The name for the weapon kinda fits the end of what Dante's journey could be, it means something along the lines of Redemption or Salvation doesn't it?
Saṃsāra is the idea of your multiple lives being like links in a chain, and based on Karma and such, you get closer to enlightenment with each life. So, the less virtuous a life you lead, the more lives you'll have to go through, the more links your chain will have, and subsequently it'll take you longer to truly reach paradise. Alternatively, being a relatively cool dude, you have less links to your chain, and you'll reach enlightenment in less lives.
And of course, things you do in your current life can extend or shorten your Saṃsāra.
I'll do as I want, and you can't stop me. lol. Plus, this isn't Fight Club.
That sounds much better than what most people would have where it's either the angel or demon half that has to dominate. It doesn't have to be and either/or. There's obviously a part of him that has nothing to do with either half and has existed somewhere in between.
Yeah, I usually think of Dante as a scale of Angel and Demon, or of Malice and Grace. For the longest time, the scales have just been so tipped in his demonic side's favor. He's still him no matter what, but all that Malice is just affecting him. Ha, it would almost be an explanation for his dickish behavior in DmC

I'm sure you can do your ideas justice. And I'll try not to ask too many questions about them.
Don't worry about bugging me with questions - I like knowing that people are interested enough in what I'm doing to want to know more :3 Just ask away! Although, be prepared for me to give you a vague answer if I'm trying to keep something a bit more under wraps

I just have to comment on this. A demon fart opening a gate? That's a new one. What level of hell was that? And did he have a mule, or something? He could have made a trumpet of that since they are also called asses.
Canto XXI was the eighth circle, and no, it wasn't a donkey, because another translation was "He made a trumpet of his rump." >.< So yeah, just a demon who called for the opening of a gate with a stinky toot. Dante had himself a grand ol' sense of humor.
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