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Due to DmC's bad sales......


Well-known Member
Rambo: I can't get it out of my head. A dream of seven years. Everyday I have this. And sometimes I wake up and I don't know where I am. I don't talk to anybody. Sometimes a day - a week. I can't put it out of my mind.

[End Credits]
I hope not because it's a crutch, an attempt to sweeten the bitter taste of the Rebooted universe.
I think Capcom was wrong in creating this then using the original DevilMayCry characters names when it's not really a Reboot, just an alternate universe.
They should've did a new chapter in the DevilMayCry storyline.
With 100% new characters unrelated to any of the previous characters. Called it DevilHunters or something, have it stand on it's own & see how well it does. I think it would've sold better.

I'm thinking they should have gave Dante another name, might have been seen more positively. But then there's the problem of "What does this have to do with Devil May Cry?" You've got to keep some familiar themes in. Other than the characters names being the same as the ones in the original universe, there's not a lot that connects it, unless I'm wrong?

Call me out on it if I am.


Well-known Member
I hope not because it's a crutch, an attempt to sweeten the bitter taste of the Rebooted universe.
I think Capcom was wrong in creating this then using the original DevilMayCry characters names when it's not really a Reboot, just an alternate universe.
They should've did a new chapter in the DevilMayCry storyline.
With 100% new characters unrelated to any of the previous characters. Called it DevilHunters or something, have it stand on it's own & see how well it does. I think it would've sold better.

I honestly would not have minded if they made a game in the same universe but with completely different characters, or made a game series on an established character other than Dante like Nero or Vergil. That actually would have been interesting if done right.

Shin Muramasa

Metallic Stranger
You gotta become war.


Anyway, with the sales thing. It's like comparing Fire Emblem with Final Fantasy when you're doing that with DmC and God of War. For DmC and Fire Emblem 1 million/500 thousand in sales I guess would be great if not exceptional. But for God of War and Final Fantasy, 1 million would be good or all right. Not every game is the same, if it were, than every game would be selling around 2-6 million. But they're not and when companies set high sales figures and fails or reduces it. It's not because the game is utter trash, but because not everyone likes or is interested in it. Darksiders 2 had a 4 million sales target, why? Because THQ was going down under and Darksiders 2 was its last hope despite the fact that Darksiders 2 is not of say Mass Effect 3 caliber in popularity.

Capcom knew that DmC: Devil May Cry and the DMC series isn't that popular compared to Mass Effect, God of War, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Borderlands, etc. And they knew considering the past patterns of DMC game sales that it wasn't going to be that great or stable. But what they know is that DMC4 when it came out, many people didn't have Xbox 360s or PS3s or PCs capable of playing it, but now people do and they are sort of tired of this generation. And the game was supposed to target new people. So they set a somewhat ambitious but also somewhat humble sales target. It's not like they were setting a 6 million sales target and boast that DmC would be "the greatest game ever", as in no other game, Call of Duty, Final Fantasy, Persona, Metal Gear, Zelda, Mario, Metroid, or what-have-you will rival this game. No, it'll just be a Devil May Cry game that sells well.

Ni No Kuni because of what it was as a new IP and it was made more with an Eastern mindset (I think) had a lower sales target. Does it suck? No, and neither do games like Shadows of the Damned, Catherine, the Last Story, Xenoblade Chronicles, Fire Emblem, etc. It's just that the companies didn't think it would sell well. Guess what? It did, and some of those games were sold out or sold exceptionally well for what the companies thought. Other times, it didn't sell well or just barely broke even for them.

Same thing with games with a lower price than the most games; Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time, PSN, Xbox Live, digital only games, Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault, etc. They just have a low price compared to other games, maybe because they were fortunate enough to be able to produce such games without having to deal with high development costs like Crysis, Bioshock, Metal Gear, Gears of War, Halo, etc. Seriously, the moment Sony announced that Sly 4 would be $39.99, some people jumped ship on USS This-Game-Sucks-Because-It-Is-Priced-Low. And then you have games like Generic Shooter 583 priced at $59.99 and people buy it like it's going to rot when in reality the game isn't all that special.

Like buying anything in the world. Price sometimes means nothing. You can buy that $50,000 German imported Audi and find out it runs just as well as a Chevrolet Cruze for under $20,000. Why? 'Cause you're an average driver, not some performance junkie. I mean seriously, why the hell do people buy big-ass Hummers, SUVs, pick-up trucks, and mini-vans when only one or two of them are driving without any other passengers?! It's a freaking van! It's made for more 6-8 people god damn it! Just because its price high or you have the money doesn't mean it's great and that you should buy it.

32GB of RAM. Seriousy? Seriously?! Seriously . . . Or two-way SLI or Crossfire with nVidia's or AMD's currently most powerful graphics cards; GTX 680/690 and HD Radeon 7970. You seriously do not need that much power. Or people who buy prebuilt Core i5, 16GB RAM, 1-2TB office PCs for home. You don't need that much power and it's a rip off. It's not that hard to build a computer. If anything it's like LEGOs.

Yay . . . Ranting.

Dante the Demon slayer

Well-known Member
Maybe January also had something to do with the poor sales I mean not many new games come out around then that would make people wanna go out and buy them which of course had an impact on DmC because it was already a game that had alot of no to much hate put on it

Dante the Demon slayer

Well-known Member
As many people have said I believe no matter how bad the sales are they will not stop DmC 2 they didn't do it when fans raged at the first trailer and they sure as hell wont do it now a DmC sequel is the most likely outcome for the series I believe DMC is dead.


Well-known Member
i'd blame my fans to for being overly negative if they sent me death threats, for doing my job, of making a video game, for them, so that they can have fun, but NO its not like their fanfiction where vergil returns so i get bitched at for THREE YEARS because i'm doing my ******* job, and seriously, not like these people have anything other to do, they aren't getting laid anytime soon, they watch one dev diary and suddenly know how to make a game and think they know better than game designers and hope on the loudest bandwagon like event status who thinks quoting 4chan posts=legitimate complaints, yeah yeah, excuse them for doing their job and getting even slightly tired of hearing the exact same things over and over and over and over and over AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND ******* OVER AND ******* OVER AGAIN!!! :mad:

Calm down, Tameem.

Dante the Demon slayer

Well-known Member
Leave him alone hes just trying to stand up for something him and other people like myself like I'm also sick of people trashing this game. You might like the old series more but at least this series wont have a repeat of DMC2...I think everyone just needs to calm down a little about all this I can understand why fans of the old series are upset and why fans of the new series are upset. But people who make fun of this game because they prefer the old one is just stupid and immature it's the exact same as being a bully and picking on something someone likes. If you don't like it then that's fine but don't bring down others because of it. This side of the forums is strictly DmC related I don't know why people who hate it would be here... unless it's just to make the fans of the new one feel bad by calling it a bad game and should of never happend

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Stores have rules. Stores have order. That's something you seem to fail to understand.

Replace stores with forums & I repeat the sentiment to you. Starting arguments & flamebaiting isnt an acceptable form of communication so wind it back & it applies to a bunch of people in this thread.

One thing though we have found 4 IP's that match yours for 4 different accounts so this will be looked into also.
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