We have to remember something about NT.
No one hated them because they were amateur.
A lot of people hated them because they were amateur AND working on a series that's highly regarded for not being amateur.
(Supporters of this game, feel free to take this as a white flag of sorts, but note I'm still a skeptic)
I didn't want to admit the following detail until last night when my little sister broke my copy of the game to get me mad (Don't worry, justice was served).
Is that part of the reason I dislike this game is BECAUSE it's good, and because of NT's track record to that point.
No matter how much I try to enjoy it, I have a little voice in my head screaming about
"What!? This shouldn't be good. This developer isn't that good with combat! It must be hiding something! My gosh, it's Dead Space all over again! I must find the gimmick causing me to play!" ( I had that feeling with Dead Space because of EA)
I know this sounds stupid, but here's how I see it. When it comes to media, once we notice the trend, we set certain expectations, such as:
- Adam Sandler isn't funny
- Hugh Jackman is the most memorable thing in every movie he is in, because Hugh Jackman
- Michael Bay movies are testosterone fueled popcorn flicks, full of misogyny and explosions.
- Stallone and Schwarzenegger can never be taken seriously.
- Nickelback can't make good music
- EA and Activision can't make good games.
- Call of Duty is boring and un-innovative
At the same time:
- Hotel Transylvania
- Not a single thing in Happy Feet is memorable
- The new TMNT looks to have significantly less explosions than usual
- Stallone was not only serious in the Rocky movies, but in First Blood Part 1, was pretty good at silent acting. Same goes for Arnold in the first 2 Terminators
- "Burn it to the Ground was actually pretty decent.
- As said above, Dead Space, and as said below,
- While Call of Duty tends to be un-innovative and broken. From what I recall playing of them, if you got the right people to play with, or just got a bunch of friends to join the same game. It's extremely fun to just play to be able to trash talk like you were in high school while shooting everything in front of you
Regardless, the all but one of the cliches above (I grew up on 80s media, Sly and Arnold are in the clear), are still freaking laser-burned into my mind. And I have to think into it to remind myself they aren't true
In my eyes, the same went for DmC
So now that NT is working on something else, it should be interesting to see reactions and what not