Like I said before, I agree with some of his points, just not the combat one. He likes the combat, I don't. The story is okay but I dislike the characters.Im the one of them, if i said the game is the best i wouldnt write it deserves 8.5
And Chaser, Multibro guys are incredible.
They say ''The combat is no good, the game is a mess compared to olders''
I respect their opinions and can argue about that.
But Joe says gameplay is very good, platforming is very good , everything is wonderful but DT is useless theres no lock on and Dante sucks''
So Chaser and Multi, you said ''decent review'' so you do agree the game is very good, but because of new Dante and DT you hated it, right?
I agree that DmC is a good intro for new players but it doesn't mean that I like the game. I want my DMC challenge. DmC doesn't provide that.