Oh, I totally forgot he had a hand in the decision process. Thing is, I didn't think he went deeper than just consulting them to "modernize" games. I really wish he didn't say that for
ALL games in development. I am sure that the idea fits Lost Planet 3, but Lost Planet 2 was better. What wow'ed me about Lost Planet 2 was the "eat hero, move camera into the mouth to become a level." I came away from that wanting to buy the game until the reviews.
Bionic Commando the 3D reboot, or the 2D remake? If reboot, then I understand why they moved to be angry at Inafune. Bionic Commando didn't need modernization. It needed to go back to the series' roots, not westernized. And of course, tone down [a little bit of] the Nazi rethorics.
Devil May Cry didn't need "modernization." All it needed was better graphics, better marketing, better innovations, and just overall better style. DmC: Devil May Cry wasn't a bad game, just needed more polish. I didn't like the younger Dante personally, but I wish the original Dante was the starring role.
Also, Devil Kings was a good game. The problem from a marketing standpoint is that you can't identify the series with any one game. The logo makes you think it's a DMC game, which is a sad mistake on Capcom's part. But the game is similar to the Dynasty Warriors games that
were getting popular in Japan,
and here. I should know, because I am one of those Dynasty Warriors fans. Capcom didn't and doesn't have the foothold that Dynasty Warriors has, and that's ultimately why it failed. Not because it was "niche."
I've been saying this time and time again: Capcom isn't good at marketing. The only thing they're good at "selling" right now, is Monster Hunter.