rate the combat potential of DmC

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[quothe caiden, post: 531751, member: 18111"]I was getting ready to say the same. I hate when it reaches the point where everyone seems to be dancing in circles.[/quote]

Ya pretty much its getting that way :D
Oh like I said earlier, I didn't want to interrupt your conversation. I just had to respond when I saw Ron Paul. That guy is a legitimate racist politician and I can't have anyone convincing people otherwise. Now that I said my two cents, please go on. I think there are very legit merits on both sides of the combat and gamplay argument even if it runs in circles.
And automatic mode is retarded in dmc4 doesn't allow you to JC properly as it does random moves fr you I hate it with a passion
Of course it does! I hate Automatic too, for it is noob-friendly! And you'd have pre-determined combos done for you instead of having to do them yourself, which is rather annoying! >.<

Glad DmC didn't have Automatic mode!
RG does not have only his moves but add a bunch of possibilities regarding cancels that would be impossible without it (demonstration, these bunch of million stabs cancelled into each other are only possible with guard-cancel, there's another possibilities with buffering usage too like some reversed moves.

I actually wanted to make sure I understand whats going on in that epic credo video. You mean something like what I do in this video, where I'm cancelling stinger into stinger and etc.
Skip to :27.

Also, gun charge cancelling allows more unique DmC stuff like prop cancelling, but I'm sure you've seen that before, because lots of decent dmc players have shown it in action. But here's a particularly cool looking one.
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I just had to respond when I saw Ron Paul.
Hey, would you mind taking this to PM? I really would like to talk about this without being accused of "derailing the thread."

And just to be clear, I may disagree with you on this, but that doesn't mean I harbor any hard feelings on this particular matter. Please consider it.

Now then:

Not all Tea Party members are blatant racists.

I actually go further than that and push for complete freedom from the government (which would make me "worse" in your viewpoint I would think) through Anarchy (or if you prefer, a more "extreme" version of Libertarianism, but still advocating Agnosticism for those who seek a spiritual side and/or want to remain atheist (atheists are just as welcome in their meetings since it's mostly philosophy, science, and just life in general).

So yeah... I'm an Agnostic Anarchist. And I really do believe that that system could work. I say this without malice, but sure, you can call me what you want because of this -- however, I just... can't change my mind after reading extensively (but not so much that I'm an expert) on these topics.

Most would disagree with me, but the way you disagreed politely left things open to debate, in my honest opinion. Other people... well, they just flat out said I was wrong without bringing up communist and fascist resistance groups like the Antonov Uprising (Tambov Rebellion) and the French Resistance. Personally, I think talking about groups like these are key to a proper debate.

If we can PM, then perhaps we can come to a middle ground. I won't hold it against you if you say you're a socialist/communist or even a corporate fascist if you don't hold it against me if I say I'm an Anarchist who believes that absolutely zero government is needed for prosperous lives.

Or, government can exist, but I would prefer it to not interfere with my life at all... if that were even possible. Small government would still try to intrude on my personal life in some way, in my humble opinion, even if I were living out in the middle of nowhere.


Look, you had a hand in DmC, so you have my respect. I just wish you wouldn't immediately label Ron Paul a "racist". To me, it's seen as shooting from the hip.

Oh, by the way, would you also be against Gary Johnson for president? Or Jesse Ventura? Would you consider them all racists then?

I'm not mocking you. This is a serious question. I honestly would like to know (over PM, that is).


Letting the banks fail under our system would have resulted in a cascading avalanche of all jobs and currency saved. Making the current money meaningless would have obviously resulted in massive riots.
Iceland let their banks die, and they're more prosperous than ever.


https://twitter.com/IcelandSolution (oh look, Ron Paul again!)



Ok, dude. Now I'm getting mad. You have just openly admitted that "wealth redistribution"/T.A.R.P. is a GOOD THING.

Even Michael Moore got angry about that (and I disagree with most of what Michael Moore says and does):

Not to mention numerous other documentaries that have no problem blaming the bailout for our current problems:

Would you disagree with these people as well??

Having the government dive into innocent people's retirement funds and STEAL FROM THEM to prop the banks up is NEVER A GOOD THING. EVER.


And VineBigBoss was right. His country (Brazil) is STEEPED in socialism, and the people have risen and protested against it.



Hah. And people say that you "can't fight against the system".

You're really going to say that it's "different" with Brazil?? Especially after BRIC is planning on creating its own internet and bank system that EXCLUDES the U.S. dollar?



Another thing: The U.S. can't just, "do what it wants, either".

China is preparing to go to war with them. The U.S. is broke from its numerous other wars. They WILL lose this one (especially when (not if, but when) Russia joins in to back up China).


Let's not forget the incoming economic collapse:


Billionaires everywhere are dumping stock? I wonder why???


Sorry about all that. Let's just get back on topic.

So... DmC's lack of lock-on was Itsuno's idea I heard. It really wasn't Ninja Theory's fault that it wasn't there.
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Last post on this topic -- I'm sorry, but I feel that this needs to be said. Also, Meier hasn't answered me, yet. I can't really PM him with all this now if he doesn't want to talk about it, or doesn't have time to do so, now can I?

After all, I'm just another "Opportunist" Libertarian.

Ok, look. It's just that that one statement (the one with the banks saving "what's left of the economy" through the bailout) set me off. And it set me off badly.

Also, the fact that you said that there were "hardly any Keynesian economics" at play within the corporatist state also irked me, as well.


I honestly don't believe that. I believe the "hardly there" Keynesian policy is one of the main reasons (besides the Federal Reserve) that we're in this mess.

You saying that it doesn't exist isn't going to make it go away.



Playing the race card won't help your argument. Let's try and leave race out of this. Unless you really feel as if it will help your side of the debate that much.

Personally, I see it as a strawman, and will continue to do so (especially since you seem to be the only one who's really convinced of RP's "racism").

A person (whether Ron Paul or someone else) wants to cut government spending (that it can't afford) and present a budget that will save a trillion in his first year in office?? She/He's a racist!

He wants to cut socialist health care that's killing the economy? RACIST!

He wants to cut foreign aid (that the U.S. can't afford either)?? RACIST!

He's a non-interventionist?? RACIST!


He's a Libertarian?? HANG HIM NAO. :devil:

Serious question: you wouldn't be working for the government in any way, now would you? They've been known to hire people to "sway public opinion" on various sites in the past.

And if you're not, then you should send them your resume. You could be getting paid to do this right now!

Listen... I've provided links and videos for proof.

However, you yourself don't have to, and I won't ask you to, but I did it only to back up my own arguments (that I am strongly convinced of -- to me, they just flat out make sense, when all is said and done).


Now, as for his "Civil Rights" stance...

Giula_la_bella explains it here in this comment section (of the very article attacking Ron Paul and his "racist" views:


"The Civil Rights Act repealed the notorious Jim Crow laws;” for example:
“1956: Public Accommodations
All public parks, recreation centers, playgrounds, etc. were required to be segregated.
1956: Public Carrier
All forms of public transportation were to be segregated.
1957: Education
All public schools were required to be racially segregated.
1960: Voting Rights
The races of all candidates were to be written on the ballots.


Dr. Paul is in favor of repealing these laws, so why didn’t congress just sign a bill that repealed all Jim Crow laws? It would have been that simple. well, just like the Patriot act didn’t have much to do with patriots. The Civil Rights Act, of 1964 didn’t have much to do with equal rights. What it did do according to Dr. Paul is “gave the federal government unprecedented power over the hiring, employee relations, and customer service practices of every business in the country. The result was a massive violation of the rights of private property and contract, which are the bedrocks of free society. The federal government has no legitimate authority to infringe on the rights of private property owners to use their property as they please and to form (or not form) contracts with terms mutually agreeable to all parties. The rights of all private property owners, even those whose actions decent people find abhorrent, must be respected if we are to maintain a free society."

That guy must be getting paid by that damn libertarian. Screw them for posting the facts.



And damn his forums to the Ninth Circle, as well! :devil:

"Another common misconception - many people hear that Ron Paul said "businesses should be allowed to discriminate", and they mistakenly think that "Ron Paul wants to go back to the Jim Crow Laws and racial segregation - after all, the Jim Crow laws allowed racial discrimination".

In this case, you need to point out that the Jim Crow laws didn't "allow" racial discrimination, they ENFORCED racial discrimination. And that Ron Paul is against the Jim Crow laws too. Ron Paul supports the overturn of the Jim Crow laws - he just doesn't like the part of the Civil Rights Act that went too far in the other direction (and basically forced business owners to serve certain customers, thus violating the freedom of business owners).

Ron Paul believes in equal treatment under the law - business owners and minorities should have EQUAL RIGHTS under the law. The Jim Crow laws disregarded the rights of minorities - while the Civil Rights Act went too far in the other direction, and put the rights of minorities above the rights of business owners (thus disregarding the rights of business owners - so essentially, the Civil Rights Act is discriminatory against business owners). So the Jim Crow laws and the Civil Rights Act are actually 2 sides of the same discriminatory coin, which is why Ron Paul is opposed to them both.

Also see this: African-American Economist Walter E Williams defends Rand Paul's statements on the Civil Rights Act - "

His racist newsletter "stance" (which wasn't even his, so he had nothing to do with it) --

"Perhaps you might also want to point out that the mainstream media attacked Ron Paul non-stop about the newsletters - but now that the true author of the racist newsletters has been uncovered, the mainstream media has gone completely silent over the issue. The mainstream media did not bother to inform the public that the true author of the racist newsletters was James B Powell (NOT Ron Paul) - they are not concerned with reporting the facts. This shows how the mainstream media (and the establishment) is treating Ron Paul unfairly."


So no, Ron Paul is not a racist. And Libertarians aren't "opportunists" either.

And I just lost a bit of respect for you because you called him a racist outright without leaving any room for doubt, or even saying, "in my opinion".

You can't say it's fact either, because I've just explained why that argument has too many holes in it.


Back on Topic:

Let's have the next DmC implement both control options. Or, failing that, have it implement DMC3 controls ONLY.


Once again, I apologize to Angel, Steve, and Dark Drakan for going off-topic (and double-posting -- I did it to show all the youtube vids 'cause you can only show 5 per post).

While there will always be room for doubt in any economic and political theory, my doubts have lessened by the day and I really do think that this is the right path to take. If even one person listened and agreed, I know that that would make just enough of a difference.
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I don't check this site all that much. Sure PM me and we can discuss how the libertarian party is obviously a neo nazi organization backed by the likes of stormfront.org, the Koch brothers, and is determined to undermine any credible understanding of the world.
One thing about libertarians. They bombard anyone with numerous articles, YouTube videos, and other propaganda that no one will read in order to support themselves. Its all refutable mind you, they just bombard people with a lot of nonsense so it takes a long time to refute them step by step. After all its easy for the monkey to hurl **** at people.

These people especially respond to decent. Like the Nazis before them, they have no tolerance for opposing opinions. They will shout you down with a big defense ready to go. They have no real philosophical reasons to back them, but they will point to some propaganda piece on YouTube to support their positions. I can show you pictures of Ron Paul shaking hands with a grand master KKK person, but that won't deter them. They will scapegoat some guy working for Ron Paul as the guy that really wrote the newsletters that were sent out under the pretense that Ron Paul wrote them. They will dismiss the "southern avenger" guy that was a key member of Rand Paul's group when that guy had college thesis revolving around that black people are inherently lesser intellectually. They will dismiss Rand Paul and Ron Paul's idea that the civil rights act should not protect people in the business community.

For someone to come out and say that DmC is an anti Keynesian economic philosophy goes to show how deep this propaganda will go. DmC is an anti banker and anti establishment game through and through. Keynesian economics has hardly been used in the past 30 years and instead the supply side economics has been dominant. That is the source of our wealth disparity. These people will say that extending EDD, adding to the minimum wage, and giving most people better conditions is the fault of our society. Its not true. These people are opportunist trying everything they can to convince people otherwise. Let it be known that there is no factual proof that supply side economics helps people.
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Gary Johnson is also an opportunist populist that is agreeing with popular position solely because he had no chance of winning. That guy was libertarian to the core. The core philosophy and reason behind that party is to give free reign to corporation without any inhibitions. The excessive power given to corporations is the problem and that is exactly what extreme right wing parties promise. Anarchy even gives them more power. The proper counterbalance is a democracy in which the people have a vote in what happens. We distance that in america through a republic, but its still democracy at its core. More power to the people is the proper angle.
Gary Johnson is also an opportunist populist that is agreeing with popular position solely because he had no chance of winning hurr hurr
You know what, Meier? It's fine. Keep using the system that has served you so well (read: not well at all, since you've had trouble finding work and had your promotion taken away from you -- America is more socialist than ever, and you're calling for more socialism -- logic, right?).

About "democracy"...

We the People does not mean MAJORITY.
USA is not supposed to be People's Democratic Republic, it's supposed to be
Constitutional Republic where everyone is protected against the tyranny of majority.

The thing is, we're not a democracy, we're a federal republic. Most of the founders
thought that democracy was inherently bad. Madison, from the tenth Federalist Paper:

"A pure democracy can admit no cure for the mischief of faction.
A common passion or
interest will be felt by a majority, and there is nothing to check
inducements to sacrifice the weaker party. Hence it is, that
democracies have ever been found
incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and
have, in general, been as short in their lives as they have been
violent in their deaths."


We have three branches of government, all put in office in different manners.

Congress is directly voted in by the people (since the 17th Amendment, anyway), the President is voted in by the states, with power according to their votes, and the Supreme Court justices are appointed by the President, and confirmed by the Senate.

States are not required to assign all electoral votes to the winner of the election in that state. You can try to get your state to change to a proportional system, as Maine and Nebraska have.

Alternatively, you could move to one of those states, or to a swing state, in order for your vote to "matter" according to the parameters you've given.


About Ron Paul "shaking hands with the KKK leader" ...


Here's what a few of the more level-headed people said in the comments section:

"Nazi and KKK groups are protected by the first amendment, and they can support the candidate of their choice. If they choose Ron Paul, so be it. It doesn't necessarily mean that he supports them, their activities, and their points of view however. I know that a known Nazi from the group Stormfront has donated $500 to Ron Paul's campaign (a paltry sum compared to what he's raised so far), but that doesn't make Paul a Nazi at all."

"Because Ron Paul believes in freedom. Not this politically correct equine urine we have all had to live with lately. Ron Paul is endorsed by the Libertarians, who basically want everyone to be free (from each other, from government oppression, form wars waged for personal vendettas, etc). Thus, organizations such as the KKK et al would probably benefit from such freedom, although it would be up to us as citizens to police our own morality in order to balance out such hate-filled viewpoints.He's got my vote -- for the moment anyway."

"What gives is, you are using hearsay evidence to convict somebody.
Show a source or list website support for Ron Paul by Nazi or KKK groups.
By the way, Robert Byrd, a Democrat, is a former Grand Marshall of the KKK. No Republican can make that statement."

Democrats are starting many lies about Paul, because they want his Anti-War Supporters in their Fascist Democrat Camp."

"Because in America we have the freedom to support whomever we choose.

I would not be suprised if he has some farmers that support him also. (since I live in a tiny Farm Town)"

"His rhetoric appeals to a wide range of people. Not only are groups like the KKK attracted to him but anti-abortion and pro-choice are as well.
It's the oddest thing I've ever seen."

"Many KKK and Nazis are tired of the immigration problem. Does that mean Americans who are against illegal immigration are racists? They like Paul's stance on immigratio and see him as the only man who can truly stop and not succumb to outside influences. I'm Hispanic and I like Ron Paul. He attracts people of all walks of life. I'm sure he isn't supported by all Nazi and KKK groups. There are some who are probably throwing his support to Romney or Huckabee or whoever else. This people have the right to vote and just because they are voting for a candidate doesn't mean the candidate is a racist. Ron Paul's comments on crime are from his experience, many Americans even blacks have the idea that blacks are the ones commit more crimes. That doesn't make him a racist. This whole KKK thing has been blown out of proportion."


You can't complain about the "lack of freedom" with Libertarians (wut?) one second and then turn around and say that certain types of organizations are "not allowed to exist".

That's hypocrisy of the worst kind.


You can condemn him for "being photographed shaking hands with a KKK organizer", but that doesn't change the fact that he believes in freedom.

It also doesn't change the fact that you believe in the government having more power -- and therefore, believe taking away the rights of the private American citizenry.

So, I don't believe you for a second when you say you believe in "freedom". You're a supporter of big government and bailing out corrupt banks, which is the exact opposite of freedom. It's tyranny.

You support tyranny.

And no amount of playing the race card isn't going to change that.


You didn't respond to the fact that Iceland had the best solution (which was to let the banks fail and ultimately die), and they have one of the best economies in the world as a result, either.

Of course, you probably have another argument that tries to distract and lead away from the main issue, so I won't even bother. Do what you want.

You'll be in denial up until the government takes away everything you have. And even then, you'd probably still be too stubborn to admit it.

I'm not going to try to convince you otherwise. I've posted my arguments and sources, and you refuse to listen. Just call anyone who actually wants improve this country a racist -- the only thing it will do is start a race war and will serve no one's agenda besides your own and the people who have the same mindset that you do.

You're right about one thing, though. More power to the people. The thing is, you're not going to get that power by handing it over to the corporate fascists (far right rino republicans) and big government socialists (far left wealth redistribution people and gun grabbers -- Hitler, Stalin were also gun grabbers, just to let you know).

Doesn't matter whether you're on the right or the left. Big government will always lead to authoritarianism.

It's fine. I won't hold it against you. I give up.

Just to be clear though: I'm also against the establishment, but you seem to think that more government interference is the answer.
A Free Society is a Tolerant Society.

Not one that depends on government. You would do well to remember that.

Believe what you want to believe, I'm done here.

Ha ha massive thread derailment lol:)
Come dude, really? lol
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good stuff don't get yourself stressed it ain't worth it I know too well im stressed at the moment ive only just reopened my garage after the holidays and have had only one person in with problems now that I have a newborn baby I need to be bringing in the money more til my fiancée is back to work the joys of it ha nothing a good spin on the r1 won't solve
Well time to refute the complete and utter nonsense of the stereotypical Ron Paul fanatic I guess... Sorry guys that this thread turned into that, but hey when you say that wealthy racists are trying to divide the people you inevitably get apologist claiming that minimum wage and social safety nets are the problem and not massive subsidies to huge monolithic corporations.

Let's see where to begin after all that crap above. How about the illogical assumption that "America is more socialist than ever" and that that is the reason why there is an enormous wealth disparity.
So where is the logic and math behind that assumption? Minimum wage has not kept up with inflation and has instead lowered in worth over the past 30 years, yet we are giving more to the lowest apparently. Is the library out of control with our tax dollars insidiously bringing books to every town and city in the country? Company profits are at historical highs while people still suffer from inadequate wages. That's clearly a cause of allowing free market reign without proper rules in place to disallow companies from taking advantage of their workforce through a high demand and low paying system. Its profiteering.

What else. The whole "we're a federal republic" semantics argument. Its just a play on words designed specifically by right wing coalition groups to outcast the democratic party and affiliates by promoting the idea of republicanism. Was I arguing the system of government and trying to identify it? Nope. Did this shill worm this non-issue into the debate? Yes.

How about the defense of Nazis and white power groups clamoring to Ron Paul. So apparently their free speech is super important. So important, that Ron Paul and associate's freedom of speech will not distance themselves from them in any way, shape, or form using their own free speech. They instead manifest in a picture of their demigod smiling while enjoying their company. Here - http://globalcomment.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/ron-paul-nazis2-300x223.jpg
This guy claims that I said that racist organizations aren't allowed to exist. I didn't say that, I implied how awful they are and explained how they are affiliated with his party in droves. It's their right to exist and my right to publically shame them. For whatever reason this bullcrap argument comes up every single time racist organizations are pointed out. My thoughts are that they have no real defense so they will hide behind universal rules. Too bad they embody parties that are the antithesis of having universal rules and regulations. They no ground to stand on the matter.

That brings me to my next point. The Paul's opposed the civil rights amendment because of the "breach of freedom" of corporations in regards to hiring and business practices. They think its a violation of their rights to decide who to do business with. "Hey our business doesn't want to hire Chinese people, so they will be excluded." That is the people they are supporting. The thing is is we live in a capitalist society and in a capitalist society the people in mass need jobs to sustain themselves for every day living. Ron Paul will dismiss any racist business's from prospering as nonsense since "the free market" would do business elsewhere. The problem is we have monopolistic control in many industries. Koch industries, the people behind heritage action and many other conservative and libertarian causes that also own Brawny paper towels, Dixie cups, Angel Soft toilet paper... If the name is basically some kind of product you can see Yosemite Sam being a mascot for, they own it. Not to mention they own pipeline companies. Specifically they would be heavily enriched by the production of the keystone pipeline that all right wing candidates support. The Paul's call for an end of the fed and return to the gold standard. Good thing they have massive investment in gold and own numerous gold mines in southern Texas.

Going back to the argument of represented government. The people democratically elect officials to carry out business. That in effect becomes a government by the people and for the people. When you say crap like not depending on the government for problem solving, you by extension are saying to not depend upon your fellow man. The people do not want war, they don't want guns, they don't want violence. The people want scientific advancement, peace, and pragmatic solutions. Votes are held to keep this stuff in check.

So you can point to cases that don't match the weight of the US economy to try and prove otherwise. You can ignore the historical fact that supply side economics has dominated the economy for the past 30 years. You can blame the poor, weak, and needy for all of life's problems. You'll still be wrong.
Ok,something that didn't impress me in DmC was the combat,in my point of view.It wasn't very poor,yet not too great either.
I think they just added those flashy quick lights to make it seem over the top,but it wasn't. So I rate it 7/10.
(It isn't such a big deal 'cause it was a pro in other aspects,just like it happens with a lot of dmc games)
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