I downloaded the demo this morning, and i've basically been playing it all day :lol:. It's so awesome!!
I thought i'd have a lot more trouble with this game, mainly because you have to keep hold of the trigger buttons and lack of manual lock on; but when you play it just comes natural when you star fighting. The only thing I still get confused with is the angel and demon grapple but i'm sure that'll go away with more practice. I've been able to get SS ranks and everything so far. I've also already found every key, did each secret mission, and found all of the lost souls
. I also like how they have moves that aren't in the move list proving what Tameem said was true, the game doesn't tell you everything. I found the move 'Drive' (not sure what its called on this) all by myself and felt awesome
The Poison fight however, I didn't do so good on...
I've only beat her once, on normal difficulty; and even then I only had one bar of health left. I plan to retry her until I get it right. My main problem I think, is that i'm trying to do too much damage to her, which means i'm too close and can't move out of the way quick enough. I've been looking on youtube to get some tips.
But this is an awesome demo, a level and boss fight, four difficulty settings, and the extras in the levels. My excitement for this game has went through the roof!! :w00t: