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Private RP/Shadowrun


Well-known Member
OOC- No. Its gonna just you know...die. I'm just adding in the shaking and such for dramatic effect.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Azel couldn't move his legs. His back was broken. As soon as Zu'Coni had picked him up, he fell over again. In anger, he took out both his pistols and fired them into the worm's mouth until they were empty. Then, he slumped over. This is it... I finally get to die with honor, like she would've wanted...

Nicodemus Zamoran

The Hellslayer Knight
*Just then, Nic jumps in front of Azel to protect him, holding out his hands and firing black lightning directly into the mouth of the worm*

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
This is my...fault. Sombra eyes turned dark red, a extra pair of wings appeared on his back, and two horns grow on his head, his hand started emting a black light, he grab his sword, charging it with complete darkness and falling into a state of madness, he rushed to the worn, claws appeared on his hand, and he slashed the worm face, and impaled his sword on the worn face.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Azel grabbed his dagger and crawled forward, determined to end it. The pain was unbearable. He wasn't able to move very far without toppling to the side in pain. He doubled over, in a cold sweat, unable to breathe. Just when he thought he was going to die from the pain, a pair of long, white, feathery wings appeared from his back, and the pain was gone. Azel was speechless. He looked at Nic, his eyes pleading.

Nicodemus Zamoran

The Hellslayer Knight
*Nic crouched down.* It is alright, you are not dying. You are finally getting the powers of your father.*Nic then holds out his hand to help Azel up*

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
Sombra continued fighting the worn, it got a few bites to him, tearing pieces of his clothes, he could defend with pieces of the enchanted metal on his arm."You die, and i dont care how". Sombra horn lighten on fire, and the other on lightnings.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Azel took Nic's hand, his legs suddenly healed. "What do you mean 'the powers of my father'? Was my father part bird, too?"

Nicodemus Zamoran

The Hellslayer Knight
*Nic smiled a little.* Not a bird. He was part angel and part demon. He was a powerful ally.*Nic's face then grew very serious.* NOw, lets slay this beast before someone dies.


Well-known Member
The worm gave one last shriek before dropping dead. Zu'Coni's poison had finally worked. "Well that was rather anti climatic." Zu'Coni sighed. "Oh well, shall we continue?" She walked right past the body of the dead worm. The same scorpion from before poked her again and redirected her attention back to the worm. It started withering and split into two smaller worms. Live ones. "Oh great. We've got ourselves a Hyrda." She sighed and readied her sword.

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
The magic on Sombra horns was charged now, from their tips ball of their element were shot to the worms, one of energy and other of fire."This should make they death".


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Azel's hand involuntarily jerked outward, a bladed whip materializing in his hand. A voice carried through his mind. "Annihilator...?" He said out loud.


Well-known Member
"By all means, Private. Show me what you can do." Zu'Coni backed up to allow Azel room. "I'm here if you need me." She said reassuringly.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Azel's hands moved deftly, swiftly, and precisely. Annihilator seemed to make streaks in the air as it was swung effortlessly. Azel jumped forward, flapping his new wings and landed between the Hydras. He smirked and Annihilator turned from a whip to a broadsword, being swung and swung, cutting into flesh precisely, pressure point after pressure point.


Well-known Member
OOC- They're not actually Hydras! :lol: Zu'Coni was just alluding to the monster Hercules fought. But whatever.

IC- Zu'Coni watched with an indifferent look on her face. If he grows more mature after this I'm promoting him... She thought.
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