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Private RP/Shadowrun


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Azel looked at the cut corpses. They all began to wither and split, and Azel ground his teeth. "Not happening." He muttered, and flew straight up. He threw Annihilator in the middle of the pieces, disintegrating them completely. Annihilator then appeared in his hand. Azel slowly fluttered back down to the ground, his white wings glistening in the sunset. "We should rest for a while." He said in a serious tone. "You all look drained. Me included."


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Azel sat next to the tree, curling his tail and wings around him. He buried his face in his lap, deep in thought. What wasn't I told about my father besides his... Heritage...?


Well-known Member
Zu'Coni wanted to keep going, but Azel needed time to collect his thoughts. She sighed at the sight of his buried face. Poor kid... she thought. She knew what it was like to discover the truth about one's heritage. It was very painful for her as well. A pain she still feels.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Azel looked up, his chest heaving with silent sobs, but no tears. He looked at Zu'Coni, staring at him hard, and buried his face again. He was afraid to talk, in case his voice cracked and he started crying in front of her. He'd never get promoted that way.


Well-known Member
Zu'Coni wasn't one to show emotions. She hadn't cried in years and as a result gained a hard outter shell, but was a wreck on the inside. She broke down to her friend, Maria, confessing everything she's done before. Doing that helped, but she was far from healed. She didn't want that to happen to Azel. Zu'Coni went over to him and patted his shoulder. "Let it out, soldier. Just let it out. Only the weak hold back emotions. The strong embrace them and grow stronger. Just let it out."


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Azel nodded and as if someone had turned a faucet handle, tears started to flow. "I never knew..." He said between sobs. "What my father was... And just out of the blue, this happens...? Why now? I'm half demon...! Why... Was I cursed like this...?"

Nicodemus Zamoran

The Hellslayer Knight
*Nicodemus then walked over to the two, his eyes changed to a darker blue.* You are not cursed. You are blessed. I knew your father. I fought along side him. He used his demonic side as well as his angelic side. He was a great warrior, and so are you.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Azel looked up, his face streaked with tears. "Do you truly mean that...? What happened to my father anyway? What happened to Aden...?"


Well-known Member
Zu'Coni sat down along side Azel. "Just look at Sombra. He's a demon, but isn't a bad guy. Who you are is not determined by what powers you inherit, its by the choices you make. Its how you use what's been given to you."


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Azel stood up, his wings flapping with renewed strength. "I may not know my father, but I know he wasn't evil. Darkness and light can coexist... That's what he would've wanted. I'll make that dream a reality, even if I die trying."


Well-known Member
Zu'Coni stood up and brushed the dirt off her pants. "Just don't make the same mistake I did..." she said half to herself.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Azel's breath caught when Zu'Coni said that, but he didn't say anything about it. That subject was dusty and left in the corner for a reason.


Well-known Member
Zu'Coni looked at Azel closely. She wanted to warn him to be careful, but she hates talking about her past. She then eyed LOW. How much does he already know? She thought.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Azel c0cked his head to one side. No use asking about what's eating at him... He thought. He ain't gonna tell me.


Well-known Member
Zu'Coni could guess what Azel was thinking and laughed. "I'm not going to tell you either." She then walked away.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Azel sighed and looked at the now starlit sky. "Father... If you're there... Why did you leave me...?" No answer. Azel flew up into the tree, found a strong branch, and fell asleep.

Nicodemus Zamoran

The Hellslayer Knight
*Nicodemus stops by a rock and stared up at the sky, watching as teh coulds passed over the moon. So much alike to you, Aden. So much alike...*
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