Seriously guys we should just agree to disagree on this game it only causes needless arguments and fights against each other.
If we are talking about how well it's made, yeah, but the core mechanics are there, which is why is somewhat of a shame.I find it hilarious that people can't admit that DmC's combat system just isn't as well-made as other action games, when all is said and done.
If we are talking about how well it's made, yeah, but the ore mechanics are there, which is why is somewhat of a shame.
Seriously guys we should just agree to disagree on this game it only causes needless arguments and fights against each other.
last time i checked EVERY aspect of a game has to be good and not just combat, regardless of genre, and dmc4 was a fail in every aspect except for combat, but what do i know right, only in an art college for game design, animation and filmYeah. I meant a better executed combat system in that sense -- something that's smoother, flows better, and has a better defense system other than Witch Time and Parry Everything.
Says the person who had a "rustles jimmies" avatar (yeah, I saw that).
Nah, I'm kidding. We'll agree to disagree.
That's a sig stating my own personal tastes. I don't see the issue here.
That was the point I was making. I do read you know. Or are we all uneducated peons now?
I had no idea people had such a ****storm over FFVII. It was the game that got me into FF, and made me want to go back and play the others. Not going to defend it though. Anything is better than the pretty corridor advernture that was XIII. So linear.....:blink: Then there was SERAAAAHHHH! I so wanted to punch that guy. Lightning got there first though. :lol:
last time i checked EVERY aspect of a game has to be good and not just combat, regardless of genre, and dmc4 was a fail in every aspect except for combat, but what do i know right, only in an art college for game design, animation and film
I don't ever remember saying I was innocent.It's just this needless fighting is getting tiring.Says the person who had a "rustles jimmies" avatar (yeah, I saw that).
Seriously, though -- you're right. We'll agree to disagree.
I don't ever remember saying I was innocent.It's just this needless fighting is getting tiring.
Dat diatribe
So, if this is your interpetstion of DMC, how would you read DMC4 considering the whole basically 'religion is evil' coaliton with science also for 'evil' lead by a space-pope who basically did it to make himself look like the good guy and get more people to join his Sparda cult.Bugger off then dude, I've got plenty of fight left in me.
Obviously personal taste is a major part in your perspective on the series, but looking at each of these games in terms of features alone is enough to articulate why people see DmC as the inferior product. That's from a gameplay standpoint however, before you even get to those who despise the game aesthetically, scripturally or symbolically.
Probably my crowning hatred for DmC is how it represents the Anarchist movement, or rather how it doesn't. It presents the authorities as being inexorably evil and rather stunningly incompetant, and the rebellion as suicidally stupid lemmings strung along by an inept used car salesman. The destruction of autocratic despotism isn't through cunning subversion by an educated populace working together to destroy those who torment them, it's by the hand of an atavistic thug with magical super powers he received through nepotism.I would have said education of the populace is what they were working towards until Vergil pulled his 'free to rule' bit. But that was why he felt he was free to rule. His birthright as a superior being. Vergil and Mundus are two sides of the same coin. At least it ends with humans saying they have awoken But of all the things to do it on...Twitter?! :lol: Ok sure, the quick exchange of information on there, and sure it could be a useful tool for education the humans, but....after all that it's twitter outing the demons. :lol: Plus, they wrecked the whole city after the Mundus transformers rampage. I hardly call that saving people. Yaay, we wrecked a whole city. :troll: But it's alright....humans are freed from those nasty demons.
I really wanted this game to be good. I wanted it to deliver on Antonaides's promises of gravitas and intelligence. In the end it's just as superficial and poorly conceived as the Occupy Movement.
So, if this is your interpetstion of DMC, how would you read DMC4 considering the whole basically 'religion is evil' coaliton with science also for 'evil' lead by a space-pope who basically did it to make himself look like the good guy and get more people to join his Sparda cult.
Clearly there's something about DmC for you to draw those conclusions. So at least it makes you think. (Don't mean that in a condescending way^_^).
That depends entirely on you. If you like it, good. If you don't no problem. Have fun with it, learn some new tricks, and go balls deep in it.
Being contrary for the sake of it I'd guess (`~`) Or perhaps some kind of mental disorder
I don't think Eva was supposed to be christ like...well, it is the same pose... but I thought they were going for the style of Caravaggio. Just look at the image of Dante with the demon head and compre it to Coravaggio's David and Goliath.That's not a fair comparison because I don't like DMC4 as a piece of profound fiction. It's an intentionally goofy romp where a man rapes a block of alabaster with glowing cockspikes for God's sake, and that's what it was advertised as. If Itsuno had come out claiming it was an examination of Catholicism's relationship with American culture, I'd have called bull on that too.
So you think DmC is a piece of profound fiction? :/
Just because Itsuno hasn't said that doesn't man you can't still have your own interpretation of the game. Heck, isn't that what life is about....just taking your experiences and reading them into games, fiction and movies? Well, unless the maker actually comes out and says what they were trying to present to the public.
I find it quite fun to read all sorts of crap into DMC4. Sciene and religion working together. Kinda like the Catholic church.Sure it's hamfisted....but you know![]()
Agnus saying that people will not believe in god unless the experience hell. He's's the truth for a lot of people. And that's why space-pope Sanctus carries out his plan.
Destroy the city by secretly freeing demons on the populace+ use the Sparda saviour statue to make it look like he saved the town= PROFIT! :lol: He gets new followers to his religion (cult?)![]()
Credo and his blind following of Sanctus (hello his name is CREDO:lolHe just follows Sanctus like a puppy and doesn't change his mind until Kyrie is captured. Plus his dislike/ hatred of Agnus. I guess I could make something out of that too considering Agnus represent science. And traditionally religion and science have not got along at various points in history. I wish they'd made somethign more out of Credo's change of heart. Like some kind of belief shattering revelation where he has to question himself....oh well.....I'm rambling. :lol:
That's the thing. I've enjoyed hating DmC by a infinite order of magnitude more than I enjoyed playing it. I've enjoyed having discourse with people who agree and disagree with me a great deal. Hell, last night I explained how the picture of Dante holding Eva is a massive failure by comparing it to Pieta, and I probably wouldn't have been doing that otherwise.
Being contrary for the sake of it I'd guess (`~`) Or perhaps some kind of mental disorder
While I do agree that every aspect of a game has to be good, stating what type of college you attend doesn't change the fact that what you said was as an opinion.last time i checked EVERY aspect of a game has to be good and not just combat, regardless of genre, and dmc4 was a fail in every aspect except for combat, but what do i know right, only in an art college for game design, animation and film