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How to make an awesome Devil May Cry movie


Elite Hunter
Well, if you want the environment to be used in the choreographies, wide shots are a better choice overall, although less wide shots did work well in DMC3 now that I think about it.

Speaking of which, if it has to be an origin story, I agree that they should go with the DMC3 incarnation to get acquainted with the character, as in DMC3 his development as a character is the most evident from the beginning to the end.

Also, Dragon, I do think an actor that know well how to fight is required, cause you know how directors use to remedy to what an actor can't do: slow mo, fast and disconnected editing, unclear close-ups and shaky cam.
Yes, Dante is self taught but it's DMC, shouldn't strive too much for realism, don't you think?

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
I think we are overestimating how good a story has to be in order to be popular since we live in a world of Twilight and the Transformers movies. I'm sure a DMC/DmC movie could hold the interest of an audience regardless of whether or not its a DmC, DMC3/1, a new tale or some combination of the above. The true test would be whether or not they can expand and do a good sequel storywise because that's something classic DMC never did well to me. DMC3 was a good try but it made Dante's past more interesting than his present.

Even thought the anime is respectful adaptation for the franchise it doesn't make the cast of the characters or the world they live in any fun to watch. It was a slog to get through the first time and the only episodes worth rewatching were the lady-trish teamup (ep 3) and the johnny somebody episode (#5). Say what you will about DmC Dante or DMC3 Dante but they held my attention. Anime Dante was so dull I couldn't sit through the anime in one sitting and some schmuck named johnny somebody was more compelling than him.

There was so much potential in that show but it was squandered so much so i rather any adaptation becomes the opposite.


Earthbound Immortal
I think they should try to go for the gothic feel of the first DMC with samples of over the top action.

I know I'm beating a dead horse here but I really think Garo is a good example. You've got the hero with the epically long (and impractical) coat.

And you got the CGI demons which look creepy as hell.

And finally you have the hero's version of the Devil Trigger.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Also, Dragon, I do think an actor that know well how to fight is required, cause you know how directors use to remedy to what an actor can't do: slow mo, fast and disconnected editing, unclear close-ups and shaky cam.
Yes, Dante is self taught but it's DMC, shouldn't strive too much for realism, don't you think?

Well I don't mean that it should be completely realistic, but just enough that it would make sense for Dante to have a self-taught roughness to his style. But I guess it depends on which Dante we're talking about. Like DMC3/DmC Dante would probably be unrefined with their swordsmanship compared to their future versions. And NO. SHAKY CAM. That is the last thing Devil May Cry needs. I use to be alright with shaky cam, but now...not so much. Unclear close-ups would be pretty bad too.

As much as I want to have an actor who really looks like Dante, I'd rather have an actor who can act and fight like him, and not look as close to Dante. Because for me, it's not the look, but rather the fire in the actor to play a believable Dante that attracts me. One of the reasons I liked DmC as much as DMC; it was still Dante deep down. So if they did find an actor with those circumstances, I'd be alright with it.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall

Ok, so just do a modified version of Garo... with Shin Megami Tensei Dante.

Speaking of Garo

I like this one.
This one is mine you can't have this one....Just uh...Just gonna go ahead and make a note of that.


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That Guy Who Hates Fox McCloud
I think they should try to go for the gothic feel of the first DMC with samples of over the top action.

I know I'm beating a dead horse here but I really think Garo is a good example. *pics*
This is all from Garou? This looks awesome.

Hot damn, now I might actually watch this...


Supporter 2014
Kind of makes you wonder why it's so difficult to hash out a decent narrative in the first place.


Elite Hunter
DMC3 was a good try but it made Dante's past more interesting than his present

True that, 3 was the last instance where we got a good Dante story among the original stuff. I mean, 2's story was the the most loosely told after 1, and in 4, Dante's not even the focus. So yeah I agree that the sequels to 1 didn't do anything to make Dante's story compelling. Maybe a movie would be a good opportunity.

As for anime...

There was so much potential in that show but it was squandered so much

I couldn't agree more. You know what the biggest disappointment was for me? The Baul and Modeus episode. I don't know if you feel the same. They such a great opportunity to make an interesting insight on Sparda's past, and they blew it.

Now that I think about it, I'd like to have a DMC film cover that to make up for what the anime missed. I'd love to dive into Sparda's past, starting maybe from the times when he was Mundus' general.


When the going gets tough, the tough get going
DMC3 was a good try but it made Dante's past more interesting than his present.
True.One of the DMC greatest sins (IMO, of course) is that Capcom decided in DMC4 inserted new characters for some fashionable decision, instead of exploring ( even if only partially) some of the existing ones (ex: it was possible to explore Dante's past through Vergil's or the exact opposite, etc.)
Same with Dante's persona: the only "deep" information we have about how Dante was supposed to be is from a pseudo non canon novel where he is described as a serious and philosophical, where he eats different foods instead of being a pseudo ninja turtle and he even starves and begs his friend Nell for food . This is a real persona, a poor soul. The happy go lucky guy was a mask he made for self defense.
But tell me, how many people would like to see this hidden face of him?People complains how superficial he is, but forbids Capcom of giving him some layers. ( not that Capcom is interested in it anyway).


Supporter 2014
Same with Dante's persona: the only "deep" information we have about how Dante was supposed to be is from a pseudo non canon novel where he is described as a serious and philosophical, where he eats different foods instead of being a pseudo ninja turtle and he even starves and begs his friend Nell for food.
This is the Dante that Gotham needs...

...but not the one it deserves.


Well-known Member
pseudo non canon novel where he is described as a serious and philosophical, where he eats different foods instead of being a pseudo ninja turtle and he even starves and begs his friend Nell for food .
Where in the Novel was he philosophical? Is that something that got lost in the german translation of the novel?
I always thought he was like DMC1 Dante only a bit less cocky.
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the devil is not as black as he painted
next Underworld movie to come out.

what next underworld movie? is a sequel planned?

on topic, make nero as the lead or a new character like RE did, just don't do the horrible movie part.. this will be fair for both fans, both are sucker punched
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When the going gets tough, the tough get going
Where in the Novel was he philosophical? Is that something that got lost in the german translation of the novel?
I always thought he was like DMC1 Dante only a bit less cocky.
Hmm, I've not read the novel in years, but we got some points here:
Dante( as Tony) is described by Grue as philosophical in page 44, but there is a better example of this where is Dante "talking"( thinking) about himself, but i still have to find that page.
We have Dante has a child lover in page 55, where he is playing with children while feeding them. He is described as a child mind set.
Funny bit: Vergil( as Gilver) is described as having a androgenous body built , almost feminine in page 57.
As soon as I find Dante's thoughts, I bring them here.
Is that something that got lost in the german translation of the novel?
I just have the Tokyo's Pop english version of the book.I don't know how accurate it is to japanese version since I saw the trashy and badly done translation they did of DMC3 manga.
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Well-known Member
Hmm, I've not read the novel in years, but we got some points here:
Dante( as Tony) is described by Grue as philosophical in page 44, but there is a better example of this where is Dante "talking"( thinking) about himself, but i still have to find that page.
We have Dante has a child lover in page 55, where he is playing with children while feeding them. He is described as a child mind set.
Funny bit: Vergil( as Gilver) is described as having a androgenous body built , almost feminine in page 57.
As soon as I find Dante's thoughts, I bring them here.

I just have the Tokyo's Pop english version of the book.I don't know how accurate it is to japanese version since I saw the trashy and badly done translation they did of DMC3 manga.

Thanks for the page, I looked through, it's either on a totally different one for me or it's simply lost in translation (which is pretty likely). In the german version Dante comes across as a more lighthearted DMC1 Dante to me, which would be perfect in an origin story. The whole book would work as a movie in my opinion, still sad about it being non-canon....
I think the movie script could also take some pages out from the Dresden Files, just swap Harry Dresden out for Dante and you're good to go most of the time lol


That Guy Who Hates Fox McCloud
what next underworld movie? is a sequel planned?
Underworld: Next Generation has already started filming in Prague and is slated for an October release date with another film already planned after that.

Len Wiseman's also talked about making an Underworld TV Series depending on how well-received the movies are by fans...especially since Awakening went up like a fart in church.
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