IloveVergil;8830 said:"Stubborn" isn't the exact word I'd use...extremely cantankerous and crabby should be fitting
IloveVergil;8830 said:"Stubborn" isn't the exact word I'd use...extremely cantankerous and crabby should be fitting
Kaihedgie;8836 said:You really should not think on such a biased opinion. After all, there are people who might describe your original or favorite official characters as the same way. So in order to avoid that, it's best not to go flaming on a single character or another pointless flame war starts. Seriously, it is just a fictional character, and if you think you can develop a character that might be better than Lady or have any suggestions on how she should have acted like, then please share them, because it's really kinda stupid to flame someone who shoots the main character out of self-defense
IloveVergil;8839 said:Self defense??Do u think she shooted Dante in the head in order to protect herself?He was trying to save her,dammit.If Dante wasn't a demon,she would be murdering an innocent man.
IloveVergil;8839 said:Self defense??Do u think she shooted Dante in the head in order to protect herself?He was trying to save her,dammit.If Dante wasn't a demon,she would be murdering an innocent man.
Kaihedgie;8842 said:The way Dante was holding her, I think she might have had one personal reason. And because she found he was half devil, she attempted to kill him as well because during the course of the story, she perceived all devils to be evil, including Dante and Vergil. But seriously though, you know Dante doesn't go down so easily. Personally, thet first encounter was rather funny and not something go take personal
Kaihedgie;8836 said:Seriously, it is just a fictional character, and if you think you can develop a character that might be better than Lady or have any suggestions on how she should have acted like, then please share them, because it's really kinda stupid to flame someone who shoots the main character out of self-defense
IloveVergil;8845 said:In my opinion,she should have been less antagonistic against Dante from the start.I mean what the hell did he do to **** her off?And even if I overlook her extrme hot headedness,I just can't overlook the fact that she is still hostile towards him after he saves her life twice and she gets proof that he's one of the "good guys".
Kaihedgie;8849 said:Good or not, she still had a previous biased opinion on devils. Her philosiphy follows 'once a devil, always a devil, and they are all evil' She shows the most hate toward Arkham for wanting to be a devil as he commited an equal sin. So yeah, if her father does something like that, she'd be movtivated enough to shoot anyone remotely related to a devil
IloveVergil;4077 said:I hate Lady.Oh i so much hate her.What does that lil' girl think she is?I mean, what sort of person shoots missiles at total strangers at first sight??Dante saved her life twice, and she repays him by trying to nail him?Dante's too nice. I'd have slapped her on the face if i were him!!>_<
Tyles;8895 said:She didn't know Dante was a devil until after she shot him in the head.
d4rkn1ght;8919 said:ya................but she has no respect for the Demons until Defeating her
Kaihedgie;8849 said:Good or not, she still had a previous biased opinion on devils. Her philosiphy follows 'once a devil, always a devil, and they are all evil' She shows the most hate toward Arkham for wanting to be a devil as he commited an equal sin. So yeah, if her father does something like that, she'd be movtivated enough to shoot anyone remotely related to a devil
Kaihedgie;8836 said:You really should not think on such a biased opinion.
Huh,I don't flame her because she isn't my favourite character or because I'm jealous or anything like that.In some other threads of this forum I even went cursing my favourite characters,Dante and Vergil, for their hot headedness and weird behaviour.Every character has some good qualities and some bad qualities.In case of Lady,it is just that the bad ones seem to overcome the good ones.She is determined,energetic,righteous and brave,but her bravery won't avail her anything if she keeps acting like a paranoid.Kaihedgie;8836 said:After all, there are people who might describe your original or favorite official characters as the same way. So in order to avoid that, it's best not to go flaming on a single character or another pointless flame war starts. Seriously, it is just a fictional character