Coming from someone who is actively into action games, I'm just gonna dive right in and explain why technical DMC players think DmC isn't as complex as what people think it is compared to DMC4.
DmC has a lot of variety when it comes to weaponry but it's main problem is that you can't do too much with the weapons that are given to you in a technical way. And seeing how you can't position yourself as well relative to the enemy you're comboing, it limits you quite a bit. In fact, there are times where if you JC an enemy in DmC, it will reset the enemy in a certain position. Let me show you what I mean.
In this video, I'm JCing against a Frost while using Rebellion, Lucifer, and Gilgamesh. I'm positioning myself so I'm going above and below the enemy using Double weapon switching with rebellion/lucifer and guard cancelling aerial rave. The enemy doesn't reset so I have to worry about my positioning. And because of that I can do things like this:
Here, I'm JCing the last hit of aerial rave and immediately using Jealousy to stop the Frost in midair. The enemy keeps it's momentum from the aerial rave AFTER I jump cancelled. But in DmC, you have moves like Helm Breaker, Fireworks, Aerial Rave (last hit), and Showdown, which have different properties when it the hit connects but since JCing resets enemies velocities, it counts as a "pointless JC". Even Dante's Calibur in DmC was patched so that the enemy resets it's ENTIRE POSITION above you when you use it, enabling you to JC at a certain window compared to before.
This alone causes a lot of problems when you want to do certain setups that requires you to JC right after hitting the enemy away. And seeing how Dante's main options for setups are Kablooey and Revenant, I don't see much potential for him. (And yes, I have seen recent DmC vids by michellgun)
There's also A LOT of other things I can go over on why DmC lack as much depth compared to DMC4 but I'm going to keep it short with this post. However if you want me to keep explaining, I can.