Actually DmC does have the same effect, enemies don't die from trillion stabs and only from the final hit of it, the stinger launch. In fact, a lot of other moves have this property as well, which is why you end up getting slo mo finishers with various combos on the proper strikes. The other one I know for sure is Osiris Prop Shredder, that's come if you can get 2-3 enemies with varying levels of health in a shredder, they all seem to Sync die at the same time.
As for the moves having different properties, that's the whole basis of DmC's combat system, because every attack makes the enemy react a different way, moves have short launches, hover launches, high launches, short kos, long kos, every attack will impact the enemy differently and you are supposed to use to this create elaborate set ups if you see fit.
But there's something different to the chain system of DmC? The thing i asked before about channeling the moves and all. And yes, this was there from long in the series too: using prop or hightime to launch one enemy is different and leads to a different setup, using nevans launcher, a non-charged rising dragon or fully charged rising dragon too, or a JCed real impact and so on.
I don't know exactly when, but at some point this month DmC is comming to PS Plus, so i'll have a way to explore more the game.