone with a blade for quite some time.

Sparda™;196415 said:
Haven't actually put myself to the test with alcohol, but I'd damn like to try It out with you - drinking I mean... :lol:

Heh, of course, the drinking. :lol:
In all honesty though, at times it's not something I'm proud of, I mean, sure, I can drink a boatload without feeling the effects, but it's always a little disappointing to see my friends around me having a laugh because the alcohol is starting to kick in a little, then there's me, having drunken more than any of them and still feeling nothing. >_<

Apparently one of my local pubs does a vodka/jagermeister thing that's served in a friggin' pint glass, no one's been able to finish it, anyone who does gets some sort of reward, money or something I believe, might have to put it to the test. :lol:
Angelo Credo;196420 said:
Heh, of course, the drinking. :lol:
In all honesty though, at times it's not something I'm proud of, I mean, sure, I can drink a boatload without feeling the effects, but it's always a little disappointing to see my friends around me having a laugh because the alcohol is starting to kick in a little, then there's me, having drunken more than any of them and still feeling nothing. >_<

Apparently one of my local pubs does a vodka/jagermeister thing that's served in a friggin' pint glass, no one's been able to finish it, anyone who does gets some sort of reward, money or something I believe, might have to put it to the test. :lol:

I'd love to see you in a drinking contest with Peter's dad... That'd be hilarious. You'd both get SO rip-roarin' drunk that you'd be sane. You'd be speakin' gibberish, but you'd still understand each other... Also, PLEASE remember to bring a camera... I want to see it! ;)
I also have a negative view on life... so if something goes wrong... i don't get disappointed or upset. And when something goes right... it's a nice surprise...
I'm 23 years old.
I look kinda like Kyrie. But no way am I that modest.
I've never smoked. But I have been known to drink.
I am huge gamer and anime fan. I play card games as well as video games.
I play yugi oh and Magic, the gathering.
(for yugi oh I have 3 decks. Spellcasters, Dragons, and Crystal Beasts. I am also buliding a harpie/blackwing deck.)
Trish67;196585 said:
I'm 23 years old.
I look kinda like Kyrie. But no way am I that modest.
I've never smoked. But I have been known to drink.
I am huge gamer and anime fan. I play card games as well as video games.
I play yugi oh and Magic, the gathering.
(for yugi oh I have 3 decks. Spellcasters, Dragons, and Crystal Beasts. I am also buliding a harpie/blackwing deck.)

Wow, you have all the traits of a girl that I am looking for, except for the modest part. (Yeah right, since I keep staring at girls who are dressed like Lady and Trish these days...) :lol: :lol:
I'm a 21 year old nurse and also training in EKG. I'm smoking again, and I hate it. It's hard to kick the habit. I'm an insomniac so I have to take prescribed sleep aids to help me rest. I was in the Psyciatric Care Unit (aka Mental Hospital) during the month of October. It was the best wake up call and step to getting better.

I'm asexual and childfree (lovin' it). I like to study mythology, demons, angels, and occults in spare time. I also collect old video games and systems for hobby.

I'm pretty gay for Seras Victoria from Hellsing.
Let's see...

I have just realized that in just a little over 3 years from now, I shall be thirty. This makes me feel just slightly old, especially compared to the average age of this forum.

I am currently looking for some kind of work that does not involve food service of any kind. That has not been going well so far. Therefore, I have been doing a bit of writing in the hopes that I will be able to sell that writing eventually. (Hey, if Stephenie Meyer can get published, then surely there is hope for me.)

I read quite a bit when World of Warcraft or other games have not laid claim to my soul. I am also a big fan of various sci-fi programs, including Firefly and Doctor Who.

I have three sisters and no brothers, and I am the only one who is into gaming. My younger sister is currently applying to grad school, and I have been thinking of taking the LSAT at some point in my life.
So, let's see facts about me:

*I've recently gotten into the Harry Potter series and I'm rather miffed that my two favorite characters die before the end.

*I think I'm developing a sleeping disorder because my room freaks me out so I stay up really late until either the sun comes up or I pass out. Hence why I'm posting this at stupid o'clock in the morning.

*The number 19 follows me everywhere but I haven't figured out if that's a good thing or not.

*I hope to become a medical examiner even though it'll take me 13-15 years of schooling to do it.

*I like sharing random facts about myself and will most likely come back to this thread to share more.
VI-Rainbow;196903 said:
I'm pretty gay for Seras Victoria from Hellsing.

Show me a woman who isn't gay for Seras Victoria and I'll show you a liar.

On that note, I'm very gay for John Barrowman and David Tennant.

Yep, that's just ruined my image.
Sparda™;197250 said:
Ah, don't worry. Everyone is gay for someone...


Hum. About myself...well, I'm 21, a Student. Studying in Multimedia Computing (which is kinda a combination of programming and media production ie. TV/Film). When I'm not online here I'm studying, when I'm not studying I'm with my partner of 5 years, when I'm not with her I'm glued to a games console of some kind or watching various animes/films.

Me + Nutshell = Above.

Well... I'm 16, live in Shropshire, England. Still at school and taking my GCSE's in the summer including: History, the 3 sciences, Media studies, Music and RE. I'll also be taking my 2nd year of japanese exams, which is meant to have a year long course, although we're starting next Tuesday, meaning we've missed a term of work D:! When I'm not on here, I'm usually on runescape with my clan, DFTD, doing some other form of gaming or just relaxing with my girlfriend.

All I can really say about me I think...
Oh, here are a few more weird things about me...

I aspire to become a lizard man. It sounds weird, but I would like nothing more.

Also, ever since I've learned about her, Renamon has probably become my favorite anime character. Besides Domon Kasshu that is! They're both about equally bad***.
More things about me

I'm a huge Lady Gaga and Emilie Autumn fan

I imagine I'm a super bad*** that came right out of a video game or something

I want to become an actress and direct/produce films. I want to make action, horror, fantasy films

I hope to cosplay this year if not too bad:P
Dark_Victory;197245 said:
*I hope to become a medical examiner even though it'll take me 13-15 years of schooling to do it.

Good luck! I'm a CNA and taking EKG as well. Keep your head up and those years will go by fast and you'll get a good job in no time. :>