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I don't know why people are acting like the change is "too extreme"


Well-known Member
I didn't mean to make a thread about calling out the old fans and antis, I've stopped worrying about them a while ago,but this has been bothering me since last week.

I don't understand why the old fans act like they went "too far" by changing things. IMO, going "too far" can be like this....

....or this

At least it wasn't like those two. Seriously, this game is fine where it's at. It kept its DMC feel, Dante feels like the young one (but a little more of a d*ckhead), Vergil can still use his Yamato, it's still a DMC game, no matter HOW much people would hate it. Even if it was named something else, we would ALL be calling it a DMC rip-off, would we?


Fake Geek Girl.
It's not drastically different at all. It just isn't the anime game so that's why it's supposedly "different". If it was something else then it would be compared to Devil May Cry and they'd shout ripoff. I like to view it as Marvel's Earth 616 and Ultimate when I look at DMC and DmC. Still keeps what makes Devil May Cry Devil May Cry while being the contemporary modern reboot it was aiming to be. I think anime fans upset about the lost of the anime look is not far from the truth because a majority of Devil May Cry fans are anime fans and they can be just the worst. I may love anime myself but I hate anime fans for the most part. They can be absolutely just awful, narrow minded, and very annoying.


Unleash the blood
People keep saying the first DMC basically defined the genre, so pretty much every hack-n-slash after it has been compared to it. God of War had no problem making a unique name for itself. If this had been a new IP, there's no reason it couldn't have done the same. *shrug* Hell, if anything, folks would have called it a Bayonetta rip off instead because it's more like that than DMC in its mythology now (the periodic travel between the real world and Limbo that regular humans can't see, the war between angels and demons, the main character having amnesia, etc.)


Well-known Member
It's one of the only games making my console worth the money (I know it runs on PC, but it's just not the same without a lot of investment). Everyone I know who hasn't been deeply involved with the series before can see quite clearly how excellent the game is. I'm not surprised that people have a clouded perspective about it- the original games were really good.

Maybe the environments weren't as fun, and maybe the design wasn't quite so stunning, and sure the story wasn't the deepest or most nuanced, but it was still damn good. The gothic ambiance, the over-the-top action and crazy (unrealistic) choreography, the sweet moves- it was a game-changer.

But DmC is just fantastic. You shouldn't let pride stand in the way of realizing that. It's a true gem of this generation of games, and a strong example of how games can evolve into a rich experience that keeps you interested. As for me and my pals, DmC is easily the best action game we've played in recent memory.
I just think its too casualized to be honest

Enemies don't attack you off screen?
Made to be accessible? So like, modern day gamers have to be spoon fed gratification because they can't deal with a learning curve?

I thought iPhone apps were meant to contain these sorta people.

Edit: I'd like to also make clear that I'm pretty terrible at games, but like I can admit that and be willing to spend more time on the game to get better at it, not go straight into a game and be immediately good at it like DmC, hell they even said they want casuals to feel like pros.

Remember when DMC4 penalized you if you died like 5 times in one mission the enemies will be easier to kill and your style meter went up pretty easily? I do. Was pretty demotivating.

DMC4 ending screen "Guess you're not casual after all"



Fake Geek Girl.
I just think its too casualized to be honest

Enemies don't attack you off screen?
Made to be accessible? So like, modern day gamers have to be spoon fed gratification because they can't deal with a learning curve?

I thought iPhone apps were meant to contain these sorta people.
Just play it on the harder modes but difficulty is something that is subjective. People have been trying to say Devil May Cry was some hardcore unforgiving action game where I can own at every single Devil May Cry on the hardest modes probably because I'm use to these types of games. The way the gameplay is in DmC is something I hope they build upon. I'm glad there are no styles because that was always something that felt rather forced and I was never really a fan of it. Also just by how comfortable pulling off these streamline and unorthodox techniques and combos feel. It's comfortable in my hand. I have no issue with lowering the entry bar as long as they don't lower the ceiling for the rest of us. I hate video game elitist.


Well-known Member
It's one of the only games making my console worth the money (I know it runs on PC, but it's just not the same without a lot of investment). Everyone I know who hasn't been deeply involved with the series before can see quite clearly how excellent the game is. I'm not surprised that people have a clouded perspective about it- the original games were really good.

Maybe the environments weren't as fun, and maybe the design wasn't quite so stunning, and sure the story wasn't the deepest or most nuanced, but it was still damn good. The gothic ambiance, the over-the-top action and crazy (unrealistic) choreography, the sweet moves- it was a game-changer.

But DmC is just fantastic. You shouldn't let pride stand in the way of realizing that. It's a true gem of this generation of games, and a strong example of how games can evolve into a rich experience that keeps you interested. As for me and my pals, DmC is easily the best action game we've played in recent memory.

at least you have freinds that like dmc. me? this is the only place i can discuss the series:'(


Monsuuuta moonssuta mo mo mo mo monsuuta


Well-known Member
Haters gonna hate. That sentence says it all. Anyone who has a speck of common sense knows that after playing DmC, one cannot come to conclusion that it's been drastically changed. In fact, many things are improved, many things are even better, but not to the point that the old DMC formula isn't recognizable. In many situations, haters don't really have a valid argument to back up the ****ty comments they make for this game. Some people simply can't handle the change. I'm a hardcore DMC3 fan and I like them both equally.


Pain and pleasure... I've got it all.
Is that going to be the excuse for casual'ising games from now on? "Haters gonna hate"? And no, i wasn't satisfied with DMD mode on here, i was not challenged.

Not like other games have done, games like DMC, Bayonetta and others in that genre. I could go back to any Vergil fight in 3 or any of the boss fights in 1 and find a challenge on a higher difficulty. The only challenge this game ever presented was putting ghost and blood rages in the same room with a witch and even then that's just a secret mission. If i wanted that kind of gameplay i'd go and play Ikaruga. (Which i encourage anybody whose a fan of top down shooters to check out)

Also I enjoyed the styles because i could alter my play to suit my personal tastes, i don't disagree that DMC4 implemented it's style changing in a clumsy fashion but to remove something so GOOD instead of changing the way it works just frustrates me, If you call wanting the games i play to satisfy me being a "video game elitist" then gee whiz i'm sorry. I'll go repent for wanting to have the kind of depth i've expected from the series.

And before somebody gets ****y, because somebody always does, i'm not saying people should be alienated from the game, having an entry point is fine but people who enjoyed what previous games brought to the table shouldn't be asked to sacrifice so that happens.


This partys getting crazy
My reasons for hating this game are they totally changed the story/characters and totally changed the gameplay of something I love into something I don't, it's that simple. For me there isn't no "oh it's casualised" or "oh the hair" as I would easily buy a casualised DMC featuring Dante with black hair.

I personally feel that DmC shares very very little with DMC. Whether that change is too much or a good thing are peoples opinions. But saying that there isn't much difference in either gameplay or combat is just being silly. This wasn't a very loyal or respectable reboot to the subject material which sits differently with different people. Some people felt the series needed a change this different, many more it seems didn't.


Well-known Member
DmC is not a bad game but it didn't bring a single thing to the series. All it did was take the technical emphasis that DMC3 brought to the series' combat and dumb it down. It's no wonder people didn't buy it. The new demographic Capcom wanted to appeal to didn't give the game a second look because it looked too much like the old ones. The fans of the old games didn't touch it because it looked nowhere near as good as the old ones.

They've definitely lowered the skill ceiling in this one. Dante Must Die mode is like a fresh save on normal mode in DMC3. It's a joke. The toughest thing they throw at you are two dreamweavers and a witch inside Mundus' palace. It never gets any tougher than that.


Fake Geek Girl.
Is that going to be the excuse for casual'ising games from now on? "Haters gonna hate"? And no, i wasn't satisfied with DMD mode on here, i was not challenged.

Not like other games have done, games like DMC, Bayonetta and others in that genre. I could go back to any Vergil fight in 3 or any of the boss fights in 1 and find a challenge on a higher difficulty. The only challenge this game ever presented was putting ghost and blood rages in the same room with a witch and even then that's just a secret mission. If i wanted that kind of gameplay i'd go and play Ikaruga. (Which i encourage anybody whose a fan of top down shooters to check out)

Also I enjoyed the styles because i could alter my play to suit my personal tastes, i don't disagree that DMC4 implemented it's style changing in a clumsy fashion but to remove something so GOOD instead of changing the way it works just frustrates me, If you call wanting the games i play to satisfy me being a "video game elitist" then gee whiz i'm sorry. I'll go repent for wanting to have the kind of depth i've expected from the series.

And before somebody gets *****, because somebody always does, i'm not saying people should be alienated from the game, having an entry point is fine but people who enjoyed what previous games brought to the table shouldn't be asked to sacrifice so that happens.
DmC is no less deep because it offers quite a sheer variety of moves and techniques if you really dive into it. Just Rebellion can do more than it's ever been able to do and that's good to me because it's my favorite weapon. The game itself with its color coded enemy combination just becomes its worst enemy because the combat is fine. Actually in aspects better than the previous system, it's just how the game makes you use it which is a shame. The style system is a system that is more forced than anything else. I don't want it to ever return. Why does Devil May Cry think the only way to get variety out of a combat system is to restrict you to a certain set of moves at a time. DmC seems to incorporate alot of the signature streamline combos and techniques Devil May Cry has always had without doing any of that sh!t and simply has you holding a button. Once you get the hang of this it becomes very comfortable and all flows naturally and fluidly. No more of that forced unnecessary style bs. It's why the very first Devil May Cry is still the best to me. Give me everything to play with and let me play my own way. That's the real idea of playing the way you want to play.

DmC was still just fun to play and I'll also admit the boss fights leave something to be desired but Devil May Cry was never hard to me. Difficulty is subjective. I breezed through the other Devil May Crys in spectacular fashion on the hardest modes without many problems at all. Ninja Gaiden for Xbox offered more of a challenge to me than DMC did in the hack n slash department. DmC was fun and also a fun Devil May Cry. That's what matters to me when it comes to games. Video games are made for casual recreation. Just go back and play the others if you want I don;t care. I played the sh!t out of them though and I'm tired of the same old crap. I'm all for creative integrity if it also means it actually puts effort towards one of my favorite game series. DmC followed through with exactly what it set out to do and definitely does surpass the originals in aspects. Could use polish but overall it's a worthy successor and really is like Ultimate Devil May Cry (comparing to Ultimate Marvel comics)

I think DmC deserves to continue and if Capcom decides to go back the the other one so soon then they are just selling out. I don't want another DMC 4 because that's the worst in the entire series. If Capcom really gave a f*ck about Devil May Cry then you do NOT make something as pathetic as DMC 4 especially after coming off something great as DMC 3. Let Ninja Theory keep it for now. At least they gave a sh!t about the project and went forth with creative confidence despite being bashed at every turn from a really stupid fanbase who now has become one of the worst gaming fandoms out there. Good going guys.


Well-known Member
I don't see how you can call the style system restrictive when the whole design philosophy behind it was to expand the combat options available to him/her. Styles increased the range of possibilities for Dante in DMC3. It's funny, you can actually do more with a lvl. 3 swordmaster in DMC3 than you can do with Dante in DmC. Having more weapons all available at once doesn't necessarily deepen the combat. If anything it just obfuscates it as you're having to switch weapons more often than in the old games.

I really liked the load-out thing in DMC3. I think it gave the game a lot of depth. There were so many different weapon and style combinations. I don't think the on-the-fly style switching of DMC4 was a good innovation at all.
If our lord and savior Tammy-kun didn't take jabs at us by saying crap like "what was cool 12 years ago isn't cool now" and my personal favorite "if Dante walked in a bar outside of Tokyo dressed like he is he'd get laughed out of it" then fans wouldn't be bashing NT would they?

Why should we give NT a break again?
Edit: never mind I was taught bullies are cowards on the inside and we should feel sorry for them. God bless you Tameem, marry me and let's raise children together.


Well-known Member
I really liked the load-out thing in DMC3. I think it gave the game a lot of depth. There were so many different weapon and style combinations. I don't think the on-the-fly style switching of DMC4 was a good innovation at all.
Well,I agree it wasn't very innovative or original but it certainly brought alot to the table.
In DMC4 you also carried two extra devil arms (If you count Yamato) And an additional gun. although you didn't have many options to customize these,it gave you alot more options on the battlefield,and you also had 5 styles.

This created so many options and gave the game HUGE depth for what you could do! Jump cancelling was only a small part in this combat,there are some youtubers (I forgot their names,but I can get them for you if you want.) that don't even use any of the complex jump cancelling and still make for some visually satisfying and effective combos,such as the pandora-lucifer shotgun rodeo.

In my opinion,DMC4 is in terms of gameplay,the complete opposite of DmC since it does anything but restrict you.

And how is the style system restrictive when it encourages variety? I don't understand.


Pain and pleasure... I've got it all.
I'm not saying you shouldn't have all your tools at your disposal, i'm saying styles gave a greater variance then stances do, stances change moves yes but they don't change the way you play. What i'm saying is that if you have access to styles as easily as stances you simply would not have a reason to dislike them and i see no reason why that can't be done. DmC DOES offer less in the end not through lacks of moves but due to variety, i enjoy Royal guard for instance, why can't i play that way anymore? Do you know how satisfying royal guard is when you get good at it? I don't feel that satisfaction just be switching to the demon weapons and pounding somebody's face in or by switching to the angel weapons and locking them with Aquila.

I have personal preferences for every battle in 3 and it's just a shame i can't switch on the fly like 4 offers but at the same time i also wish 4 didn't handle it so badly. Sure there's some style to be had from DmC and it has it's way of allowing you to show off but i don't feel like i've earned it most of the time.

If you like the way stances work, fine, awesome, power to you. I'll have you accept however that some of us prefer earning our way with the way things were previously, i don't think there's anybody who wanted things to stay the same though, the wheel turns and games change but at the same time we expect gratification for efforts and not for it to be just given to us. I don't want to feel like i'm playing on auto mode.

Also your Ultimate verse comparison is a little flawed because ultimate doesn't screw around with established origin, it updates it so new and old fans alike can enjoy, no such thing was done here.


Solid Ocelot
If our lord and savior Tammy-kun didn't take jabs at us by saying crap like "what was cool 12 years ago isn't cool now" and my personal favorite "if Dante walked in a bar outside of Tokyo dressed like he is he'd get laughed out of it" then fans wouldn't be bashing NT would they?

Why should we give NT a break again?

Yeah, and I don't see his point either. Games aren't supposed to always be realistic. Dante isn't 'supposed to be' anything. If everybody restricted themselves to what Tameem thinks is right, we'd have no truly interesting game characters left. I just feel that when you've got such a great medium to convey your creativity, you shouldn't restrict yourself to realistic or historical characters and so on.

It's like telling well-known fashion designers that what they're creating isn't to the public's taste. I thought that was often the point. To create something unique, and something daring. I probably won't ever give Ninja Theory the time of day; that's how nauseating some of that is.


Well-known Member
My reason for not liking the DMC4 system is that, for me at least, it kind of goes against the series ethos which has always been about playing the game however you want and I really think that the system DMC3 had captured that perfectly. Nobody played through DMC3 with the same Dante. in DMC4 you were forced to play with 5 different styles and 6 different weapons. It was overwhelming. Dante was too knotty and it was beyond the skill-range of most players to actually use him effectively. If they ever bring style-switching back then I'd like to see them maybe lower it to two different styles at once and increase the skill-set of each. That could make for some interesting combat strategies. Like... Gun-Trickster or Guard-master or whatever.
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