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The devoted
This thread is to help me with my RE assignment.

Please could you post up your religion, how it affects you and what country you're from, if you don't want to say your country, just say if you are in, or not in the UK.

My teacher asked us to use this IM'ing thing that's super safe to try and find 3 people with different beliefs to my own, but the program is painfully slow, and usually doesn't have more than 3 people online. Mostly brits aswel.

Do not flame. This thread could cause issues, but please don't argue over beliefs, this is making my job easier and it's being social.

Have fun chatting. ^_^
i am from Saudi arabia. and in this country the religion is islam.

how does it affects on me?

well as a muslim i have to go and pray five times a day. so my day is seperated into five parts

dawn prayer which is usually around 4:10 am
afternoon prayer which is usually around 12:00 pm
age prayer which is usually around 3:20 pm
west prayer which is usually around 6:15 pm
and night prayer which is usually around 8:15 pm

in my country school starts at 7:00 am and finish at 1:30 pm. college starts at 7:30 am. and well there is no spicefic end time. universities and companies starts at 8:00 am. for some companies they end at 2:00 pm. as for the other ones they end at 1:30 and start again at 4:30 pm and end at 8:00 pm.

we always think about god before we do anything. and we always ask god to help us decied what should we do when we face a problem. and when we have to make a choice we ask god to guide us to the right one.

well that is all what i can say about myself


Well-known Member
I'm waiting for something to believe in.
I believe primarally in energy, and that the things that make bodies work beyond the mechanics of organs and oil changes are true energies. The mind, the soul and so on, I believe that they are unique energies that keep us going, that give us imagination, determination and the need to be loved, be different and so on.

By the same instance, I'd like to believe our loved ones still linger beside those who loved them, not ghosts...just, presences, watchers and listeners maybe.

Who knows... but thats what I believe right now...and until 'god' or whatever offers me something else to believe in I'll stick by it because it makes sense to me, and thats pretty much all that matters when you believe something.

It affects me in a few ways. It gives me peace partically, when I think of loved ones lost, it doesn't force me to argue with someone about their belief because the two can't co-exist, its just there. Energy, Super-Cloud Hovering beings...could be one and the same for all I know ^^ and my belief gives me peace but doesn't stop me from looking and watching for other divine signals.


New Member
I'm agnostic and I'm from Albania.

I believe in an unknown spiritual energy or being which surrounds us.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Hmm, I feel in the mood to chip in.

I believe in very little, next to nothing actually, as far as a higher power goes, I think it's bull, we dictate our own destiny, our own fate and that's that, no higher being decides for us, we do things because we choose to and we have to hold responsibility for our actions.
I don't mean to bash religion, I used to be quite Christian actually, but I stand by the fact that next to no Christian has read the bible, that several thousand page sleeping pill, because when you do, the hypocrisy and circular logic really starts to appear, and then all the glaring flaws in your belief come out.

I believe in true logic, scientific, defineable, uncontestable logic, in most senses at least, though I combine this with two spiritual things, the object of reincarnation, and the object of karma, for one, I don't believe that we move onto a higher state when we die, I find it reasonable that we're reborn as something else, but only by our own will, I also believe that if you do evil, then evil will come back to you and bite you in the ass, and conversely, if you do good, you'll get something for it.

So, to summarise, formerly Christian, now anti-theist due to the realisation of the hypocrisy and broken logic.

And for those who are unaware of the term, anti-theist is not the same as athiest, anti-theism is a direct opposition to the belief of a god or a higher being, though you can still hold spiritual beliefs.

Bad Wolf

32 flavors and then some
I am from the United States, and I am a lapsed Catholic. In fact, pretty much everyone in my immediate family no longer goes to church, with my oldest sister being full-blown pagan. My dad, who used to be a deacon, no longer attends church, mostly due to not liking the new pope and the bishop of the diocese jerking him around, but this is neither here nor there.

At the moment, I would consider myself to be agnostic. I believe that there is something larger out there, but am somewhat reluctant to label it as God. I also believe that human beings have souls, and in reincarnation, so I suppose there is something of a Hindu/Buddhist element to my beliefs.

I have to admit, though, that sometimes that old Catholic guilt likes to sneak through. :lol: I often joke that, if I make a particularly offensive joke, I'm going straight to hell (despite believing that hell is a concept that the powerful came up with a long time ago to keep everyone in line).


Dodge this!!!
Satanic. No seriously. But I do ont sacrifice chickens ar stuff like that. I just err more on the side of the Devil than any other almighty being. Living in England and I have loads of Christian friends - and attend a christian youth group. Work out how that works :lol: I do Believe in all the gods and what not from other religions. I doesnt really affect me that much to be honest.

Ai-Katsumi Haru

odaya kana ha to ~ 穏やかなハート
Kamen Rider Decade;176438 said:
i am from Saudi arabia. and in this country the religion is islam.

how does it affects on me?

well as a muslim i have to go and pray five times a day. so my day is seperated into five parts

dawn prayer which is usually around 4:10 am
afternoon prayer which is usually around 12:00 pm
age prayer which is usually around 3:20 pm
west prayer which is usually around 6:15 pm
and night prayer which is usually around 8:15 pm

in my country school starts at 7:00 am and finish at 1:30 pm. college starts at 7:30 am. and well there is no spicefic end time. universities and companies starts at 8:00 am. for some companies they end at 2:00 pm. as for the other ones they end at 1:30 and start again at 4:30 pm and end at 8:00 pm.

we always think about god before we do anything. and we always ask god to help us decied what should we do when we face a problem. and when we have to make a choice we ask god to guide us to the right one.

well that is all what i can say about myself

same, but my country is Egypt not Saudi Arabia (the two countries r from the arabic world)


The devoted
I didn't realise how diverse the community is. Wouldn't mind hearing Angels telling of her religion. :p

I'm Athiest. I believe that we should be good, and that what we do, has concequences. However, I don't believe this is karma, just newtons law. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

I learned today that we actually didn't need to do this assignment, it was just a past time, but I think it's an interesting topic. And I'm glad we've all stayed on topic and not flamed. ^_^

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
I'm from Malaysia,and I am a Muslim.I am half Malay and half Chinese, and I am happy with my religion.:)

My country is a multi-racial country, Malays,Chinese,Indians,and others.However,the first three races are the dominant races. Eventhough my country is a Muslim country, other people can practice other religions, such Christianity, Buddhist, Hinduism, Islam, or other religions, although Malays are required to be Muslim, because Malays are the predominant in my country.

Living in my country has taught me that not to insult anyone's religion no matter what, as long as they are good people, and we should whoever they are.

Hope it helps you, Vauxchen-kun.:)


The devoted
It's all really helped. I'm mostly studying Buddhism and Christianity as they are so different, know about other religions and how they affect people will give me a boost in the exam. ^_^


New Member
My country, Albania, is predominantly Muslim, with Catholic, Orthodox and other religions making the other part.

Our country is taken in consideration as one of the few in the world to have a religious harmony.

Hope this helps.^_^


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
I believe in myself, and that's about it. I don't believe in another force, because I feel that how I have acted and done things is pretty much all down to me. Basically like free will, but not believing in any Gods or whatnot. To me there is no stronger being, just life as it is and how it works. And what happens, just happens because of how people act amongst one another. Simple, that's about it. I believe in myself, I am my own.


Bad a$$ Gunslinger
I am from the USA. I am a Wiccian. I believe in a divine goddess of nature. I am formly a christan. I used to a Lutheren, but that is a very long story. I think I offically converted about half a year ago or so now.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Vauxchen-kun;176418 said:
This thread is to help me with my RE assignment.

Please could you post up your religion, how it affects you and what country you're from, if you don't want to say your country, just say if you are in, or not in the UK.

Okay, I don't know if you still need help, but I thought it would be fun to post anyway.
I'm originally from South Africa, now a resident in New Zealand, possibly going to move to Norway when I'm bigger (haha) and finally retire in the Greek Islands. But I digress.

My religion is Christian. Just plain old Christian. I'm not going to define what that is, because different people have different ways of following Christ. I will say I'm not one of those who go around preaching 'you must pray to fend off the devil', or 'it's the devil's work that you got sick'. Because, in my opinion, I got sick because I went playing out in the cold friggin rain and was asking for trouble. And I don't need to pray to fend off the devil, because I'm not scared of the devil. The devil is scared of God, and I am a child of God (or I really try hard to be one), so I'm pretty much safe as houses.

How does my religion affect me? Well, it gives me something to fall back on. It gives me something solid and unchanging to hold onto. People change, but God doesn't, and to me that is such a sweet relief. Now, I might get judged by a lot of people because, obviously, I am obsessed with DMC. My mom will FREAK if she finds out. She'll castrate me if she saw some of the fanfics I've written, because let's face it, Dante doesn't have a clean vocab. BUT, even though I do jump into different things, eg. games revolving around 'savior' devils, researching and befriending pagans, trying to find the logic behind atheists, I am not confused about what I believe in. I believe in the Holy Trinity, I believe there is a Satan, and I do believe there is a spiritual battle being waged (a one-sided battle, if you ask me, the war's already been won) My fascination with DMC does not make me any less Christian, because it doesn't change my love and beliefs in God. It's called temptation. Everyone falters with this one time or the other. I just happen to be in a very drawn out struggle with mine.


The devoted
^You can't say "I'm from here, so I am here. Because I'm British, a christian country, and yet, I'm not christian.

Thanks for the help guys, we did the work and it really did help being able to say that I know different people, in different courntries, with different religious backgrounds, especially Trish's Wiccan beliefs and Sparda's mixed belifs and his country.
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