General DMC 5 Discussion

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the weakest thing is the ending...

It is so full of forced "drama" without any reasons.

Herp Derp Dante and Vergil go down to the demon world to seal it from human world... Nero alomost crying telling them they can't come back and they play the game as well.

Hello Nero... Your daddy has the Yamato and if they want, they can come back at any time.
Yamato cannot open portals from within hell to the human world.

U imagine for Vergil, Urizen form as main DT or Majin?

Verigls DT in game is SIN as well isn't it? cause it looks identical to dantes, accept alko sbit different but it definitely looks like sin
I have a feeling if DMC continues , Vergil and Dante will be back

This wasn't a (they are trapped permanently) final goodbye to them moment to me
Only thing that bothered me was that they got somebody completely different to do Vergil's face. Dante and Vergil are suppose to be identical twins or did Capcom decide to change the story.
I hear you. I dare anyone to say that this isn't the perfect look for Vergil:

They should've stuck with the man's features more closely.
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It's kind of weird that Vergil spent all that time in the demon world , lost to Dante as nelo and was Mia after

And is still clean shaven and has short hair

Be cool to see him look like a caveman when he came back ha ha
Honestly claim that it "will end sparda's sons storyline" is pretty weak. Game is completely open ended. Additionally both vergil and Dante stuck in demon world at least once and returned both times. So honestly it's not even close to promised "the end" game.
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Dante was supposedly trapped in the demon world without yamato after DMC 2 ,and returned , Vergil got out of there after losing yamato too, now they have yamato so it's not over by any means.Its simply tied up stuff a bit better [\spoiler]
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Just finished it now.

Well goddamn, this was a blast to play through. They went all ****ing out on this one, I don't have a single second of hesitation in calling this the best Devil May Cry game they've ever made.

But although the vast majority of the game was top notch, I have to spend some time on the two things that bothered me: V and
the Vergil fights.

As for the former, I made my post about him already, but I was hoping that as the game progressed he would grow on me but nope. I'm sorry but his gameplay is so, SO clunky. Those familiars aren't respo... actually no, only Shadow isn't responsive, which is still bad cause he does the majority of the work. I don't like how the damn cat teleports back to V whenever he's not at point blank distance from the enemy you're targeting, it disrupts the flow and deadass drops your combos, what in the actual hell, game. Are you knocking a demon back? Tough luck on following up, the damn thing is gonna leave him and come back to you cause reasons.
Also you want to swap target? Well you gotta wait for the cat to run all the way there first, before you can do anything.
I dunno man, it feels so stiff to control these things.

As for the latter, well... once again, they seem to have given Vergil more of a DmC feel in what he does and how he does it, a lot more than in DMC4SE. I said it then and I'll say it now, it doesn't fit him. It looks sloppy, clumsy, and feels weak. Some of his movements seem almost ripped out of DmC. Like really, he does the doppleganger **** just like in that game, come on. The pose where he sticks Yamato into the ground/kneels down stunned? The dive attack, the look and feel of Summoned Swords and Rapid Slash? All DmC looking. It's ugly and more than the sharp, precise swordsman he was portrayed as in DMC3, it makes him look like the awkward, clumsy and inexperienced improvised fighter that his DmC rendition was.
I want Capcom to stop trying to carry his DmC feel over to DMC, it looks off every time in the context of the original universe and it robs the character of a bit of his badassness.

On a more positive note, Nico surprised me. I went in expecting to hate her but actually her gags with the van were hilarious and all around her character wasn't nearly as obnoxious as the trailers sold it.
Also the Devil Breaker system grew on me. Don't get me wrong, I still think it sucks that you can't switch freely, but thankfully each arm is fun enough to use that the absence of that feature didn't really bother me, and breaking them isn't that big a deal cause buying them back is very cheap.

As for the story, it was fun and entertaining, got its job of keeping me engaged done. A few parts were head-scratching but nothing deal breaking.

All in all, excellent game, Dante's rendition here is absolutely NUTS, they gave him so much variety I can easily see myself pouring a huge amount of hours finding out the endless amount of combos he has at his disposal, also because this game seems to be the most replayable of all DMCs, as some missions kinda branch out letting you choose which character to play them with.

What else to say, 11 years of waiting but ****, it was worth it in the end, and can't wait for Bloody Palace, hopefully it won't be as linear of straightforward as DMC4's, I'd like some element of unpredictability and risk like DMC3's. I hope they put as much effort in that as they did for the main game.

I would say I also hope Vergil will be playable at some point but to be perfectly honest, I'm not looking forward to it that much if he ends up feeling as DmC-ish as his boss fight version. Which, if they do decide to make him playable, I have no doubt he will, no way they're gonna rework his moveset's animations.
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It seems rather strange for the devs to announce they have no post launch DLC planned other than Bloody Palace after making a game that makes everyone hungry for more.

I guess Itsuno has plans in mind for a DMC6 cause it really didn't feel like an ending to the Sons of Sparda Saga, it feels like a new beginning instead.

If you think it about it, we're right back where we were with DMC2, wondering whether or not Dante will come back from hell.
It seems rather strange for the devs to announce they have no post launch DLC planned

I call BS on that but I don't have a problem with them releasing some. If the base game is satisfying and complete and doesn't feel like they stripped content out for the sake of DLC, I'm fine with it.
Maybe they are just keeping their cards close to their chests to keep it a surprise

So guys what does everyone think of Dante's look now , his face and attire

I actually really dig it , so much better than 4 and the lack of belts and chaps is welcome too ha
Nope ha ha it just keeps expanding

Especially with Dante after
you get sin devil trigger, the new sword and it's blades function and his whole moveset unlocked.The super moves with his sin trigger are insane [\spoiler]
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Did anyone ever stop to look at the nice environmental touches in this game? I noted that the blood inside the tree branches throughout the levels coagulates when you get close, as if the tree is trying to prevent you from letting it out.
Finished the game this morning! Going to post my thoughts here. :happy:

Overall I really liked it. Nero and Dante are both really fun to play as. V is terrible and I hate him. His combat is boring and clunky and his appearance, personality, voice, and dialogue are all awful as well. I had a knee jerk reaction when I found out who V is (same with Urizen because I dislike his design) but once I got past that I really enjoyed the twists. The story really works in this game, which is not something I was expecting. I thought it started out rough, but it comes together well and there were a lot of great moments.

I wish after finishing the game you could replay any level with any character. I'd love to go through the game using only Nero and then again with Dante, but nope. Gotta have V there is break the momentum and fun. Also wish you would switch Devil Breakers on the fly, but overall Nero is a lot of fun so it's okay. It would be awesome if they release an updates that let us switch though.

Nico also really grew on me. I hated her in the trailers but she was genuinely funny and her van showing up in ridiculous places was amazing and I loved it.

Level design is pretty meh. Waaaaay too many levels take places in the same boring, same-looking environment.

Overall, really strong game and worth the wait. Hopefully Capcom doesn't take too long to make a DMC6 as there is a lot they can build on from here. :thumbsup:
Level design is pretty meh. Waaaaay too many levels take places in the same boring, same-looking environment.

I disagree, I think the city environments yes, aren't all that visually, but the tree levels have that Demon World feel that I've always wanted a DMC game to be set in, and they had a lot of detail as well.

But regardless of our feelings about aesthetics, can we all agree that, after DMC4 and DmC's linear levels, we finally got a game with intricate structure, where exploration is encouraged and rewarded with all the secret areas, hidden paths and stuff? That was a welcome return to the old school level design. I betcha even the guides out right now haven't got all the secrets yet.

her van showing up in ridiculous places was amazing and I loved it.

I was ****ing myself every single time. LOL
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Visually speaking this game is incredible

True, the only weak point is the faces... Actual just Trish's face. LOL

At least for me. Dante's I found it a lot better in the final game compared to the trailers, I never had a problem with Nero's and Lady's, and V's eventually grew on me.

Saddest thing is that Eva got the short end of the stick too by default. Man, she was NOT that ugly in Dante's picture. XD
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I disagree, I think the city environments yes, aren't all that visually, but the tree levels have that Demon World feel that I've always wanted a DMC game to be set in, and they had a lot of detail as well.

But regardless of our feelings about aesthetics, can we all agree that, after DMC4 and DmC's linear levels, we finally got a game with intricate structure, where exploration is encouraged and rewarded with all the secret areas, hidden paths and stuff? That was a welcome return to the old school level design. I betcha even the guides out right now haven't got all the secrets yet.

I was ****ing myself every single time. LOL
Dmc 4 had linear level? Probably you played another game since there was many exploration in dmc 4, also dmc reboot had good platform section and exploration... Unfortunandly i had to say that dmc 5 had none of this, I liked the visual of the level, remind me of dmc 2 design of the level, witch I like but the dmc 5 level are pretty linear compared to dmc 1 2 3 and 4... While in the previous dmc game you can return if you want from the ending part of the game to the first place you start the game, you cannot do this in dmc 5 and give me a sense of linearity and non freedom, it s more like the reboot but whit no interesting platform part, also the old dmc had you pick key or solve some puzzle to oper door and other things but not this one, the only thing you do sometimes Is opening passage whit a parasite... Wow good design choice... The hidden area are linear too compared to dmc 4 and reboot, And the camera sometimes is frustrating... However dispaite all this choice in design that I don't liked, dmc 5 I still a pretty good game, I will give it a 9.5
Dante and Vergil look the best facial wise

Nero still looks like a teen ha and v looks like a pretty boy who loves himself , which is partially true