I'm going to put spoilers on these things since they're kinda big.
Anyaway. Just some things I saw that I want to comment on.
I saw that busted building in the background and it occured to me that that's probably where an action sequence just took place. It was just a thought. While looking at that I noticed that woman on the bridge. At least I think it's a woman and I think it's Lady.
People say that those two on top of the trucks are Agni and Rudra but they have heads so I don't know. Anyway, it's the vehicle in front of them that caught my eye. There is a lot of military presence in this show so far. A bit unusual for DMC.
I'm not loving this look for Rebellion. The 'ribs' are too thin. The bulk of the sword seems to be gone.
Flintlock revolvers? That's kind of a silly concept. I don't even think they look that interesting.
It's a bit disappointing when they just do this, just a generic design. This would've been a good time to add a small detail, an easter egg or a reference rather than just 'Pizza.' We know it's a pizza by the box so have some real fun with it.
People kept saying that these are Berettas so I look it up and it seems like that's what they are. This really seems the biggest piece of evidence that it's another origin story. In some of the promotional work they gave E&I a DmC looking silhouette, and they still might give them that look, so this was a bit confusing.
Everyone seems to assume that that's Enzo in the background but I'm going to go on a limb and say that that's Mad Dog from the LN. Apparently the director already said that he took a lot of hints from the manga for 3 so adding stuff from the LN is not that farfetched.
The amulet seems to have gotten a very DmC redesign which is why I wouldn't be surprised if the guns will, too. They're blending a lot DMC this and that into this show so far. As a matter of fact, his whole design seems like it could be a blend of all of his previous looks (+Nero).
Yeah, that really does look like Jester without that cap and bells. Not sure how I feel about this one. Yeah, it's not canon, but repurposing the character can have a diminishing effect on their original presence in the new one if they have a misstep.
I think it was on Screen Rant where I first heard about sky beams and big portals up in the sky. It was definitely on a review of some kind and it wasn't being brought up as a good thing. They're not an uncommon visual, really. In Lord of the Rings it was a like signal for war but in Suicide Squad it was just a meaningless visual. I never noticed till they brought it up but now... In superhero movies they've become an overused trope so I get a sense of weariness when it's a main plot element.
Really breaking the cannon for all it's worth.
Speaking of 4, I wonder if that's a Mephisto. Also, who's that lady? I'm wondering if the show is going to have episodic stories rather than one, overarching, narrative.
I have no proof but I think that Dante is the one who kicked those people over the counter and that that's Cindy, from the other anime, he carrying.
There's something about the way he moves here that just feels wrong to me. There are some parts where I think the animation is lacking one's really sticking out and I can't figure out why. I don't know if it's the odd momentum or what but this scene felt off. I might be over thinking but it stuck out to me for some reason.
More military stuff. This is also not the same one from the freeway chase. That one had a large receiver on top.
They seem to be going with a different vibe for this guy here. In the Manga he was very stoick, calm. He never gave a smile like that, nor made any menacing faces.
Anyway. Me just rambling to myself.