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How do YOU deal with you emotions?


Unloved Someone
I don't know. I just wanted to start a topic to put out there to people with a problem to gain some GOOD ideas of ways to deal with their problems cuz I'm sick of scaring my friends with some of the things I do and want some other alternatives. At the time being I starve myself when I'm upset and draw my feelings as a last resort :\

So what do you do?


Aya Brea
As odd as it may sound, but it works for me, is Dance Dance Relvolution. I've been playing that game for over 7 years now, and it's always been a good stress reliever. I usually do play on heavy mode, but sometimes just playing standard or difficult mode is good enough to bring a great burst of energy to me. It keeps me from thinking of alot of negative things. Plus the music makes me hyper. xD

Sometimes when I'm angry I'll go to the mall and go to a fav. clothing store of mine and just try on clothes. Even if they look ridiculous on me, at least I'm doing something than moping around. Going for walks and listening to your music player while doing that is good. Physical things usually take stuff off my mind.

Another good way is writing or drawing it out. When a boy I really, really loved turned me down... I went into a complete baw fest. Never had I cried so hard over a guy. My mom could tell I really loved him, and called his sorry a$$ and scared him enough to where he doesn't even look at me! Coward. xD

But I wrote a song about him. Ha! I should send it to him, but to be honest, I don't like getting stuff started. That just makes it worse.


Unloved Someone
I sold my DDR cuz the PS3 isn't compatible with all the equipment :(

Going to the mall isn't an option for me without a car :lol:

Drawing I already use as a last resort ^_^


Dines with dementia
I used to just bottle up whatever's was on my mind, but this almost drove me insane, so I scratched the idea.

Other than the usual listening to a song really loud, I write what's on my mind (the poor poor keyboard...).
When I'm angry I say stuff I regret later, but at least I feel better.

Bottom line, never bottle up any emotions, folks, it's bad. Just go Tidus-style and scream really loud. :lol:

Crimson Red Knight

master of the blade
i find that the best way of dealing with ones emotions is to step outside urself for a moment, find out why ur fealing these emotions..and then if u absolutly cant talk to the person that makes u feel the emotion, talk a friend that u trust or ur parents...im sure if u stress how important it is to u to talk about it they will..mine always do


The devoted
i dont cope, i bottle everything up, then i just end up losing the emotion about 20 mins later, unless its still doing something to me, but when i get home, onto the PC it just goes and i am a different person


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
for me, I don't get real emotional, I don't bottle stuff up but I guess I am just emotionless really.


Aya Brea
Janny;73310 said:
Bottom line, never bottle up any emotions, folks, it's bad. Just go Tidus-style and scream really loud. :lol:

Or you can just laugh really loud. :3 I loled hard at the scene, but once I tried it and it actually worked. I felt silly, but alot better.


Fearfully and wonderfully made
I don't actually deal with emotions, as such, I just sort of get stressed and panic about the slightest thing and I normally have to sleep it off. ^_^


Is not rat, is hamster
It depends. I'm a highly emotional person and express myself most of the time...

If I'm angry, then the world knows about it and it usually sits in my head for days on end whilst I work myself up over things. I used to self harm and not eat, so I think I've improved somewhat ;)

If someone dies though, that is something I keep solely to myself. I don't talk about it and I don't let it show. It's private for me - dunno why.

I think I'm the most emotional I have ever been since meeting Steve because I feel completely safe with him and can express myself without fear of recrimination or anything negative. He has the patience of a saint, that man... :wub:


Lost Soul
Angry I RP fight to get the anger out. It does help but people you RP fight with get all scared on you. Only emotion I show on the surface really. I don't kow why though.

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
Easy.there are 4 ways...

1)play games like True Crime,GTA and etc to unleash the anger...

2)Get laid.(Even though i have never get laid)

3)Take a hot bath.

4)Talk to friends.


Order of R.L.C.
Get laid?!
I normally type my feelings out somewhere, then go for a nap, and realise everything was stupid so I delete the whole file.
When I'm angry, I don't talk to my friends about it, because at that point of time the things you say may hurt people, or even when the friend is someone you trust and not involved, I fear being blackmailed or badmouthed=S I don't trust people. LOL.
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