Speaking of a game for Sparda wasn't the announced and now cancelled one for the PSP supposed to be about him.
I always thought that if you introduced a new character into a video game series, it was an act of survival or desperation.
Something i never got about DMC's timeline was the fact that Sparda 2000 years ago before the events of DMC rebelled against the demon world and lived with humans. 20 years before DMC Vergil and Eva were apparently killed. Sparda was apparently killed when Dante and Vergil were babies.
So, that either makes Sparda a very old daddy. Or it makes Dante and Vergil older than what they appear to be. But, i am obviously digressing from the topic.
What i am trying to say is something along the lines of what GamblingGambitCloud is trying to say. Can't Capcom clear up what i don't understand, before trying to release a game where it explains Nero's apparent demon heritage.
Then again, if Vergil is supposedly Nero's dad, how would that explain every other character in DMC4 that had demonic powers of some sort?
(Sanctus, Angelo Credo, and Agnus/angus the demonic bumblebee.)
(Its early in the morning, if you don't understand what i am trying to say, i'll try and explain myself later;D)