Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Rihanna...comes to mind....
"S&M" song now comes to mind...AH! Now everytime I see Kat I think of S&M Kat!! NO! AND SHE WAS SO YOUNG!!>_<^_^
Rihanna...comes to mind....
"S&M" song now comes to mind...AH! Now everytime I see Kat I think of S&M Kat!! NO! AND SHE WAS SO YOUNG!!>_<^_^
AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I only have one thing to say to that;
Tameen said the angels will not be as they seem, and Dante's scythe, Osiris is an angel weapon.
I see no punk related feeling in Kat at all....she gives the vibe of someone who listens to alternative rock...especially rocking that spray paint and rihanna look
Dude, now you got Nicki Minaj's sone A** A** A** song stuck in my head!
I see no punk related feeling in Kat at all....she gives the vibe of someone who listens to alternative rock...especially rocking that spray paint and rihanna look
So this chick gets to see Dante's wang?
Oh, and as an extra note, you can tell that Kat is based off of Kai from Heavenly Sword.
If I can remember, Kai saw stuff that nobody else could see (as a sign of her being crazy, I think) and she had a pretty immature view of the world, acting almost like a child herself.
Plus, Kai wore blue and had dark eyeshadow, carrying a large, tubular thing on her back (which she shoots her arrows from).
In fact, Kat and Kai almost look alike.
It is unlikely to be the knock-on scene. It is more likely a after-fight scene. Look at the sky. It is the early morning instead of mid-night.she's the mysterious girl that knocks on Dante's trailer, and he just steps outside, in his birthday suit. She tells him a Demon is coming and......well.. a giant DEMON comes
kai had PTSD as she went crazy from watching her mom die.
Maybe Kat fights with a crossbow.
Well, it is my personal theory that Dante is crazy. Maybe Kat is too.
And Kat having a crossbow would... how do I put this... too predictable?
hmmm well i definitely see emotion in alot of her pics, but different interpretations i guess.She is like the chick from twilight...in all the pics ive seen...not one hint of emotion...hence why I call her fake....it made me laugh
maybe they met in a mental hospital, ala that episode of supernatural and teamed up to fight some demon a few years back.
if she had a little helper creature, would that be predictable because it would remind you of trip..