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Private RP/Shadowrun


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Azel sighed. It was obvious that he wasn't helping, only angering him. "Sorry for trying to help, then..."

Nicodemus Zamoran

The Hellslayer Knight
*eyes soften to a dark blue* It just isn't the right time. You will understand when the time comes.

OOC: We should hold off posting till TCD gets back on.

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
Sombra spreaded his wings, ready to take off."So what do you choose Zu`Coni, we rest here by the night, or we continue to the desert".


Well-known Member
Without hesitation she replied, "The Oasis is only fifty miles in. If we keep moving we can reach it by morning. I don't plan to stop until then. God, or demon, I don't care, we're running on my clock." she smirked and continued walking. "Rest by day, travel by night. Any questions?" She asked sarcastically.


Well-known Member
"That's Captain,Private. Perhaps if you stopped mocking me you'd get promoted." Zu'Coni said bluntly without looking back.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Azel was incredulous. "Would it kill you to grow a sense of humor for once?" He asked, slightly angry.


Well-known Member
Zu'Coni turned at looked at Azel. "Would you rather be under a different officer? One that would punish you every time you show the slightest bit of disrespect, sarcasm or not. Boy, I give you more leeway than any other officer would. Be grateful."


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Azel rolled his eyes. "I'm 18. I've always acted like this, and you just now start getting ticked at me?"


Well-known Member
Zu'Coni stopped in her tracks and turned on Azel. "Boy, at your age I was already an officer. I don't want to hear it. Grow up. I've had enough of your attitude. In fact, if you don't change by the time this is over I'll have you transferred to Major Andrew's team. And you DON'T want to serve under him. Like I said, I give you more leeway than anyone else would. A lot more, so don't complain." She then continued on.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Azel sighed. "Yeah, I know... I swear though, you never cared before. Is something pulling at you?"


Well-known Member
Zu'Coni rolled her eyes. "I've always cared. You just weren't taking the hint. I apologize for yelling." she said quietly. "What am I doing? Apologizing for acting the way I'm supposed to? General's right, I'm hopeless." She laughed to herself.

Nicodemus Zamoran

The Hellslayer Knight
*looks back at the two again, eyes a darker blue* Honestly, you want us to make it to the oasis by morning, but you are falling behind due to your arguing.


Well-known Member
"Sorry, Lord Zamoran, I didn't realize doing my job was a crime." Zu'Coni smirked and picked up the pace. She glanced over to Sombra. He seemed to be in deep thought. She didn't bother to say anything to him.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Azel smirked and picked up his pace. "Lord of Weapons, don't critisize us for doing our jobs."
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