I just can't bring myself to get exited. That song was the go to for every movie/tv show/character in the 00's who wore a trench coat, and that was most of them. If it wasn't in the trailer or movie itself someone made a fan video with it. It was also the song for
every trailer for god knows how many years, I think even a few romcoms used it. At this point it wouldn't surprise me if they used Bodies by Drowning Pool in either another trailer of the show itself.
It's not all bad. There's some stuff I like, but there's just as much I'm so disinterested with. I like whoever they got as Lady. She actually sounds like the VA from DMC3. I don't like the voice of Vergil. He just seems to lack Dan Southworth's poise and bravado. I like the actual fights they showed. That was what I didn't realize was bothering me about the clip they released. It wasn't that he had no sword but that he, being a martial artist, didn't use a single move to show off his skills as one, just shot at the enemy. I don't like the general tone. That line when he hits the A&R cameos and one of them says 'he's just so cool' is the perfect example (that didn't sound right, either, so I'm thinking it's a line from a different scene added in for the trailer). Everyone just says DMC is this silly, fun and goofy thing. I don't subscribe to that, at all. Both DMC1 and 3 had a very serious story, they might've had silly moments, especially 3, but they were fairly grim games, especially 1. The more time passes the less serious it seems. With every iteration Dante becomes less and less interesting to me. They keep thinking he's this goofball and they just compound on that. Those are the versions of Dante I dislike the most, which is, basically everything after 4.
I'm definitely going to watch it, mostly out of obligation, while trying to keep in mind that this is a high budget fanfic so it's not really going to impact anything outside of itself.
I wonder if Vergil is the White Rabbit in this incarnation. It's a thought I had while rewatching the trailer. That clip of the White Rabbit fighting reminded me of Vergil's swordplay.
That's been my guess as well since they released the opening animation. All the hints point to that.