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Nero theories

Black Angel

Semper Fidelis
Another stupid pointless theory thread:lol:

I thought since our members have so many different ideas, It would be cool to get them on one thread. And it has the other bonus of ****ing off certain members, so yay someone will be mad at me:p

No really, post your theory about the origins of Nero, his devil bringer, anything related to him.

All theories should be respected please, as they all could be true.

Mine are as follows, Virgil after being defeated by Dante while under Mundas's control breaks free of Nelo Angelo after Mundas falls, leaving the shell of Nelo behind with eventually becomes Nero.

Or Nero is the reincarnation of Sparda. My thinking this comes frum the fact that there are several references to Sparda in his character. He loves a girl, and gives her a necklace much like how Sparda gives the Amulet to Eva. He also can use any of Sparda's old devil arms, like the Yamato and probably the Sword of sparda.

Plus I stayed up all night watching all the cut-scenes in DMC4 and Sanctus says several times that Nero has "Indeed inherited the power of Sparda"

Post yours.

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
Well,my theory is simple.

1. Nero is a descendant of Sparda,inheriting his blood and powers,although not much of his powers can be seen.

2. Nero is highly skillful in his sword and gun skills,probably thanks to Sparda's blood.

3. The Devil Bringer on Nero's right arm is probably a piece of Vergil's Devil Trigger form,or a random demonic hand that takes covers/replaces his right hand.

4. Nero's Devil Trigger form is a spectral form of demon,looks similar to Vergil's Devil Trigger form.Probably some of Vergil's power is transferred into the Devil Bringer,Yamato,or Nero himself.

Your theories are great,and they be true.:)


Well-known Member
My current belief is based on this early Devil May Cry 4 article.


Article - Typed up by Moi said:
Maybe. And here's the compelling evidence...

With his white hair and cocky-one liners Nero has to be a Son of Sparda, right? Specificaly, Vergil, Dante's bothersome brother from DMC3. First of all; his taunts. Nero's putdowns are identical to Vergils ("Scum!"Pm as is the TAUNT Action where he slides his thumb across his neck as a way of telling enemies that he's about to slice them up. More evidence: In DMC3 Dante and Vergil were Young. Vergil challenged Mundus (the evil demon who Sparda defeated 2000 years ago, but returned in DMC1 to kill Dante) and lost, becoming the mind-wiped Nelo Angelo. Now, the popular theory based on this, is that the moment Mundus defeated Vergil, he became a 'full' demon and his humanity was cast away. The order of teh sword discover the orphaned child and raise him. As for the Devilbringer - when Dante beat Nelo Angelo the demon part of Vergil tried to return to its original host, but could only attach itself as the demon arm. See, it all makes perfect sense.

The bit i bolded is what I'm referring to.
I can believe that after Nelo was defeated his armour was shattered and the essence was split too...leaving many remnants on his armour (allowing Agnus to create the Biancos from his shards).

The new addition to demon energy in the world caused a mass demon outbreak in fortuna where Nero had to save Kyrie. Neros desire for power, beyond what he had on his own (before the DB) helped draw what was left of his true demonic energy back to him, thus the Devil Bringer, which is a pure concentrated form of Demon energy, thus why he doesn't have a DT perse, cause he's kinda always in DT ^_^

Also, it makes sense about his Humanity being cast away, leaving the 'reborn' Vergil at the same age as he was in DMC3 (when he was 'purified').

Bah, I'll edit this for typos later...gotta dash, bbs.


Devilicious Devi
Keatons posted theory sounds the most true..
Besides, have you seen the last Game Clear Art picture? That Nero in DT kinda looks not-spiritual, but real.


New Member
DeviRyuuD;165832 said:
Besides, have you seen the last Game Clear Art picture? That Nero in DT kinda looks not-spiritual, but real.

That's Nero's corporeal form of his Devil Trigger.


Well-known Member
Sparda™;165834 said:
Capcom only knows. That's all I'm gonna say. :lol:

+rep, I agree.

At the end of the day everything is speculation, there are loads of theories about Nero, but hey, I'd love to hear some more :D


Well Caocom did say DMC4 has enough evidence there to give you an answer on Nero's identity. So if that's the case then Nero is the 3rd yet known son of Sparda in my eyes.


Okay here it is. For the last time I'm gonna type this.

Nero's age = DMC3 Dante's age.
DMC4 is set somewhat 10 years after DMC3 and 1 year after DMC1 and the DMC1 anime.
This means Dante is around the age of 28 and 29 in that range. Now Nero has to be 18-19 if hes the same age as what Capcom is giving out. Nelo Angelo which was Vergil was alive when Nero was, we know this because Nero is a orphan of Fortuna and a childhood friend of Kyrie. Nero was always sent to do missions alone(which it really doesn't explain why but its obvious he does so because he is strong.).

Nero is said to carry Sparda's blood we know this because he restored the Yamato,has Silver/White hair and was able to power The Savior. He also sports both Dante and Vergil colors. He also has both of DMC3 Dante and Vergil taunts but only does them by wording. Hes a jokester like Dante but at the same time gets very ****ed off like Vergil when things doesn't go his way.

So with Dante and Nero being 10 years apart Nero had to have been born the same year Dante lost his mother. Sanctus claims Nero is a decendant of Sparda's blood which means Nero was born directly from Sparda's blood line. Dante doesn't seem shocked about this. Nor does he looks like he really cares which is pretty odd.Then there is Nero's DT. In the concept art it was actually thought his DT wore a helmet but infact it was a red hoodie and the same red hoodie nero has. The DT covers his left eye just like how Nero's left part of his hair always covers his eye. People always thought that the DB was missing a eye but the concept proved that the hoodie was just blocking it out. So that leaves me to believe that the DB is actually Nero's own power now why its reacting this way is unknown.

So with this being said I believe Nero is the 3rd son of Sparda and maybe from Eva.Or he could be Sparda, who knows. But he cannot be Vergil by default due to the fact they both were living at the same time.

Don't feel like typing up more so I will leave it at that.


What do you guys think about this theory? lol half of Vergils soul is stuck in Nero's sword (Yamato) and now he is taking over Nero!!


SSSlayer of demons
+rep for DA and Zato.If you look very carefully at Nero's DT helmet something covers his left eye.That probably is because if you look at Dante's Legendary Dark Knight costume from Devil May Cry 3 it has something(I don't know what is it called) on his left eye(that thing that Agnus have it too).The rest of evidences that Nero has a strong link to Sparda(and maybe a dirrectly one) are posted by Zato ^ which deserves a rep+.But just like DA said only Capcom knows the true origin of Nero.I hope DMC5 will let more answers than questions:D

Black Angel

Semper Fidelis
dark slayer 96;165916 said:
+rep for DA and Zato.If you look very carefully at Nero's DT helmet something covers his left eye.That probably is because if you look at Dante's Legendary Dark Knight costume from Devil May Cry 3 it has something(I don't know what is it called) on his left eye(that thing that Agnus have it too).The rest of evidences that Nero has a strong link to Sparda(and maybe a dirrectly one) are posted by Zato ^ which deserves a rep+.But just like DA said only Capcom knows the true origin of Nero.I hope DMC5 will let more answers than questions:D

o_O The monocle o_O

+Rep I never thought of that!!!

I think he is defiantly Sparda reincarnate.


Well-known Member
^Thats my only other guess to be honest.

Although, I'd prefer Sparda to return in all his glory. ^^
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