Hot news: Itsuno wanted to do a DmC2!

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That article was written by the same guy that mistook Nero for Dante for Vergil, then got really upset when fans called him out on not bothering to do any basic research for a game he was reporting on. Half of his interviews and articles revolve around baiting DmC any way possible, and he cut short an interview with Matt because he was called out on taking up the "lol dumb fans" DmC marketing line instead of just admitting he made a mistake.

In other words, I wouldn't take any information produced from interviews there to be particularly credible, given the context of the questioning was probably leading.
DmC Devil May Cry was doomed because it was a bad idea.

Usually if a franchise still has strength, it shouldn't be rebooted. Tomb Raider was turning into a mess both in sales and critically so I understand that one. DMC 4 sold more than any other DMC game but not as much as Call of Duty so they decided the reason was that it was not "western" enough and gave it to a Western Studio with the mandate that they change a LOT.

The result is that core DMC fans didn't want it and people who were never fans to begin with mostly still weren't.

Had DmC been its own beast entirely and its characters had different names I think it would have been more well embraced, so don't take this as me bashing it. It's NOT a bad game. I own it. I enjoy it. It's a darn fine character action title and I hope certain things ARE carried over from it. Like level design and platforming.
I reread the article and never saw it as a DmC2 or DMC5 statement from Itsuno. I just felt the article was about him liking DmC and wanting to see it flourish than him liking it more than DMC5.
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Since we ARE speaking on it, DmC would've never had a chance regardless of whether the PR was good or not. It was different from the classic series in many cosmetics and mechanics, and that is more than enough to put people off. It would've been better if they had just made it some sort of spiritual successor to Devil May Cry and called it something like 'Nephilim' or 'Anarchy' or 'Face Your Demons'.
Since we ARE speaking on it, DmC would've never had a chance regardless of whether the PR was good or not. It was different from the classic series in many cosmetics and mechanics, and that is more than enough to put people off. It would've been better if they had just made it some sort of spiritual successor to Devil May Cry and called it something like 'Nephilim' or 'Anarchy' or 'Face Your Demons'.

Spiritual Successor isn't a proper term especially if its being published by Capcom people might view it as Capcom replacing DMC since it still has the word successor in it.

Not only that the story is so radically different all you need to do is change the names for the characters and weapons (and some of the move names) and a few cosmetic tweaks (like replace Vergil's katana with another weapon like a Shashka and make his Summon Sword's daggers like in the cutscene). Maybe change a few things like Dante and Vergil not being brothers anymore and bam you basically have a new IP that only somewhat resembles DMC in combat and a cocky protagonist which is basically what Bayonetta is.
"Vice and Virtue" sounds cool.
I chose names that directly connect to the game. Oh, how about 'Awaken'

Spiritual Successor isn't a proper term especially if its being published by Capcom people might view it as Capcom replacing DMC since it still has the word successor in it.

Not only that the story is so radically different all you need to do is change the names for the characters and weapons (and some of the move names) and a few cosmetic tweaks (like replace Vergil's katana with another weapon like a Shashka and make his Summon Sword's daggers like in the cutscene). Maybe change a few things like Dante and Vergil not being brothers anymore and bam you basically have a new IP that only somewhat resembles DMC in combat and a cocky protagonist which is basically what Bayonetta is.

True. I guess no matter how much changes are done, it would still be lumped to Devil May Cry somehow.
a) Nero's redesign looks almost exactly like DmC Dante
b) DMC5's "Demon's have completely taken over the Human World" scenario fits exactly with the first DmC's ending.
c) The V character. Everything about the V character. He even has Kat's spell book.
c) The lowered difficulty settings, and the S for "Savage" in the Style Rank.

a.) This was pretty obvious to see, however Nero was begging for a redesign since he was just coming off as Dante's clone in DMC4. At least now he looks like his own man...even if he's now a New!Dante clone now.

b.) Demons taking over the world wasn't just a DmC thing. That was always to be a thing for Devil May Cry at one point or another. It's just now they've decided to do it that way.

c.) V and Kat don't even resemble each other besides their necklaces. And Kat doesn't summon demons nor does she use a spell book. Both may be magic users but that doesn't really mean they're alike.

d.) Please don't insult Combichrist like that. "Pull my Devil Trigger" sounds nothing like them. Maybe the "Subhumane" song but not that techno/electronic nonsense.

e.) We don't even know what the difficulty setting will be. Hell, DMC1's difficulty was lowered in the HD collections.

I mean I don't see a problem with bits of DmC being in DMC5. As long as the game is good, then who cares?
A) some people have also compared him to Drew from Scalebound.

B) the ending of DMC3 also could have exposed demons to the world so its not that random. Although the fact that capcom decided to use that idea now than before could be DmC's influence.

C) to be fair DMC had magic users before like Arius and Patty's ancestors. Althought i can't blame you for forgetting them. I could see an influence of DmC's modern aesthetic in V's look. V isn't that close to Kat but more of a good guy version of Arkham.

I don't have a response to D) and e) but i dont mind if DMC takes influences from DmC.

Its no different from Marvel being influenced by their movies etc.

I dont think Dante becoming the next Demon King is that bad of an idea. Its actually inspired and would open a whole new world of story possibilities for him.
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In other words, this heavily hints that it is perfectly possible and legal for them to develop DmC2 without Ninja Theory.

I would like a DmC2 but what I really want is DmC control system, regardless of direction.
Ironically DmC would have benefited more if it leaned into classic DMC or went the opposite and got rid of the connection completely.

Which is not dissimilar to Nero in DMC4 as they could have leaned more heavily into his connection to Dante or just got rid of it completely.

But unlike Nero there isnt an easy alternative for what DmC should be. Granted maybe using Dante's time as Tony Redgrave from the first light novel might have been more appealing to the fans. Or maybe have two time periods of Dante's life and flipping between the two?

We could probably talk about this over and over....

Not feeling Awaken as a title.

EDIT- im not against aspects of DmC making it into classic DMC. Its no different than Marvel or DC taking inspiration from the various cartoons, movies, videogames etc.
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Given DmC's inspiration of They Live (film)/Eight O'clock in the Morning (short story), maybe it should have had a title to reflect that inspiration. Maybe a reference to Shadow Company that Carpenter never got to make, around the same time as They Live or something. Shadow of Limbo or something.

I also think that DmC may have been received better if they had used the CG trailer to announce the game. It does a great job of showing the twisting environment that Limbo utilizes; there's classic, DMC-style action; we see the Devil Trigger with its white hair and red coat that hints at something more; and Dante busting into a demon-controlled bank to wreck shop depicts the concept of the disenfranchised fighting a demonic establishment. But, oh well...

A) No it doesn't! He looks more like the "Guy from Scalebound". Like someone pointed out, nero looked like an angsty version of DMC3 dante with that hairstyle and the reddish coat. Nero needed a redesign PERIOD.

B) Not really... its just a generic setting.

C) He has Arkham's Evil Book

D) !?? Where's CombiChrist?

C) Lower difficulty always existed ever since the first game.

I think his ultimate plan for an "emotional ending" is to kill off Dante, Lady, and Trish, --or--- get Dante out of the way by making him the new Demon King, and then soft reboot the franchise under Nero, to get back to making the kind of Devil May Cry games he wants.
I'd rather make dante just LOSE his POWERS so he can be the protagonist for DMC6!! I want Uncle Dante to forever be the protagonist. My question is simple, WHY do we need a new protagonist!? If anything the entire series should end with Dante as the protagonist.

Also not a fan of adding Microtransactions into my beautiful, beautiful Divinity Statues.
Yeah, really f***ing hate this, the 4chan army defends this bullshit but the implications are horrible. The only reason why anyone would be enticed to use microtransactions is IF there was grinding involved. We just have to wait and see how annoying the grinding is going to be.
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It depends on how you feel about Dante as a character. Personally I like him but he hasn't always been used well. They don't seem to know what to do with him after 1 and he's been kinda meh to me. In fact this is something DmC did better than DMC. Reboot Dante feels like he can journey into a sequel easier than Classic Dante has.

I'm not saying it's a 100% hopeless as the right writer could come around and breathe new life into him. It happens to Marvel and DC all the time. But till then an ideal scenario would be to make him a co-protagonist like in 5 and attempted in 4.
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It depends on how you feel about Dante as a character. Personally I like him but he hasn't always been used well. They don't seem to know what to do with him after 1 and he's been kinda meh to me. In fact this is something DmC did better than DMC. Reboot Dante feels like he can journey into a sequel easier than Classic Dante has. I'm not saying it's a 100% hopeless as the right writer could come around and breathe new life into him. It happens to Marvel and DC all the time. But till then an ideal scenario would be to make him a co-protagonist like in 5 and attempted in 4.
I mean, dante already has done everything in DMC1, he defeated the Demon God and reclaimed his father's powers. His story arc was finished. In 2&4, dante was barely there in the story. The only 2 games that had Dante at the center of the story was DMC 1&3.

DMC 5 is said to be end of the "sons of sparda saga" which is very vague but my guess is that it means Dante is involved in the plot more than he was before. IMO i just don't see the point keeping him around just for fan service, they should just get rid of him if they don't want to make the games with dante anymore.
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I mean, dante already has done everything in DMC1, he defeated the Demon God and reclaimed his father's powers. His story arc was finished. In 2&4, dante was barely there in the story. The only 2 games that had Dante at the center of the story was DMC 1&3.

DMC 5 is said to be end of the "sons of sparda saga" which is very vague but my guess is that it means Dante is involved in the plot more than he was before. IMO i just don't see the point him keeping him around just for fan service, they should just get rid of him if they don't want to make the games with dante anymore.
I also think Capcom believes that DMC won't sell as well if they to Dante out.