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Nero's and Kyrie's relationship


that zzzombiekid
I think that it is kinda silly to firstly say:
1. Kyrie is Nero's mother.
2. He holds a special place in his heart for her.
3. She is also like an older sister to him.
Do you think that they would make a good match together? For me, I will probably say no. And, about everyone saying that she is in love with Dante, can someone give me an explanation for that?:\ What do you think?


Well-known Member
Maybe there were some initial translation problems. Right now, it just seems like they are childhood friends, and he'd like to bang her


that zzzombiekid
Childhood friends? I dont know. I mean, Kyrie must be older than him to almost be his mother or older sister, right? They did say that anyway.


Well-known Member
Maybe there was no mistake. She can be a mother figure to him, but he can still want to do it. She isn't actually his mother. Was it stated when she 'adopted' him? She doesn't look much older than him in my opinion. He looks between 17-20, she looks about the same to me, maybe early twenties. She doesn't have any stubble like Dante has to signify his age.


Wesker's #1 fan!
Kyrie is not Nero's mother, and she's not his sister either. As for the childhood friends thing, I don't see anything wrong with that. Pleaty of childhood friends end up falling in love when they get older.


that zzzombiekid
Maybe, because Nero wouldnt fall in love with Kyrie, Vergil will. But, just to say, I dont like Kyrie. She looks like a damn b****.


that zzzombiekid
But, on the video interview, he said there will be some romance involved between Nero and Kyrie. It isnt only from the trailer, you see.


i think everyone clearly see that Nero is in love with Kyrie, right? that´s a fact. i don´t like Kyrie, but that´s a fact. i don´t know if she feels the same way as Nero, but he clearly loves her, but i think she only sees Nero like a realy prity brother, but that´s only my opinion...


that zzzombiekid
It's a wierd realtionship. I mean, firstly, on the website they say Kyrie is like Nero's mother blah blah. Now, on the video interview, they say there is going to be some romance between the two character's, Nero and Kyrie. I mean, if someone is playing the game and never read this thread and read the website one they would be like, "WTF!? NERO IS IN LOVE WITH HIS MOTHER!?"
I know, I would say the same.


TimeLord Detective
Actually I never heard about that mother thing. The website had originally said that it was her who took care of him.


that zzzombiekid
Well, the did say that, "Nero holds a special place in his heart for Kyrie, as mother and older sister." Something like that.


Demon a$$-kicker
What is CAPCOM doing by implying that the protagonists in DMC have oedipous complex? I mean, first making Dante call Trish babe and making many gamers believe they had some sorta relationship(she looks like his mom!! o_O),now changing Kyrie from a motherly/elder sisterly figure to Nero's romantic interest.

CAPCOM are sick. >_>


that zzzombiekid
Yes, they are. Atleast he didnt call Lady anything. Damn, but they put in the kissing part. Or, almost the kissing part...


Demon a$$-kicker
I didn't mind that, he can kiss Lady whenever he wants. But it is the "mother" crap that misses me off. T___T


Aya Brea
Conceicao;53242 said:
i think everyone clearly see that Nero is in love with Kyrie, right? that´s a fact. i don´t like Kyrie, but that´s a fact. i don´t know if she feels the same way as Nero, but he clearly loves her, but i think she only sees Nero like a realy prity brother, but that´s only my opinion...

I have to agree. Nero has romantic feelings for Kyrie, and she might as well, but she may see him more as a younger brotherly figure than a romantic lover. They'd make a really cute couple, but I can't see it happening.


that zzzombiekid
Cute couple!? Eww, I dont think so. That would be, so, so, *Shudder* I dont even want to think about the possibilities.
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