Ninja Theory's working on SOMETHING...

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I did not say anything about HS going multi-platform. Where did I say that?

This is what I mean, read before you type and don't go putting words in my mouth.

And video games are also like movies. 1.5 million is only a good profit if you make enough money back after you've spent the money developing it. And considering people like Andy Serkis was involved when it came to motion capture which must have cost a pretty penny 1.5 million for an ailing console launch performance isn't very good at all.

Heavenly Sword was one of the games on the launch line up and the kind of game to show off what the PS3 was capable of. It had a good bit of demands to meet and simply failed in the process.
Personally i can't imagine Heavenly Sword breaking past 2 millions in it's lifetime. IT's just lacks mainstream appeal and it's not giant tech demo like GoW3.
What I've been saying that because of them wanting to go multiplatform HS2 was cancelled and it doesn't really reflects good on their co-work with Sony. Besides they didn't made any profit with Ensalved that was on both consoles either.
No matter what released next DMC, other side gonna boycott it and it most likely gonna flop.

Even though there might be some, I SERIOUSLY doubt that the hate for a DMC5 would bigger than it was for DmC. Look how many "true fans"/antis went on against DmC, did their best to make it flop, and cried for the original series to come back. At least there won't be any false bulshitty rumors about how DMC5 will end cuz everybody will LOVE a DMC5*sarcasm*.

Oh, and I heard that DmC's sales is at 1.5 million. Is that true? Anybody knows, reply.
Even though there might be some, I SERIOUSLY doubt that the hate for a DMC5 would bigger than it was for DmC.
Wow. This, this, and all of this (including the part of the post that I had snipped).

It's true, a few fans here and there may complain, but it won't get to the point where they would tell other people to NOT BUY THE GAME, like the haters did.

Anyhow, everyone would definitely be more or less satisfied with DMC5 --

-- because anything... ANYTHING... would be better than that flying pigshit frisbee known as DMC4.

Yes, even another DMC2 would be better. At least it gave us two characters who didn't try to copy each other so damn hard.

Also, shurikens ftw.

At least there won't be any false bulshitty rumors about how DMC5 will end cuz everybody will LOVE a DMC5*sarcasm*.
I think hat will be about the same. Especially looking at how half of DmC fanbase apparently dedicated themselves to bash anything positive about original franchise.
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No offense, but DmC made itself flop, it didn't need any help from haters. Many people who bought it never played a Devil May Cry before, and most other people feel indifferent about it, so you can't really use the 'haters' argument as an excuse. Haters or not, don't blame them for not buying the game. When I view YouTube vids or boards concerning DmC, I see a minority of haters, not a majority - just like the people who hated DMC4 were still a minority (though a large one). Usually I literally see two or three people argue about it, while others have normal conversations.

Anyway, it has sold sufficiently, but not well, considering it was supposed to appeal to a larger audience than previous DMCs (it was westernized too) and sell as well or better than DMC1. Think about it: DMC1 was an unknown game at the time, it was a new IP and didn't have a fanbase yet. No haters to attack it, no fans to praise it. And yet, two million copies were sold. A decent amount of people thought DMC4 was disappointing, but it still sold 2.8 million. Now let's look at DmC... 1.3 million after the deadline, now 1.5. Do you seriously think that's because of a minority of haters? It was also on three platforms, whereas old DMCs weren't.

I remember DmC getting a lot of hate before it was released, but I think it wasn't too bad afterwards. It isn't bad now: most people on this forum like DmC, and I haven't seen much hate on other sites. So I think the people who prefer DmC are exaggerating how many people truly hate DmC. Sure, there's some hate, but there's mostly indifference.
''Look how many "true fans"/antis went on against DmC, did their best to make it flop, and cried for the original series to come back''. *They don't have that much power. The only thing haters can do is not buy the game. Anything else (like sending Obama a letter, lol) is ineffective. As for people's desire for DMC to return, can you blame them? The story is incomplete: what happened to Nero? What happened to Dante that made him more serious in DMC2? DmC was also an unnecessary reboot, as was agreed in another thread. That means Capcom could go back to DMC. Now that Capcom will be bought, nothing is certain though.
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Let's list the complaints.

1.WHITE HAIR and Dante's alpha stage looks.


Second thing.

Accusation: Tameem wanting to be in DmC because his hair was like alpha Dante.

Answered: (Still looks nothing like Dante)

Third thing.



Fourth thing.

Dante and Succubus F you battle.


Fifth thing.

Positive critic reviews.




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Let's continue:
Cut in half combos
Lack of Styles
Terrible boss battles
Terrible enemy AI
Game is easiest in the franchise + easier than most big HnS-titles
Repetitive platforming, that doesn't served any purpose, besides making game longer
Lack of lock-on
bad idea with colored enemies
pointless DT

writing is annoying and full of plotholes
characters are bland, annoying and unsympathetic
Relies more on look than on actual core mechanics
glitchy (heard lot of complaints about them, only encountered one glitch)
lack of atmosphere

I don't think any of those will ever get responded to (though later half is subjective so can be ignored)
Let's continue:
Cut in half combos
Lack of Styles
Terrible boss battles
Terrible enemy AI
Game is easiest in the franchise + easier than most big HnS-titles
Repetitive platforming, that doesn't served any purpose, besides making game longer
Lack of lock-on
bad idea with colored enemies
pointless DT


Not sure what "cut in half combos" means, because DMCs use free-form combo systems. There's no set number of combos like in God of War or Bayonetta, I can make a combo last for as long as I want. Let's also remember that quantity doesn't always mean quality. Lucifer in DMC4 has like...what...? Six different combos, and I'm not even sure what purpose they all serve. Although, I also hate that weapon so I never really got super deep into it. Every combo that exists in DmC has some sort of unique purpose, and having access to every single one of those unique combos as part of your entire repertoire is great for combo creativity.

Lack of Styles is stupid because the Style system was archaic and clunky by DMC4. In DmC everything was rolled into a more intuitive system. Across all of the "modes" DmC employs all melee combos exist on the same buttons, dodges all exist on the same button(s), aerial movements all exist on the same button, gun skills exist all on the same button, and even the Ophion chain works by being part of the "ranged options" function that the Shoot button is.

Terrible boss battles - slightly subjective. Some of them were fun in their own right, but they're also more spectacle than challenge.

Terrible enemy AI? No. Past DMCs throw enemies at you that attack without any thought, many of them simply walking directly into your sh!t. In DmC, enemies attack to interrupt you, that's why if you stand around, they often do as well. DMC games are about making you looking cool and building up the Style meter for greater rewards - so instead of enemies that are solely punching bags that swing at you carelessly, DmC has enemies that distinctly plan on attacking you when you're doing combos - they're aim is to damage, but also catch you in your combos so you have less chance to escape, and also force you to drop combos and possibly even knock your Style grade down if you're hit. DmC enemies also love to flank and stay just at the maximum reach of Rebellion's default swing. If you stand there, Stygians will circle around to your sides and back, and if you turn, they will also turn. They don't like being in front of you.

Granted, this is all super great, but you have many options available to you to counteract their tactics. Sure, they broadcast their moves a bit too much, everyone knows that, but the enemies in DmC are far from dumb, barring glitches.

Ease is subjective - some people, especially those with an incredible pedigree in DMC gaming, find everything to be easy, and the past games were exceedingly easy once you knew all the patterns. There are some who played DmC and found the higher difficulties to truly be a challenge.

Repetitive platforming? EEEEELLLLOOOOOOWWEEEEELLLL~ Pretty much all platforming is repetitive, unless the game is so built around it that they have to come up with over mechanics (See: Mario). But y'know what's more repetitive and less stimulating than platforming? Walking back and forth. It's just something to break up the monotony between fights.

Lack of lock-on. The game was built not needing it. The game has a subtle lock-on, but it's also mainly controlled with the Left Stick, tilting the left stick overrides the subtle auto-lock and focuses on the enemy you're point toward. And there are very few ways where lock-on would actually help a game like this. "I wanted to lock on the enemy behind them!" Doesn't matter, you're attacks would have hit the enemy in front of them.

Colored enemies are a moot point. People deride them for the supposed lack of freedom they offer when encountering them, but there's a lot of creativity that goes into fighting them and still managing a larger Style payout upon their defeat. DMC is all about getting creative, and so now when an enemy restricts you and actually encourages creativity we complain? What about bloodgoyles? Dullahans? Soul Eaters? All these gimmicky enemies existed before. Not everything in the game is supposed to be a f#cking punching bag that just lets you combo the **** out of it.

The DT isn't pointless - it's just not the same as it was before. It's not a power amp in DmC, it's an Oh Sh!t button. People usually complain that the DT is too overpowered, which I'd agree with (because it's an Oh Sh!t button) compared to the relatively fair power amp of the past. but it can't be both OP and pointless at the same time. However, the thing is, that it works entirely differently - classic DT is a power amp that uses a meter that's refilled quickly in short amounts of time, so it's meant to be used continuously and often. DmC's DT is rather powerful, but it takes a long time to build meter, and its duration is small. Sure it's OP when in use, but it's not in use for very long, and you don't get to use it a whole lot either, unless you make it rain orbs and spring for Demon Stars to continuously consume.
No offense, but DmC made itself flop, it didn't need any help from haters. Many people who bought it never played a Devil May Cry before, and most other people feel indifferent about it, so you can't really use the 'haters' argument as an excuse. Haters or not, don't blame them for not buying the game. When I view YouTube vids or boards concerning DmC, I see a minority of haters, not a majority - just like the people who hated DMC4 were still a minority (though a large one). Usually I literally see two or three people argue about it, while others have normal conversations.

You apparently haven't seen the GameFAQs board for DmC. The whole thing is apparently just a breeding ground for sh!tting on the game, and most positive discussion is trolled or argued into oblivion.

The funny thing is that DmC did have a lot going against it, because there were a lot of "antis" (f#ck I hate that word), that went about consistently spewing misinformation and conjuring up slights to feel insulted about. New, potential fans were inundated with people sh!t-talking the game and making everything sound way worse than it was, or just making junk up.

Anyway, it has sold sufficiently, but not well, considering it was supposed to appeal to a larger audience than previous DMCs (it was westernized too) and sell as well or better than DMC1. Think about it: DMC1 was an unknown game at the time, it was a new IP and didn't have a fanbase yet. No haters to attack it, no fans to praise it. And yet, two million copies were sold. A decent amount of people thought DMC4 was disappointing, but it still sold 2.8 million. Now let's look at DmC... 1.3 million after the deadline, now 1.5. Do you seriously think that's because of a minority of haters? It was also on three platforms, whereas old DMCs weren't.

This is a little iffy, because back in 2001, Capcom had a much greater reputation for quality games than it does today. DMC1 was a game coming hot onthe heels of some of the best games Capcom had created in a while, and DMC1 also appealed to a very huge audience that also liked dark, gothic elements, slick gunplay and swordplay, and heavy rock. DMC1 really was a game that played off of what was popular at the time (Blade, the Matrix, Underworld). It didn't have a fanbase going in, but it certainly had an ocean of potential fans because of the developer's pedigree and the kind of game it was.

You also have to take into consideration that the world is extremely different than it was back in the early to mid aughts, the world economy is sh!t, and many gamers have grown up. Then, there's the burgeoning used game market and the ease of downloading - used games are never factored into units sold, and downloading is...well downloading.

But of course, sales mean literally jack anyway, as their not a solid indicator of a game's quality.

I remember DmC getting a lot of hate before it was released, but I think it wasn't too bad afterwards. It isn't bad now: most people on this forum like DmC, and I haven't seen much hate on other sites. So I think the people who prefer DmC are exaggerating how many people truly hate DmC. Sure, there's some hate, but there's mostly indifference.

There was A LOT of sh!t going around, which has made a lot of DmC fans gunshy, that's for sure. There were and still are times where voicing praise for DmC gets you sh!t on, and you still can't go to a DmC or Ninja Theory-related something without there being a bunch of trash talk for it.

''Look how many "true fans"/antis went on against DmC, did their best to make it flop, and cried for the original series to come back''. *They don't have that much power. The only thing haters can do is not buy the game. Anything else (like sending Obama a letter, lol) is ineffective.

I refer you to the multitude of misinformation that many people spread before the game was released, pushing a very negative opinion on the game wherever possible and shifting potential consumer thought towards a negative view. Case in point, EventStatus fanned the flames of the DmC junk for clicks and views, and reported misinformation whenever he could, never checked his facts (he got a lot of sh!t wrong), and blocked anyone who told him otherwise.

As for people's desire for DMC to return, can you blame them? The story is incomplete: what happened to Nero? What happened to Dante that made him more serious in DMC2? DmC was also an unnecessary reboot, as was agreed in another thread. That means Capcom could go back to DMC. Now that Capcom will be bought, nothing is certain though.

People don't like change. I'd love for more of the classics, but I'm not awaiting it with baited breath. Also, it was not universally agreed upon that DmC was unnecessary, but Capcom could go back to it whenever they want. They never said they couldn't, irate fans worried about that.

Y'know what else isn't certain, though? Capcom being bought. Just because it's not protected doesn't mean it's going to instantly get bought out. Don't be an armchair analyst.
Six different combos, and I'm not even sure what purpose they all serve. Although, I also hate that weapon so I never really got super deep into it..
That's pretty much summarize it. Also mashing button =/= combo. Than DW is best combo game ever made and it pretty much equalizes what DmC did. DmC made pretty much infinite combo with it's demon pull/angel pull, in return turning it into mash fest, while actual number of combos is ridiculously low. it has one normal combo, one timed one and one special + same amount for aerial.
Lack of Styles is stupid because the Style system was archaic and clunky by DMC4. In DmC everything was rolled into a more intuitive system.
Style system added tactical value to the game, which DmC killed, since it doesn't have any.

Terrible boss battles - slightly subjective. Some of them were fun in their own right, but they're also more spectacle than challenge.
All of them are basically sitting one place, shooting beams, or ground pound and whole battle reduced to hit weak point to make them immobile and kill them with ease. It was ok if it was 1 boss or 2 bosses, but they all basically same, with exception of vergil

DmC enemies also love to flank and stay just at the maximum reach of Rebellion's default swing. If you stand there, Stygians will circle around to your sides and back, and if you turn, they will also turn. They don't like being in front of you.
Enemies in DmC doesn't attack off screen, as such whole circle around is pretty much pointless. They rarely attack + 90% of them have only 1/2 moves. It's not argument, it's a fact. Additionally most of them helpless in the air. While AI of enemies adapted in DMC1 and bosses adapted in DMC3/4, in DmC there just isn't a single well made enemy AI. They all basically on level of GoW enemies.

Ease is subjective - some people, especially those with an incredible pedigree in DMC gaming, find everything to be easy, and the past games were exceedingly easy once you knew all the patterns. There are some who played DmC and found the higher difficulties to truly be a challenge.
As middle-class player i can say that i only find one semi-hard battle in whole game and than again it's Vergil on Hah because of gimmick, not because battle itself hard or anything. It's not subjective to say this game is easier than all DMCs, all NGs + bayonette

Repetitive platforming? EEEEELLLLOOOOOOWWEEEEELLLL~ Pretty much all platforming is repetitive, unless the game is so built around it that they have to come up with over mechanics (See: Mario). But y'know what's more repetitive and less stimulating than platforming? Walking back and forth. It's just something to break up the monotony between fights.
Platforming in DmC is basically always follows same pattern. Press pull jump, dash, repeat. It barely different from QTE.

Lack of lock-on. The game was built not needing it. The game has a subtle lock-on, but it's also mainly controlled with the Left Stick, tilting the left stick overrides the subtle auto-lock and focuses on the enemy you're point toward. And there are very few ways where lock-on would actually help a game like this. "I wanted to lock on the enemy behind them!" Doesn't matter, you're attacks would have hit the enemy in front of them.
How about "i want to lock on flying enemy, to deal with it first, but lack of lock on blocks me from it" .I encountered it many times.

Colored enemies are a moot point. People deride them for the supposed lack of freedom they offer when encountering them, but there's a lot of creativity that goes into fighting them and still managing a larger Style payout upon their defeat.
That system was basically copy-pasted from LoS, but problem is amount of them across levels. It basically renders lacking combo system even more useless than it was.

DmC's DT is rather powerful, but it takes a long time to build meter, and its duration is small. Sure it's OP when in use, but it's not in use for very long, and you don't get to use it a whole lot either, unless you make it rain orbs and spring for Demon Stars to continuously consume.
You pretty much summarized it yourself, and there isn't much said to it. It builds to long, used for short amount of time, and you usually won't manage to kill more than 2 enemies in it, so it's only good against bosses.
That's pretty much summarize it. Also mashing button =/= combo. Than DW is best combo game ever made and it pretty much equalizes what DmC did. DmC made pretty much infinite combo with it's demon pull/angel pull, in return turning it into mash fest, while actual number of combos is ridiculously low. it has one normal combo, one timed one and one special + same amount for aerial.

Dude...mashing buttons without care for what you do will get you absolutely nowhere in creating combos, especially continuous combos that garner Style points. I mentioned that every skill was unique and had a purpose, there's a lot that goes into making that all work together.

The Ophion chain's pull and lift are just more movement utilities, but they also offer their own attacks with properties.

Style system added tactical value to the game, which DmC killed, since it doesn't have any.

Sure, tactical value that was incredibly clunky unless you had a lot of dexterity. Here's something to think about, remove the thought of Styles in name, and focus on the functions - the functions are what offer the tactical value, and while DmC doesn't force the player to adhere to one Style and function set at a time (or necessitating the press of a button to switch like in DMC4), it offers you all of the functions more intuitively. I don't have to change to a specific Style to perform Aerial Rave and I don't have to change to a specific Style to perform Rainstorm.

All of them are basically sitting one place, shooting beams, or ground pound and whole battle reduced to hit weak point to make them immobile and kill them with ease. It was ok if it was 1 boss or 2 bosses, but they all basically same, with exception of vergil

Like I said, it was more for spectacle. The Hunter and Vergil were the best bosses in the game, and while the others were stationary (aside from Killing Face, who teleported a lot), it was more about a fun battle through the spectacle, and not the challenge, like fighting something like Beowulf.

Enemies in DmC doesn't attack off screen, as such whole circle around is pretty much pointless. They rarely attack + 90% of them have only 1/2 moves. It's not argument, it's a fact. Additionally most of them helpless in the air. While AI of enemies adapted in DMC1 and bosses adapted in DMC3/4, in DmC there just isn't a single well made enemy AI. They all basically on level of GoW enemies.

Actually, most enemies do attack offscreen if they're within a specific range from Dante. A tyrant isn't going to bull rush you from twenty feet away offscreen, sure, but they do still attack, and oftentimes if the enemy has the means they will circle about to remain on camera.

It's sort of a funny dynamic because oftentimes offscreen attacks are met with resounding criticism as a flaw in game design, either by camera positioning or the enemy's movements that give them the opportunity to do so. Usually, it's called out as a "cheap shot". Honestly, I say a game not cheapshotting its players is not something to whinge about.

As middle-class player i can say that i only find one semi-hard battle in whole game and than again it's Vergil on Hah because of gimmick, not because battle itself hard or anything. It's not subjective to say this game is easier than all DMCs, all NGs + bayonette

No, it's subjective because you just talked about your own f#cking experiences with the game. Your experiences do not count as everyone else's.

Platforming in DmC is basically always follows same pattern. Press pull jump, dash, repeat. It barely different from QTE.

What a shock, jumping over sh!t follows a simple pattern! It's different than a QTE because it's not a QTE. And it's still more stimulating that walking. This is one of the stupidest nitpicks I've ever heard.

How about "i want to lock on flying enemy, to deal with it first, but lack of lock on blocks me from it" .I encountered it many times.

Theeeeeeeeeen properly switch the target lock with L3? Did you know you could do that? Ooooor you could use your innumerable movement options to dance right up to the target.

That system was basically copy-pasted from LoS, but problem is amount of them across levels. It basically renders lacking combo system even more useless than it was.

I'm sorry to say man, then you just don't know what you're doing. There's still a lot of combo potential that can be done on colored enemies. Maybe it's just because you're a "middle-class" player, or maybe it's because you just never bothered to get more creative.

You pretty much summarized it yourself, and there isn't much said to it. It builds to long, used for short amount of time, and you usually won't manage to kill more than 2 enemies in it, so it's only good against bosses.

Won't manage to kill more than two enemies in one DT? You...aren't very good then, sorry. The DmC Devil Trigger works perfectly for what it is in DmC.
Dude...mashing buttons without care for what you do will get you absolutely nowhere in creating combos, especially continuous combos that garner Style points. I mentioned that every skill was unique and had a purpose, there's a lot that goes into making that all work together.
skill =/= combo either. Also there is no particular need to get long combo for style either. Even with patch games gifts you with SP for nothing.

Sure, tactical value that was incredibly clunky unless you had a lot of dexterity. Here's something to think about, remove the thought of Styles in name, and focus on the functions - the functions are what offer the tactical value, and while DmC doesn't force the player to adhere to one Style and function set at a time (or necessitating the press of a button to switch like in DMC4), it offers you all of the functions more intuitively. I don't have to change to a specific Style to perform Aerial Rave and I don't have to change to a specific Style to perform Rainstorm.
There is not tactical value in DmC. It just non existent. Throwing all moves together only killed replay value, because there isn't much to learn after 2 playthroughs. Rest just repeating same moves over and over and over. Yeah you can artificaly rise challenge by putting limits. But you can do it with any game.

it was more about a fun battle through the spectacle, and not the challenge, like fighting something like Beowulf.
That's why i think bosses are atrociously made. If i want to watch something fun I can just seat through cutscenes.

Actually, most enemies do attack offscreen if they're within a specific range from Dante. A tyrant isn't going to bull rush you from twenty feet away offscreen, sure, but they do still attack, and oftentimes if the enemy has the means they will circle about to remain on camera..
They didn't by me. They NEVER attacked off screen for me, and I've beaten it on all difficulties. IT makes them easy to manipulate and deal with it. Tyrants are one of the most basic enemies and easily dealt with because of their abysmal AI.

It's sort of a funny dynamic because oftentimes offscreen attacks are met with resounding criticism as a flaw in game design, either by camera positioning or the enemy's movements that give them the opportunity to do so. Usually, it's called out as a "cheap shot". Honestly, I say a game not cheapshotting its players is not something to whinge about.
Making game even easier than it already is.

No, it's subjective because you just talked about your own f#cking experiences with the game. Your experiences do not count as everyone else's.
IT's fact confirmed by most. Saying it's harder than NG or Bayonetta, sorry. IT's just not true. Simple as that. Besides i know person who didn't played on consoles at all, who didn't had single trouble getting through first couple of levels (can't say how far she got, I know only that she beaten Hunter without any effort)

What a shock, jumping over sh!t follows a simple pattern! It's different than a QTE because it's not a QTE. And it's still more stimulating that walking. This is one of the stupidest nitpicks I've ever heard.
There is difference between platforming that is obstacle and platforming that just there to drag time and make game appear longer than it's actually is.

Theeeeeeeeeen properly switch the target lock with L3? Did you know you could do that? Ooooor you could use your innumerable movement options to dance right up to the target.
MEanwhile getting slaughtere by another. + movement won't work, because in auto-lock on Dante always moves toward enemy he locked into.

I'm sorry to say man, then you just don't know what you're doing. There's still a lot of combo potential that can be done on colored enemies. Maybe it's just because you're a "middle-class" player, or maybe it's because you just never bothered to get more creative.
You can't call potential something that limits you to 2 weapons at a time. + Angel weapons does to little damage and are taking forever to kill enemy with

Won't manage to kill more than two enemies in one DT? You...aren't very good then, sorry. The DmC Devil Trigger works perfectly for what it is in DmC.
Because enemies are damage sponges in DmC. Beating more enemies are only possible with lesser ones, since time is to limited for DT usage. But it makes no sense to use it against normal enemies and Witches, Drekavaks, Tyrants etc absorb to much damage before dying. Though i never bothered using it on lower difficulties because it was pretty much useless.
skill =/= combo either. Also there is no particular need to get long combo for style either. Even with patch games gifts you with SP for nothing.

Combos will always require a certain amount of skill, dude, unless it's some Kingdom Hearts/Persona 4 Arena auto-combo shenanigans. Especially when you have to continuing a combo by bridging skills from the previous attack's effect, or replacing the step in a combo before the effect goes it - case in point, juggling a butcher requires a decent amount of skill to keep it aloft.

Sure, the game's Style system is lenient, but it still won't rise without varied and aggressive combos and avoiding getting hit. Ultimately though, the fact that the Style system is lenient is utterly irrelevant - its simple a reward multiplier.

And I'm not gonna argue the necessity for long combos, because that is the stupidest thing you could do.

There is not tactical value in DmC. It just non existent. Throwing all moves together only killed replay value, because there isn't much to learn after 2 playthroughs. Rest just repeating same moves over and over and over. Yeah you can artificaly rise challenge by putting limits. But you can do it with any game.

Right, because we should totally take the word of someone who doesn't like or know the game like others in the community do. It has the same tactical value as DMC3 or DMC4 because it has all the same functions in it, which have all the same applications. If you can't see the tactical value that skills have in the game, that's on you, and you should probably do more research before running your mouth about it.

Devil May Cry games do not have much replay value themselves beyond the higher difficulty settings, beyond that it's all player interest to create flashy and beautiful combos, and people have done that for DmC as much as they have for the classics. Do you know about the tricks that you can even do in the game? I'd wager not.

That's why i think bosses are atrociously made. If i want to watch something fun I can just seat through cutscenes.

Hokai, others will be happy to enjoy them while you sit in your grumpy chair.

They didn't by me. They NEVER attacked off screen for me, and I've beaten it on all difficulties. IT makes them easy to manipulate and deal with it. Tyrants are one of the most basic enemies and easily dealt with because of their abysmal AI.

Well I don't know what to tell you, I would say you're just lying to hold steadfast to your point, because that's not at all how the game has worked for others. There is a certain range that's "offscreen" but is still has the enemies attack *shrug*

Making game even easier than it already is.

I'll be happy with a game that doesn't take cheap shots at the player to be perceived as "more challenging". People b!tch about artificial difficulty? When the game exploits things that you can't making a confrontation uneven, that's just bad game developing.

IT's fact confirmed by most. Saying it's harder than NG or Bayonetta, sorry. IT's just not true. Simple as that. Besides i know person who didn't played on consoles at all, who didn't had single trouble getting through first couple of levels (can't say how far she got, I know only that she beaten Hunter without any effort)

I never said it was harder than Ninja Gaiden or Bayonetta... And by all means we should totally take your word about this random person you know. Why are you so adamant about DmC being easy anyway? What does it even matter in the end? The top-level of DMC gameplay is either stylish combo videos or showing off no-damage runs that become all about pattern-recognition, which aren't feats of overcoming a challenge, but feats of skill.

The game wasn't meant to be DMC3 standard edition ball-crushingly difficult, it was meant to have a low entry bar and a high ceiling, just as it does.

There is difference between platforming that is obstacle and platforming that just there to drag time and make game appear longer than it's actually is.

And the exact same thing can be said about DMC's tired ol' "walk around taking items and putting them in other places" junk that arbitrarily extended the time until you could bash more skulls in. I'll take something half-way exciting like jumping than just tilting the stick forward.

The sad part is that in DMC1 the schtick was at its purest, where it actually helped build the world around the player a bit, but even then it was already a tired mainstay from Resident Evil. Then, it just got diluted into "take item from here, put it in here" by DMC4.

You wanna b!tch about gamepadding in DmC? The one puzzle it has near the end of the game - that's silly gamepadding. Platforming is a way to spice up traversal so people aren't nearly as bored as they would have been just walking around.

MEanwhile getting slaughtere by another. + movement won't work, because in auto-lock on Dante always moves toward enemy he locked into.

How is that any different from tapping the button to switch targets in DMC3 or DMC4 that has lock-on? There is virtually no difference, other than you sucking at DmC, apparently.

And movement won't work...? So you don't know how to Angel Glide, jump, or dodge, either? Gotcha.

You can't call potential something that limits you to 2 weapons at a time. + Angel weapons does to little damage and are taking forever to kill enemy with

I say potential because people seem to think that when faced by a colored enemy all you can do is spam attack, but no, there's a lot of potential in the combat and skills that are still available that can be used to great effect - 180 Helm Breakers, Jump Canceling, etc. Angel weapons do little damage? You apparently don't know how those work...

Because enemies are damage sponges in DmC. Beating more enemies are only possible with lesser ones, since time is to limited for DT usage. But it makes no sense to use it against normal enemies and Witches, Drekavaks, Tyrants etc absorb to much damage before dying. Though i never bothered using it on lower difficulties because it was pretty much useless.

If you can't kill witches, Dreks, or Tyrants in one DT then you're just not trying - gotta be more aggressive, and y'know...get in really long combos without a lot of pauses. Don't blame the game for your shortcomings...

If I had to venture a guess - a lot of your shallow criticism is because you're expecting DmC's systems and mechanics to work like the classics, which they don't. They rebuilt a different system full of different mechanics that makes the game play just like the classics, but there's a lot of new stuff to learn, especially about how mechanics work.

Haters in disguise.
Less than meets the eye.
No offense, but DmC made itself flop, it didn't need any help from haters.
So you admit to being a hater then.​

Fifth thing.

Surprise, surprise. They made Libertarians the bad guys.

This isn't just another reason for me to hate P*ss Games and anything MG-related, this is my top reason. The only reason I would ever need to do so.

****. them. all.
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As for people's desire for DMC to return, can you blame them? The story is incomplete: what happened to Nero? What happened to Dante that made him more serious in DMC2?

You say that like DmC is all finished and wrapped up in a pretty bow. Now that Limbos in the real world what next? What will Dante do now? How will Vergil return to the real world? What of their dad? who will be the next demon king? DmC has plenty of room to continue from compared to DMC, whose answers can be answered easily with just words from the directors. I don't see there being a reason to make a game about what happen to Nero since it's clear that he's with Kyrie in Fortuna as the credits showed, meanwhile I find it pretty unnecessary to make a DMC game sole to find out why Dante's on his demon man period during DMC2.
You say that like DmC is all finished and wrapped up in a pretty bow. Now that Limbos in the real world what next? What will Dante do now? How will Vergil return to the real world? What of their dad? who will be the next demon king? DmC has plenty of room to continue from compared to DMC, whose answers can be answered easily with just words from the directors. I don't see there being a reason to make a game about what happen to Nero since it's clear that he's with Kyrie in Fortuna as the credits showed, meanwhile I find it pretty unnecessary to make a DMC game sole to find out why Dante's on his demon man period during DMC2.
Both series had plenty of possibility in my opinion. I heard there was a novel saying Nero opened a demon killing business just like Dante did in the original.

As for the reboot, c'mon, who didn't sense a sequel coming? They are basically begging for sequel for this one.
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