That's actually not true. Itsuno said that he approached one of the heads of Capcom and told him he wanted to make this game and the exec responded 'fine, but with the condition that the game looks to be of quality at first sight.' From what I understand Itsuno wants to make one last DMC game and he wants to go with a bang before he lets other have their go at it.So the first bit about the devs not being into it you could take or leave it. There's probably some truth to it but I don't really care enough to give it more thought.
"He also s***s on nero when frankly, if written well has a lot going on in this game. There’s a line in the trailer where he’s basically pleading with Dante and saying he’s got all the power he needs about the devil breaker, and Dante clearly thinks he’s dead weight after losing the bringer. It’s just oozing with an inferiority complex and the motivation to prove he can still make a difference. A literal part of his identity was essentially ripped away from him and this game is his journey to prove he’s not less of a man without the bringer, throw in a evil dad and there’s plenty the game can do with him as a character. Will it reach that potential? Who knows, probably not, but it’s a bit early to already be complaining."
-Quote from GameFAQs
Of course it’s got a lot of dislikes. I can’t imagine a video criticizing Sonic games going over well with Sonic fans. He, or they, are getting dislikes not because their video or argument is in some way intrinsically bad or malicious but because they’d dare speak badly about a game people are hyped about. The same was true of people who made DmC videos defending it or arguing that it would be good. How many f%c$= you’s do you think they got in their comments section?lmao at all the dislikes, but im just starting watching it so lets see if its as bad as it seems
To me i didn't care much for his first point. It felt too much making a mountain out of a molehill. Too much overanalyzing for my tastes.
I guess he was trying to look past the pr-speak and judge itsuno/walker by their actions/presentation.
@Stylish Nero
Well DmC is also about love of humanity in addition to freedom. It could be done better but thats just preaching to the choir.
I'll change my statement then. It has a message just not done well.
To me, his third point about the characters is judging them from the past stories than DMC5 itself. He does use DMC5 but i felt his complain were also about their portrayal in the anime, 4, reboot etc.
We'll see how 5 stacks up when it releases. It gots potential but then so did the others. I'm optimistic but guarded.
Of course it’s got a lot of dislikes. I can’t imagine a video criticizing Sonic games going over well with Sonic fans. He, or they, are getting dislikes not because their video or argument is in some way intrinsically bad or malicious but because they’d dare speak badly about a game people are hyped about. The same was true of people who made DmC videos defending it or arguing that it would be good. How many f%c$= you’s do you think they got in their comments section?
These guys seem to have a love of the series and are concerned of how things are going based on its history, and they aren’t wrong about a lot of things they mentioned. It’s just not the popular thing to say right now.
Dear lord. Fine. Poor example. I don't watch Sonic videos so I don't know. Pick any fanbase who have their fingers in their ears and refuse to admit when their favorite game has any issues.Really!? There are tons of videos made almost every week that criticize the Sonic series and Sonic Teams handling of it and a lot of these come from Sonic fans themselves and these tend to be rather positively viewed (unless if they're overly malicious like saying Sonic was never good). No fanbase hates and ****s on their own series more than the Sonic fanbase. Granted it and Sonic Team/SEGA deserves it.
Haha, jeez. This video is getting pulverized with dislikes.lmao at all the dislikes, but im just starting watching it so lets see if its as bad as it seems
So the first bit about the devs not being into it you could take or leave it. There's probably some truth to it but I don't really care enough to give it more thought.
The second bit probably could have merit but I lost interest because I have different opinions on Nero. Don't get me wrong I don't think dressing Nero as DmC Dante was a good idea. But Nero was never successful at feeling like his own man and he was a jerk before DmC Dante so I don't really think it's as bad as he does.
He does a raise a point of the game having no coherent message but I don't think the series ever had one.
That leads into the third point of Capcom not understanding the characters which have been proven true.
@Lain might like the 14-minute mark tho.
The 4th point is about Capcom's bad business practices which also have been proven true.
I don't think so. If anything he seems like a fan of DMC1 and 3 only. He constantly calls back to those 2 games when pinpointing when the franchise did it right and refers to Kamiya a lot. In that respect I am 100% in agreement with his statements. That is exactly where I stand with the a feeling the vid was made by a DmC fan, wanted revenge or be a mirror to DmC haters.
@Stylish Nero
I disagree about DmC because of DmC Dante's character arc. He goes from apathetic loner to willing to be a champion for Humanity which involves some degree of affection for them. "Love" may be too strong a word but he does show empathy for them. Him, DmC Vergil, DmC Mundus all claim to care about humanity but by the end, you get the sense he is the only one that does.
Nero's changes just feel cosmetic and not an actual character shift but maybe the game does have one for him.
I'm surprised he didn't talk much about V or Nico.