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If you were a super villain...


Well-known Member
Who would you be? :ninja:

Would you have powers?

What's your end goal?


If I was a super villain, I would be Madame Essay. I would be one of those people online who will write your college/high school essays for you (for a price), but would include little hints and give aways that you didn't write it yourself. So when you turn it in without reading it first, your professor will read it, realize you didn't write it, and fail you instantly. MWAHAHAHAHA!

I'd also have a killer evil laugh. Heck yeah.

What about you?


I Saw the Devil
Who would you be? :ninja:
El Hombre.

Would you have powers?
Super strength, super intelligence and hypnotism.

What's your end goal?
I will conquer the world and subjugate all peoples and when everything is under my control I will get rid of world hunger, bring peace, and give every a puppy!


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
I would be Amazo

super strength speed agility and ability to learn and incorporate the powers of any super being I come accross and use them

End goal kill all the evil isis people and stop crime accross the globe by quelling it and wiping out murderers and rapists etc , kinda like a vigilante except the villain part woukd be me taking lives

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Well, I WAS going to say:

I would be Darkseid.

Powers would include having omega beams, super human strength/speed and stamina. Also the ability to morph my size, teleportation, and telepathy. And not that it's a super power but I'd be immortal, too.

Goal: to control all living things.


I want to be a clown, instead.
With the super power that Patrick got in the Spongebob movie - the power to summon all ice creams to me at will.
My goal would be to eat all the ice cream in the world.


Well-known Member
Well, I WAS going to say:

I would be Darkseid.

Powers would include having omega beams, super human strength/speed and stamina. Also the ability to morph my size, teleportation, and telepathy. And not that it's a super power but I'd be immortal, too.

Goal: to control all living things.


I want to be a clown, instead.
With the super power that Patrick got in the Spongebob movie - the power to summon all ice creams to me at will.
My goal would be to eat all the ice cream in the world.

How could you be so cruel?


For Sanguinius!
If I was a super villain I would be called Black Jack. My powers would be illusion, mind control, and telekinesis. My goal is to cause mischief all over the world. MUAHAHAHAH!!! “ψ(`∇´)ψ

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
My name would be


My super power would be able to turn into a talking sloth.

My goal. To go up to every girl (or guy) possible and whisper uncomfortably perverted things in their ears.

Behold My Evil You Cretin Heroes!


Did I go too far?


"Waiting for one's arrival."
I'd teleport long strands of hair into the mouths of my unsuspecting victims.
I'd make your tongue taste like tooth paste any time you try to drink orange juice.
I'd make it impossible to eat celery because of the constant strings getting caught in between your teeth.
Never ending eyelashes underneath your eyelids.

I'd basically be the devil incarnate.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
I'd teleport long strands of hair into the mouths of my unsuspecting victims.
I'd make your tongue taste like tooth paste any time you try to drink orange juice.
I'd make it impossible to eat celery because of the constant strings getting caught in between your teeth.
Never ending eyelashes underneath your eyelids.

I'd basically be the devil incarnate.
Oh my gosh you sound so unpleasant. You're genius!

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
I'd teleport long strands of hair into the mouths of my unsuspecting victims.
I'd make your tongue taste like tooth paste any time you try to drink orange juice.
I'd make it impossible to eat celery because of the constant strings getting caught in between your teeth.
Never ending eyelashes underneath your eyelids.

I'd basically be the devil incarnate.

Shame on you. I like pulling strange things from my mouth. I never eat orange juice and I like the taste of toothpaste. I alsonever eat celery and I'll look fabulous with never ending eyelashes.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
The Beekiller.

An immortal that can not die but can be contained with poisonous roach kill.

My end goal would be to kill all bees on the face of the earth.


"Waiting for one's arrival."
Shame on you. I like pulling strange things from my mouth. I never eat orange juice and I like the taste of toothpaste. I alsonever eat celery and I'll look fabulous with never ending eyelashes.

Hmm. Have fun finding INFINITE SPIDERS in your bed and shoes. And when you're taking a dump on the toilet, there will always be some huge looking bug or spider nearby, silently watching. And every now and then it will slowly creep closer too, before taking a few steps back. The ultimate torment.

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
Hmm. Have fun finding INFINITE SPIDERS in your bed and shoes. And when you're taking a dump on the toilet, there will always be some huge looking bug or spider nearby, silently watching. And every now and then it will slowly creep closer too, before taking a few steps back. The ultimate torment.

Hmm sounds like one of my really old houses back in the good ole day. Sure bring back memories like that one time at night I was watching Detective Conan and there was this really huge spider dangling off the ceiling a feet away from me and I stood all night watching it and Adult Swim. Memories.


Legendary Devil Hunter
Original character of mine
Adrian Dracul, a dhampir (half-vampire)
Powers: Superhuman strength (lift over 10 tons, Spider-Man level) speed (roughly 100 mph) agility, and reflexes, supernatural senses, healing factor (almost as good as Wolverine's) and near-immortality
Goals: Overthrow the humans and vampires, who both oppressed me due to my mixed heritage, by breeding an army of dhampirs to take our rightful place as the superior race, placing myself as their rightful ruler.

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
I like villains who can monolog and chew scenery so I'd talk people to death or wreck the area they live in.

:inlove::lock: It beats working for a living.


the horror was for love
I'd like to either be a less-angsty female version of the Riddler or a female Scarecrow with a decent costume. (I don't mean Scarecrow's costume is bad, I mean the "Mistress of Fear" costume is bad..."you couldn't pay me to wear that" kind of bad; I'd rather walk round naked...which might...yeah. ._.)

Reality is, I'd probably be a sucky super villain, so...eh. -shrugs-
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