Lexy;288389 said:
I love the idea of motion-controlled gameplay for some things, but not for all things. To be honest the idea of having to move about to order the game around for everything doesn't appeal that much - a standard controller and just having to move my fingers on it is still fantastic. It's like this idea of the 'coffee table computer' where the screen would be horizontal and table-sized.
So you agree with motion control then , so thats nice to hear your not completely against the idea then. But the fact you have to move your body to make the character move is still amazing. take your example of the controller , you don't feel involved in the game because you aren't the one who is moving around , its the character that you are controlling via a controller.
aka958;288390 said:
I'm trying to sound as nice as I can with this:
F*ck no! XD
It's on the ever so failing Xbox360 console which cost me as much as the price of two Kinects to repair before I trashed it and bought an PS3. Xbox has cost me enough.
I see no future in jumping around my house to play. I like the feeling of buttons, that is how I've always played and that is how I always will play.
Playstation 2 had their "Eye toy" or whatever it was called. Kinect seems similar but with vast improvements and newer technology. I did not enjoy anything about eye toy. Just needing to reach out my arm in thin air to push a button.
Agreed playstation had the eyetoy which was crap but the Kinect is different because of the vast changes from the eye toy for example , did the eyetoy have face recognition and ID recognition .. NO ! The eyetoy had the original idea I agree but it was flawed in the design and the technology was outdated, its like me saying to someone "hey look , I made a laptop". You dont have to wave your arms about , move your body side to side and jump when your asked to jump ...
And your point about microsoft costing you so much ... Ever thought of a warranty??
Buttons are great indeed , but surly you should agree that pressing a button to run and pressing one to hit something doesnt have the connection from character and player when Kinect does as your the character and player .
Dark Drakan;288452 said:
Until they can master the precision of motion control it will only be a fad and never used in any serious games to a serious extent. Only have to look at the games on the Wii and see how temperamental the Wii remote is and how waving it around randomly each time does the same moves etc. Until then we are stuck with silly party games which are fun when your drunk or under the age of 10.
The precision changes from game to game which sounds lame but its works depending on which game your playing. the Wii remote isnt temperamental , its how steady your arm is . Everyone seems to be forgetting that things dont happened in less than a second on games , you press B to beat down on halo and you wait 2 seconds for the console to register that command.
As i mentioned earlier the Kinect line up is abit lame but you have to give developers a short time to make use of the technology and make a brilliant game.
Edit - copy and pasted from Chaos Master Playstation move vs Kinect
For me Kinect is the better out of the two for a number of reasons.
1) Completey hands free - No controller that gets your hand sweaty and no trouble in the controller losing power due to moving it up and down fast. Also the batteries dont need to be replace like they do in the Move and the Move isnt hands free . Ands whats with the glowing balls on the end of the controller ?
2) Techology - Kinect takes the crown off the wii's boring white head and places it on its cool carbon fibre looking design and then laughs in the wii's face for taking the p!ss (pardon the pun), the wii offers wireless techolgy like Kinect BUT you have hold the controller , and the wrist band so you dont fling the controller into the TV is just so silly. Kinect has speech recognition and ID recognition while the wii just sits there and says "But .. But .. " and the Move goes "Wait ... Wait..." Kinect beats the two rivals in this department.
3) Price - Although at £130 pound it may seem abit expensive but really for what your getting is great value for money. The Move is a controller with a giant glowing ball on the end of it for £40 .. I could make that at home for £10 although it may not work
The wii cost £150 on launch and people flooded the stores for it so I dont see why people are getting so up tight by the price. You could buy a x-box 4GB and kinect for £200 .. thats only £70 pounds more and your getting a console as well..
4) Fun - Its a delight to see kinect move up and down to get the best angle to capture your movement and seeing it move is fun on its own . And when you start playing the game and using your hand to pick which game type you want to play is a "OMG" moment and I defy anyone not to impressed with that ! .. The kinect adventures game is amazing to set you up with the basics on kinect , like moving your body to stop leaks in a fish cage , the game isnt meant to be a hard core gamer game but a introduction into the possibility of what this little black box can do and potential of things to come.
Hopefully I have made the case for why you should spent £130 for kinect and if I haven't then think of the economy and buying this will help it and create more jobs meaning people are spending more meaning that no more downturn