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How Are You Dealing With The Heat?

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Yet again it's one of those dreary nights where I find myself bored out of my skull, so I create this thread.

Most of you are probably experiencing what is quite frankly, a disgustingly high heat level, the question is simple DMC.org, I'd like to know how you personally are dealing with the heat in this time of the year, are you drinking lots? Going down the beach for a swim? Or are you just eating up half a planet's worth of eletricity with air conditioning?

I myself have gone with the latter option, I find myself with about three fans set up, going on full blast practically 24/7 and it's still too hot.

What about yourselves?


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Work out, walk a lot, jog also. Do lots of work to sweat, cools down the body. Drink a lot of cold drinks, eat ice creams and enjoy air conditioning. Open the windows, fan myself; and also open and close the door rapidly to generate a cool breeze. Plus pouring water over me, or having a cold shower. Or by using sprays which cool the body, such as deodorants and aftershave.


The devoted
For me it's actually quite cool. Clouded sky for the last 2 days. Sun's not been too bad, but when it was hot. I just did nothing different. Everyone was moaning and it doesn't do anything, so I just acted normal. Apart from not letting people get within 2 inches of me. :lol: Keeps me cooler rather than taking their body heat.


Aya Brea
Louisiana weather is bipolar... it's fine one moment then raining w/a vengence, then hot as hell, then a nice breeze comes in, then it's back to being ridiculously hot, then more rain.

It's been so hot during mid day that you feel like the air in your lungs have been absorbed by it. Holy moly.

I like riding my bike and going to the park w/my friends when we ride bikes together if it's not that hot.


Dodge this!!!
Melting!!! OH MY GOD IM MELTING!!!!!!! i cant handle heat!!! im a cold person!!! :( i actually stopped doing anything in school coz i nearly fell asleep from the heat!!!!


New Member
Jogging, working out, drinking 4 liters of fresh water everyday, various fresh drinks, getting laid (helps), cold showers. And I dunno, I have the air conditioner but here where I live, the apartment, is quite fresh.

Bad Wolf

32 flavors and then some
Fans, wearing as little as possible, and trying to not do too much. Then again, it hasn't really been that hot up here lately (the lake effect tends to keep the summers relatively cool).


Underworld Angel
It gets hot out here early, so by now it's not that bad; but, I still try and keep myself hydrated and turn on the air conditioning when need be.

Pantera Queen

Well-known Member
I actually enjoy the heat a bit more than I did last year. I use to hate the heat with a passion.I'd always complain no matter how many fans were on or what I wore. But now I'm enjoying after the hellish winter we had here. I usually play tennis,walk around,or relax under the sun. Drinking sport drinks and water cools me down as well as cold foods.

BTW I can your sig is exactly how you're feeling:lol:


Anti - Little D
i moan until the heat goes away :lol: as a good british person does :lol: , or i drink lots of juice and pepsi ... :lol: shower and suck ice cubes works a treat !!!


Is not rat, is hamster
I hate the heat - cannot stand it. Doesn't help that my body temperature is altered thanks to the baby so I get overheated even when it's relatively mild. At least we're back to typical British Summer weather now - cold, wet and windy. Although I've been informed this summer is meant to be epic hot, which I am really not looking forward to as I'll be almost full term and incredibly uncomfortable.

Thank the good Lord for ceiling fans in our bedroom, is all I can say. That and thermal backed curtains which keep the rooms cold all day long.


I live far in the south of AFRICA where it is fast approaching winter - deep winter. It is cold right now.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Weather better start improving again soon, i do not want to get soaked at Download Festival for 5 days...


Is not rat, is hamster
Aw, it's not a festival if you don't get soaked at least once though. Just hope and pray any soaking you do get is rainwater and not urine...woke up one night at V Festival to hear the sound of someone peeing against the wall of my tent. Was so glad that I wasn't sleeping next to it and felt only slightly guilty that Paul my tent-mate got peed on...
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