something that i just thought about which almost everyone skipped the achievement/trophy it says kill 100 demons..
this would be a very stupid achievement/trophy because all of what dante kills really is demons so you will get this achievement/trophy whether you like it or not but what i had in mind maybe this game is not like every other DMC and what i mean is every other DMC you had to kill all enemies to advance what if this game you can skip the enemies and i know we saw in the gameplay the path closes everytime there is enemies but what if this path closing thing is not everywhere what if its just certain parts... i know this sounds stupid but think about it why would they put an achievement/trophy like that if youre gonna get anyways... or maybe theyre just handing out achievements/trophies but i just thought its something to think about
Plenty of games have lots of achievements which pop through normal gameplay, it creates a good balance between both good and bad players; both feel like they're accomplishing.
In every DMC you have always been able to skip packs of enemies, in DMC 1 You can even skip the first fight with Griffon on the second play through. Aside from the times where the red barrier appears, forcing You to eliminate all enemies on screen in order to progress, You can simply jump over them to the next area. Fighting the enemies in the area is ultimately your own choice, be it whether to acquire more orbs to meet the S rank requirement or to simply practice moves and techniques.