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Private RP/Shadowrun


Well-known Member
The group had been walking for several hours. Zu'Coni remained completely focused on what was around her. Sombra was still in deep thought, LOW was looking at the sky, Azel was picking his nose-Wait. What? Anyway, a small scorpion ran up to Zu'Coni and poked her in the leg. She stopped and let it crawl onto her hand. "What is it?" she asked it in her native tongue. It franticly said that someone was coming underground. It could barely get everything out before the ground started to shake.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Azel turned around and was instantly alert, hand on his holstered pistol. He nodded to Zu'Coni, showing that he was ready. "This is SO FUBAR..."


Well-known Member
"Spread out!" Zu'Coni ordered. A giant worm looking thing burst out of the ground right on top of them. It screamed and lunged itself at the person closest to it, Azel.

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
Sombra flyed to the beast trying to slash it."God this is a little strange". He could not attack the beast so he tried to warm Azel.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Azel grunted as he was thrown aside and the worm creature slid past. He got up and quickly pulled his pistol out, putting a few clean shots into where he hoped it's brain would be. No such luck. Instead, it charged at him, intending to swallow him.


Well-known Member
Zu'Coni used the worm's occupation with the other members of the party to work her way around to the worm's behind. She stung it with her tail and jumped back. Scromada poison is the deadliest in the world. "Let's hope this things not immune." she said. Unfortunately the larger the thing the long the poison takes to work, the worm rounded on her. "Well, sh*t." She sighed as it lunged at her. She jumped up and landed on its head. It bucked her off and redirected its attention to LOW.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Azel put a few more bullets in it's hide to make it stop charging at the LOW. Instead, it charged at HIM. Azel's eyes widened and he started running. "Oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap running running RUNNING!"


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Azel jumped up and grabbed Sombra's wrists. They felt slightly cold to the touch, but Azel figured that was just him sweating.


Well-known Member
"Get back down here, Soldier!" Zu'Coni yelled. "Never run from a fi- Whoa!" she jumped out of the way as the worm thing went for her. She took out her sword and used it to fling sand in its eyes. It shook its head and screamed. She then slashed at it, but her sword bounced right off. "Oh for the love of Vanue!" She sighed. The worm stopped withering for moment and shook violently. Zu'Coni smiled. The poison is starting to work.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Azel shouted back down. "I'd rather NOT be shredded alive like a living piece of cheese, okay?!" He pulled his pistol out, firing into the worm's mouth, piercing it's defenseless maw.

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
Sombra droped Azel in a tree, he spined his sword on his hands and flyed with speed to the worm, trying to slash his back.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Azel sputtered, leaves getting into his mouth. He hit the square of his back on a branch, immobilizing him with pain as he dropped to the ground, easy pickings.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
OOC: Guys, Nic can't RP on his phone. His internet keeps cutting out. Can we wait a while for him?


Well-known Member
Zu'Coni rushed over and yanked Azel to his feet. She threw her dagger into the worm's mouth as it headed for them and it screamed. It then shook again, this time for longer and more violently.

OOC: sure
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