You seem to imply an awful lot that the "majority" of people in the fanbase thinks that DmC is a wonderful game and that those who disliked it are a tiny fraction in comparison. Do you have anything concise that proves this?
Besides, even if these anti-DmC individuals were indeed a minority, what drives you to think their oppinion is any less valid?
I don't know about you, but I'd take people like Macabre over many of the blindly supportive DmC fans. Even if I don't agree with most of what he says, at least he uses proper language, words his arguements properly, and most of all, backs them up. I have yet to see him personally attack anyone as well. He does his voice his own opinions strongly, but doesn't direct insults at anyone, unlike a lot of DmC supporters, whose whole arguements are often "I thought this game was great! Those haters can suck it, they're still mad that Dante doesn't have white hair!"
That's not to say there isn't any smart DmC supporters, because I have seen a lot, but my point is, any well-thought opinion, regardless of posture, is always, always more valid than the ammount of people who irrationally disagree with it.