Ouch, I hoped you had it saved.
I'm a moderator over at the RE forums, and if I have to delete someone's sig I cut and paste the url to a backup file. I don't have to do this, but some people invest alot of work into their sigs and sooner or later one of them have forgot to save it on their pc. The staff can't be blamed if the sig is lost, but I don't want to cause anyone to lose their work. I'm probably the only mod to do this.
RE steals players from DMC? I didn't know that, but are you sure DMC does not steal players from RE also? Gamers play many games and it is my impression that RE players do like DMC, and often other Capcom games too. Did you know that one of the DMC games initially was meant to become a RE game? I'm not sure, but it's possibly DMC1.