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Elemental DTs

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God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
I got this idea from a short discussion I had with moseslmpg. Why doesn't the DMC series have more elemental DT's, such as Earth, Water, and such? And if there were these forms, what would you imagine they would look like? Try to be as detailed as you can, as well.

For Earth, I imagine Dante or Nero becoming covered in stone that pulses with red/purple lines of energy. It wouldn't have hands, but it would have large stone spheres that can morph into spikes, swords, spears, and fire sharp spikes of stone.

For Water, I have already said this in another thread, but I'll post it here too. It has a long, finned tail with scales all over it's body, large horns similar to Sparda's, and a reptilian-like head, sort of like a Blade or an Assault. It also has a large dorsal fin on it's back in the same shape as Sparda's wing-covers. It's basic attacks consist of sword attacks mixed in with claw slashes/kicks/tail whips.

And it doesn't have to be just Earth or Water. Any element, even one that's been done before, is welcome.

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
So far we have : Electricity[Nevan,ALastor],Light[Beowulf],Fire[Ifrit],Dual/Combination Element(Fire and Wind)[Agni and Rudra] and Ice[Cerberus].

The Rebellion and the Yamato are non-elemntal Devil Arms and probably serve only as the standard equipment and Legacy SParda left to his sons...and the Sparda too.

Now for more elements,while the Earth and Water elements hold some base we can go down two routes : Either follow the trend of finding every possible element presented in fantasy games[Gold,Metal,Bronze, Mixed elements etc] or simply put Wind[alone] and Darkness in the Elemental arsenal of Dante and he is complete as those are the elements of Sengoku BASARA too.And both are Koba's works.

Just a run down.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
What about the more obscure elements, like time, plant-life, gravity, and more... There are many possibilities with those.

A metal DT isn't a bad idea, either. What do you think it would look like?


Enma Katana no Kami
Yamato is not a non-elemental weapon. Yamato is Dark element.

and when it comes to elements. the type of elements presented in dmc are very basic. the original four elements in European beliefs ( fire, water, earth, wind) and two additional types of energy ( light, electricity) and light's opposite ( Dark)

to include every single thing that has ever been even considered as an element would not fit that type of world. so the only elements that should be added to dmc are ones that can be considered equally basic and i don't think there are any more.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
darkslayer13;264753 said:
Yamato is not a non-elemental weapon. Yamato is Dark element.

and when it comes to elements. the type of elements presented in dmc are very basic. the original four elements in European beliefs ( fire, water, earth, wind) and two additional types of energy ( light, electricity) and light's opposite ( Dark)

to include every single thing that has ever been even considered as an element would not fit that type of world. so the only elements that should be added to dmc are ones that can be considered equally basic and i don't think there are any more.

Earth and water haven't been represented yet, and obscure elements have already been touched on with Cerberus' ice power.

And why are you disagreeing with this in the first place? I think it's a great idea to add more elemental weapons.


Enma Katana no Kami
DreadnoughtDT;264754 said:
Earth and water haven't been represented yet, and obscure elements have already been touched on with Cerberus' ice power.

And why are you disagreeing with this in the first place? I think it's a great idea to add more elemental weapons.

oh yeah i forgot about ice, and i probably should have just listed the basic elements that have appeared. i wasn't thinking about that.

ice isn't really obscure it is a simple variant of water.

the reason i think it would be a bad idea to add every single possible almost elemental thing is. it's dmc not pokemon. there is no need to add that many it wouldn't add to the game and it would be near impossible to figure out how all the elements relate to each other. the current structure is based on opposite pairs ( fire, ice, Dark,Light etc.) adding a massive number of elements makes that type of structure impossible.

a good way to handle elements ( based on the current elemental structure but adding to it)

Fire vs Ice
Lightning vs Water
Wind vs Earth
Light vs Dark

adding more to that would complicate things without adding to gameplay.
as to the other concepts you listed

Plants and Metal are both variants of earth ( unless you use the Chinese version of the elements and Chinese mythology has not been shown in dmc)

time and gravity don't really work as elements in the sense that elements are applied in dmc unless you just use the words without paying any attention to their meaning. time related powers have already been shown but they are not treated as an element.

as to combination elements there already is a two element weapon in dmc and it is just treated as having two elements not a new one. actually since wind dose not have an opposite in dmc3 i don't think it was even treated as two element.in gameplay it was really just a fire weapon.

King of Hell

Must Die
what I really wanna see is Dante weilding an ice Spear like the one in Onimusha 2, except Dante would look way baddass with it with his crazy combos.
a Hammer or an Axe with the element of Earth would be nice too, I love varying elements in weapons, a two-edged sword with water element would be cool, a scythe with the power of darkness. those elements are really cool.

the DT in the original represented the elements really well, the DT in DMC3 was butt-ugly.

^^^I agree with you on some points, they should just avoid the cartoonish elements. ice, fire, darkness, lightning are all good, they wouldn't make the DMC games a pokemon wannabe, I don't like the grass element for example.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
I really don't think a plant-life element would be a variant of earth. Earth involves stone and rocks, not living, organic matter.

And I don't mean that they have to have a HUGE amount of different elements in one game. I just mean a few new things to add to what exists, and take something out of what exists. Like the add a water elemental weapon instead of a fire weapon, and stuff like that.

Lightning isn't really a much-used element either, now that I think of it...


Well-known Member
What is important to remember for Elemental DTs is that they should primarily represent the type of demon they are coming from. So a water DT would resemble the kind of demons that lives in water, etc.

On the subject of elemental stuff, would people want to see more elemental gameplay mechanics? Like, freezing water or water based enemies with an ice weapon, melting ice based enemies or ice environmental objects with fire?


Enma Katana no Kami
DreadnoughtDT;264758 said:
I really don't think a plant-life element would be a variant of earth. Earth involves stone and rocks, not living, organic matter.

And I don't mean that they have to have a HUGE amount of different elements in one game. I just mean a few new things to add to what exists, and take something out of what exists. Like the add a water elemental weapon instead of a fire weapon, and stuff like that.

Lightning isn't really a much-used element either, now that I think of it...

plants are considered a living variant of earth( because they grow out of the ground and don't move around like animals). they are earth that grows and develops. i am not the one that made the connection i'm just pointing it out.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
moseslmpg;264759 said:
What is important to remember for Elemental DTs is that they should primarily represent the type of demon they are coming from. So a water DT would resemble the kind of demons that lives in water, etc.

Like the water DT I had in mind up above?

On the subject of elemental stuff, would people want to see more elemental gameplay mechanics? Like, freezing water or water based enemies with an ice weapon, melting ice based enemies or ice environmental objects with fire?

And that could be fun, the environmental stuff. Using a water weapon to power steam based machinery, or blasting a fan or something like that with a wind weapon to open doors.

King of Hell

Must Die
I think that would make the game too easy, the way Cerberus reacted when you use Agni & Ruda against him was good enough, if they make too big of a deal out of those elements the games would slowly start falling into abyss.

using the weapons on the environment would be ok, Ifrit played a part in opening a door in the original, so that aspect existed since the beginning of the series.

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
DreadnoughtDT;264750 said:
What about the more obscure elements, like time, plant-life, gravity, and more... There are many possibilities with those.

A metal DT isn't a bad idea, either. What do you think it would look like?

They fit in the first category I presented since FF has already listed them as elements.

As for Yamato : It's like Rebellion,neutral in element.The closest we ever had in Darkness was probably Nevan if we assume she had mixed elements[in her case Lighting and Darkness would be the guesses].

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
DreadnoughtDT;264734 said:
I got this idea from a short discussion I had with moseslmpg. Why doesn't the DMC series have more elemental DT's, such as Earth, Water, and such? And if there were these forms, what would you imagine they would look like? Try to be as detailed as you can, as well.

For Earth, I imagine Dante or Nero becoming covered in stone that pulses with red/purple lines of energy. It wouldn't have hands, but it would have large stone spheres that can morph into spikes, swords, spears, and fire sharp spikes of stone.

For Water, I have already said this in another thread, but I'll post it here too. It has a long, finned tail with scales all over it's body, large horns similar to Sparda's, and a reptilian-like head, sort of like a Blade or an Assault. It also has a large dorsal fin on it's back in the same shape as Sparda's wing-covers. It's basic attacks consist of sword attacks mixed in with claw slashes/kicks/tail whips.

And it doesn't have to be just Earth or Water. Any element, even one that's been done before, is welcome.

Good idea. So far, only DMC1 showed genuine elemental D.T.s. Alastor D.T. form, Yamato D.T. form, Ifrit D.T. form, and possibly Sparda D.T. form.

In DMC3, Dante has access to unique D.T. forms when equipped a different Devils Arm. However, the effects are rather limited. Although health regeneration, additional strength, extra speed, increased endurance are present in every Dante's D.T. forms, they do not have special exclusive moves or extra elemental damage for his D.T. forms, except for Nevan's D.T. form.

Hopefully, the next DMC game will implement this elemental D.T. system like the original game, with more abilities present.

Good thread. :)

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
I get the feeling that DMC3 was like that because Dante was still new to his power.In DMC 1 things seems a bit different.In DMC4 we didn't get a chance for Elemental DTs so...

King of Hell

Must Die
the real reason was to make the game harder, people complained about how easy DMC2 was, but it works this way too, he was new to his power.

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
King of Hell;264915 said:
the real reason was to make the game harder, people complained about how easy DMC2 was, but it works this way too, he was new to his power.

So...just because the designs looked very much alike,unlike DMC1 was to make the game harder?Nope.

Also,I suggest you read the DMC3 manga,a lot of your questions will be solved.You can find it almost anywhere,even on the net.


Enma Katana no Kami
since I've posted on this thread without actually contributing to the purpose of it i should probably try to come up with a few elemental DTs.

Fire: glowing red armor. covered in black smoke.

Ice: translucent crystalline armor resembling ice. surrounded by a cloud of ice crystals.

Lightning: covered in dark blue armor with lighter blue markings, large bat like wings it's entire body is surrounded by blue lightning.

Water: translucent pale blue armor. light is visible through it. basically it looks like living water. small fin like protrusions on the spine and it's arms and legs.

Wind: smooth, aerodynamic, translucent pale green armor. avian wings, the movement of air around it is visible.

Earth: covered in bulky armor that appears to be organic and made of stone at the same time.

Light: covered in delicate looking golden armor that perfectly conforms to its shape . it appears to glow with a pale white light.

Dark: pitch black armor covered in spikes and blades. surrounded by dark blue flames.


Well-known Member
Too armory IMO, but some of those effects might be nice for weapons, or maybe for Nero's DTs. They don't seem organic or demonic enough for Dante.
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