Pain and pleasure... I've got it all.
It was used merely for example purposes as in to disprove the statement that NT didn't receive death threats and that it was just a marketing scam. They obviously received death threats due to the fan reaction. Here's a hint to all those who don't like DmC: IGNORE IT DON'T B*TCH ABOUT IT!!! I do get your point and probably should've found a better example but I'm lazy!
Ignoring problems doesn't fix them, i understand that alot of DmC fans are getting annoyed by "fanboys" of the previous games but some of us are actually trying to be constructive in our criticism even if at times we find ourselves coming across as overly passionate about what we are saying, i am especially guilty of this as i truly wish to see change in the gaming industry, not just from NT or Capcom but from quite a few developers.
Which leads to me another thing i've been seeing around the forums (unrelated to your post Frazz, this part isn't directed to you) the past few days, certain DmC fans calling everybody who argues with them "Trolls", which is something i'm fed up with because it's not only asinine but it's also just another way of sticking their fingers in their ears and shouting "LA-LA-LA! I CAN'T HEAR YOU" after somebody says something they don't like, want to hear or, dare i say, proven wrong.