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Frequently Asked Questions


TimeLord Detective
I noticed that some members who enter the forum from time to time, are confused with some things. Those usually consist of Avatar/Signature and Rep. That is why I decided to make a guide to help those people get the hand of it. Also it would take the trouble of having to explain the whole thing again and again when someone appears. Thanks to Vauxchen for the idea and Rep+;)


What is an avatar?
Avatars are small graphics that are displayed under your username whenever you post.

Where can I see my avatar?
There are two places where where the avatar shows up.
1) In our posts.
2) In our profile.

Example for 1:

Example for 2:

Why do I need to have an avatar?
You don't. Everyone just has one because they like it.

So then, how do I use a picture for an avatar?
Good. Let us see. The first thing you need to do is click .

You are now in your CP, your Control Panel.
Click on the red letters which say Edit Avatar.

In the new locations you'll see two options.
1) Do not use an avatar
2) Use Custom Avatar

Obviously select the second.

After that you just need to follow the instructions there. You can see that you can either:
1) Enter the URL to the Image on Another Website - Meaning you just post the link of the picture you want to use as an avatar.
2) Upload Image From Your Computer - Meaning you browse your own files until you see a suitable picture.

When either of those is done then click "Save Changes" and you're perfectly okay. If the avatar won't show up no matter what then you probably did not notice that The maximum size of your custom image is 100 by 100 pixels or 19.5 KB (whichever is smaller)..


What's a signature?
It's a place where you can put whatever you wish. Either a picture, some words, a link etc etc. Just make sure it's nothing against the Rules of the Forum. It appears under your posts.

How do I use a picture for a signature?
Basically you do EXACTLY what you did with the avatar. Except of course that you click on Edit Signature this time after going to the Options.

Notes: The maximum size of your custom image is 500 by 100 pixels or 19.5 KB (whichever is smaller)
Also. It's highly recommended (by me and no one else) that this time you use a signature that is on the internet rather than upload one from your pc.

I upload it my signature. I can see it on my profile, but it doesn't appear in any of the posts I had made. What's going on?
The signature will appear only in the new posts that you will make. However if you had a signature and changed it some time, the new signature will appear in the old posts as well.

Keaton said:
REP: Rep is a mechanic that has since been removed from the forums in order to help the forum run better. But for the sake of Education and Tony's excellent writings, I'll keep the information about Rep here should it be re-introduced.

What's that Rep+

What does it do?
Nothing. Just that the more you have, the more respected you are throughout the forums.

Those Silver Thingies when we post have something to do with Rep+?
Yes. The more Silver Thingies you have, the more Rep you've got.

Where can I view my Rep?
Just go to Options. The most recent Reps you've got show up immediately.

How can I give Rep+?
Each post has this ->
under it. Click it.

How can I view how much rep I've got?
Try to give Rep to yourself:p

Username Colours

How do you do spoiler tags?

Insert Spoiler Here

Will look like this:

Insert Spoiler Here

And that's it. If anyone has something else to add, please do so=]

Hope that helps.


The devoted
When you tell someone about the site, they put your name down and you get a referral, it does nothing but shows how many people you have lead to the site


TimeLord Detective

Vaux (again:p) notified me of having been asked more than a few times what's the deal with his username being gold, while all the other members have the typical red one. So I'll explain all the colours here too. Unfortunately it was immpossible to have this in the 1st post as well so I'll add a link of this post in the 1st one:)


Red is the original colour the everyone's username has when they first sign in as members of this forum. This category of members is the most basic one and does not have any special priviledges (except for being here:p).


Gold/Yellow is the colour that applies to the Forum's supporters. I will not explain anything further as, the explanation on "how" to become one, and "what benefits you gain" for it, has been perfectly explained here.;)


Green is the colour that applies to the Forum's (Super:p)moderators. The moderators were chosen by the administrators for reasons they know. I suppose when the member showed signs of wanting to help keep the forum in order (and if the Staff wanted an extra addition) they offered the position to one. Their primary work is to try and keep the forum in order and make sure that everyone follows the rules of the forum. They are the forum's lil' guardians:)
They also are the ones you should ask for help in case you don't understand something forum-wise. (That applies to the administrators as well).


That's the colour the administrators have. They have the most "powers" not only over the forum but over the whole site as well. They are the ones who keep things as they are even in the technical part of the site. They can do "anything" as they are also the ones who created the site/forum and change everything. They are the ones you should ask for almost any sort of help/guidance/whatever in terms of not only the forum, but the site as well. They are the site's real guardians^_^


What is a spoiler?

A spoiler is something that reveals parts of a story's plot. The story could either be a movie, a book, a game and what not. It's considered bad from the majority of people. That's because each of them want to learn the story by seeing/reading/playing it by themselves in order to gain all the thrills of it.

Then what are the spoiler tags?

In forums where people talk via posts for many things, it's expected and logical to see talks about stories as well. However since every person is different in many ways, when some of them talk about the story in a public thread, they may accidentally reveal elements of the plot - spoiler. Since not everyone has learnt of that story, it's preferable that they use spoiler tags to hide the "bad" elements which would ruin the surprises for any person who is not knowledgable about the story and does not like spoilers.

Ok, then how do I use spoiler tags? Unlike most things I don't see any button to use in order to create a spoiler tag when I post.

Yeah there is not a button, but you still have a way to use them. Let's say you want to conceal that Jesus died to people who haven't read the bible:p
Here's what you have to do.

[SPOILER.]Jesus dies[/SPOILER]

You right it like that without the full stop and it becomes:

Jesus dies

There ya go. ^_^


The devoted
in that last post i think that the dark orange needs to be changed to green with the update in colours


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
How to do a spoiler tag. I see that question asked quite a bit as of late.


The devoted
Not just spoiler tags, ive seen image tags been wanted. It might also help to have the hyperlinked image with


The devoted
I think that we need the rep+ system taken out of this, otherwise it'll just raise more questions when people ask "What's rep, why don't I see any? I want my rep now!"


Vauxchen-kun;175691 said:
I think that we need the rep+ system taken out of this, otherwise it'll just raise more questions when people ask "What's rep, why don't I see any? I want my rep now!"

Meh xD well only deaf ones would say that because in the thread is asked if it should be removed and the poll ended.


Well-known Member
I have taken the liberty of putting the info about Rep in spoiler tags, with a brief explanation about why it was removed.

Good job Vaux

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
I could spoiler it seeing as it's no longer relevant and would just confuse newcomers in the months to come.

EDIT: Damn it, ninja'd to it. :lol: :ninja:


SSSlayer of demons
And Keaton. At the avatar it says that the maximum size is 80x80 pixels (it is now 100x100 pixels). And at the sig too instead of being 500x100 px, it should be 520x240. You should change it ;).
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