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privacy on profiles


Anti - Little D
i have a idea that on the user profiles and where the VM's are it has " view convro" and anyone can see that ....... i think that u shouldntt be allowed to go on to someone else profile and look up there convro's with other people ...... there should be like a filter or something.......

wat do u think


TimeLord Detective
Not a bad idea. I'd prefer it if the only people who could read the messages where ones who discussed in those. Let's see what the admins will say.


Is not rat, is hamster
Unfortunately there doesn't exist a mod that can do this - yet. VBulletin has new stuff coming out all the time though so it may occur in the future. Basically, if you are discussing something you don't want certain others to know about, keep it to PM's.


Anti - Little D
but as the little d situation rememebr so posted one of lod's pm's on my profile.......... nothings a secret on this place


Is not rat, is hamster
Then that is something which was brought to the staff's attention and dealt with via a warning on her profile to not do that again. If she does, further action will be taken. The profile function does use "report" if need be and if you happen to come across something which is really out of order then it needs to be reported.

We have no power over what someone posts until they post it and get it reported. If nobody tells us, we don't know - we haven't the time or resources to trawl through 6,000 profiles and every conversation within them so we rely on members to report things if need be.

Problem is, people retaliate on profiles and before too long, everyone is hurling abuse to the point where nothing can be done apart from letting it run its course. More often than not, after these epic-style arguments, people are still on each other's buddy lists and chatting.


Anti - Little D
i know what your saying angel but me and lod dont wont the same thing to happen agian ...... cant u closed the forum down for like a day and do the changed to make this place safer..........


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
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Xen-Omni 2020
I think it's a good idea :) Because as you said, private messages can be posted anywhere... So they aren't entirely private :) I'm with this...


Your breasts are illegal!!
LordOfDarkness;133545 said:
I think it's a good idea :) Because as you said, private messages can be posted anywhere... So they aren't entirely private :) I'm with this...

Well, if you WATCH what you TYPE then this wouldnt be needed. Guys, this isnt My Space, this is a DMC forum.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
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Xen-Omni 2020
Esura;133549 said:
Well, if you WATCH what you TYPE then this wouldnt be needed. Guys, this isnt My Space, this is a DMC forum.

^ As some people don't even use those social networks, a Private message is similar to that of a message on a social network... Such as MSN and Facebook. Leaking someone's private message completely ruins the entire point of private messages in the first place. Therefore some kind of filter would be an ideal idea...As even guests can view all of our conversations.


Your breasts are illegal!!
LordOfDarkness;133551 said:
As even guests can view all of our conversations.

This further enforces what I said before....watch what you type. If your PM gets leaked thats your own fault. This is the first time in 10 years of forum hopping have I EVER heard of someone's PM getting leaked. WTF?

Visitor messages is something different entirely. Visitor messages ARENT supposed to be filter, which is why its called "visitor messages." If you guys STOP talking about PERSONAL **** over VMs then we wouldn't have these problems. Geez. I feel the staff shouldn't add anything just to supliment yaw stupidity. You could always.....turn of VMs or anything bout yourself so it wont be shown on profiles.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Esura;133555 said:
This further enforces what I said before....watch what you type. If your PM gets leaked thats your own fault. This is the first time in 10 years of forum hopping have I EVER heard of someone's PM getting leaked. WTF?

Visitor messages is something different entirely. Visitor messages ARENT supposed to be filter, which is why its called "visitor messages." If you guys STOP talking about PERSONAL **** over VMs then we wouldn't have these problems. Geez. I feel the staff shouldn't add anything just to supliment yaw stupidity. You could always.....turn of VMs or anything bout yourself so it wont be shown on profiles.

Do you even understand what I said? Or did my words just go straight past you? You don't have to watch what you put in a PM, that's why they are called private messages... Duh. My PM was posted onto a profile, which is exactly what we've just been talking about... PM's are private, profiles aren't. But you can easily post anything private in a profile for anyone to read >>Which is exactly why a filter would be an ideal idea. I like using visitor messages, so I doubt people will stop doing that. I don't like the idea that anyone can see what we put, and that we have to watch our words... Makes me feel like I suppose to be all goody two shoes all the time :dry:


Your breasts are illegal!!
Im not a goody two shoes on VMs.
EVERYONE knows that.

What I mean by watching what you type is watching what info u broadcast out there, like personal info. I'm slightly open with myself but many are not.

Black Angel

Semper Fidelis
I like being able to post LOD's PM's.

When we where working on our dual fanfic, I could just copy and paste his part of the story onto the thread without having to retype it.

Just saying.


Is not rat, is hamster
That sort of thing, with permission from the other person involved, is fine - you're discussing something you are working on. Not the same as something along the line of "guess what XYZ about you? Copy&Paste - lookit!"

omenminator;133504 said:
i know what your saying angel but me and lod dont wont the same thing to happen agian ...... cant u closed the forum down for like a day and do the changed to make this place safer..........

black monster;133516 said:
yeah i agree with omenminator you should make it privat
There's nothing we can actually do to make the profile function private - nothing at all. It's either have it or not at all and to take it away for the sake of a few people who want to talk about stuff which they don't want others to read is unfair. Also shutting the site down even for one day will cost us massively in visitors, ads and potential new memberships - this and other sites are our bread and butter guys, our income - so to shut it down is to lose our wages, effectively. And it would be pointless because we can do nothing about it.

If you talk with someone who you know is untrustworthy with your PM's, don't speak to them anymore about stuff that could become sensitive - really is that simple. Block them if you have to, but like I said in my previous post there's no point in complaining about the actions of someone only to carry on talking to them, thus encouraging further confrontations.

Not even staff have the power to view your PM's - they really are the safest way to disclose certain things - but only if you can trust the person you are sending them to. If someone posts a PM without your permission with the intent to cause harm, then report them and they will be dealt with. But be sensible, guys - it's the internet after all.
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