Considering DMC 4 was a failure from a overall perspective by fans, and Capcom seems to have rushed the project, and the game sold 2m.
I think DMC 5 selling 3M would be pretty likable. All they needed to do was make a good story and improve the gameplay. How hard can it be...
They arent tasked to cure cancer.
They should adopt 50 cents life philosphy "Get rich or die trying".
Up to this point, i really have some doubts about if a DMC game would sell so well like DMC4 did. Capcom had lost most of the support the fans of the franchise were willing to give them before. If a next DMC installment sells even 2m, it would be a "victory" to Capcom after all the bullshit Capcom constructed around the DMC franchise. I think that at least one thing can be taken as sure: they will not put that much money in a next installment, not the money they had put to do the expensive stuff DmC had, if they do a DmC or DMC they will have to low the development costs as they realized that DMC is not a franchise to have such high sellings as RE or that army gaems, considering that the next generation of consoles are already a reality, the costs will be even higher even to simpler games, so i really don't know what they will do right now.
Most of the DmC fans liked all the motion capture and "story-driven" thing, even if a DmC2 was to be launched it certainly will be a letdown even for the people that desires for it, the outcome will be in a much more lower ground compared to what DmC was in terms of expensive BS like motion capture or graphics. And, probably, Capcom will try to make it or convince NT to make it in the MT Framework or an upgraded version of it for the new generation consoles, so NT will have to take their time to make a really good game and learn to use the engine. I honestly think that Capcom will stick with the old series or just scrap the entire franchise, just like Megaman was scrapped.