As long as you have eyes, you can critique. Hell, video game reviewers critique and **** on games all the time and I highly doubt that most of them could make a crappy game like Duke Nukem Forever if their life depended on it.@Esura: I really like it. However, the blood looks a bit pixelated around the edges, so...maybe you could smooth it out a little to make it look more...splattery? might just be my com, but I can't tell there are words at all other than your name in it. >_< The broken glass effect looks cool, but it also kinda looks like spider webs.... *likes it though**wonders if you deleted the white bg since she doesn't see it* (And I feel hypocritical for critiquing you when my sigs look like crap. >_<)
And your words was very much welcome. Thank you.

Hiken, what text do you use for your sigs?