Demons mistreated everyone, even humans. original Dante was mistreated by demons too.
True, demons hurt and abuse indiscriminately, but from the information given about Dante, it seems like he had it worse than regular humans. If he wasn't ina demon run children's home being abused, he was in demon pirson.
We don't know how classic Dante was abused by demons. We are not given any evidence to support this. The most we know is that demons killed his mother. We don't know that demons followed him constantly, or abused him, or that he was in a care home run by demons or that he was in a demon prison.
But that is nothing to use as argument for Dante having a rough childhood because it's mandatory for demons to hate the two Dantes.
They hate the two Dantes, but we do not see classic Dante getting the same abuse that DmC Dante gets. Classic Dante does not have the same amount of backstory...he doesn't even really have much of a detailed past other than he is the son of Sparda, a demon, and Eva, a human. Demons kill his mother and his brother vanishes. That's all we know about his childhood. It's nothing compared to DmC's Dante.
And the police scene...doesnt seem to me that they were only after Dante. A bunch of riot poice and Dante is in middle of it.
Right...whats point of riot shields and batons for 1 person? Point: Riot police was there to stop the riot not kill Dante because they dislike him especially.
Because they wanted to beat Dante up maybe:troll: Either way, they would have known who he was because of what Mundus wanted to do to him. And if police were able to arrest him, he would have ended up in demon prison being beaten up by demons on a regular basis just like the Vergil comic.
I am not saying NT Dante didnt have rough childhood - How many tiems must i say this?
But putting NT Dante on a pedestal and say "Rough childhood people" is really pretentious considering original Dante childhood, KAt's childhood, etc.