IloveVergil;5169 said:I always read in schools where thre are only girls...never met any hot guys in school
Thats cause you never went to my school ...............
..................There were so many hot guys there that i looked upto
IloveVergil;5169 said:I always read in schools where thre are only girls...never met any hot guys in school
IloveVergil;5246 said:Crazy??What makes u say that?
IloveVergil;5341 said:It wasn't my choice to study in such a boring school u know....only 10% schools in my country offer co-education....even in college there r no guys...only gals in white uniforms...that sucks>_<
IloveVergil;5442 said:Hmphhh....even most people think it's NORMAL....when asked that whose parents didn't think beating girls is okay..i was the only one not to raise my hand...that teacher i mentioned earlier once beat some girls in tha ass!!!!Can u believe that?