No, that would make no sense.They should do the same (move the stances and weapons onto the D-pad) with Dante.
Oh, yeah. I never used those so I forgot they were a thing. Now I'm a bit disappointing and should start demanding more armament.DT Doppelganger statuses - Standard, Angel, Demon, Delay. It's the functions on the D-Pad, given HUD reference for the player.
BRING IT! SON! I'll tell you when I'm not ready!!
Ah of course. I feel sorta dumb now for getting my hopes up haha. Shame though. I liked Vergil's Downfall a lot but a bit more could have gone into it. Like Demon-Kat and Hollow Dante could have easily been bosses and by defeating them Vergil could obtain gauntlets like Beowulf and the Rebellion/Yamato combo. Gotta say though, that 60 fps with turbo mode looks great.It's really nothing more than showing you which "stance" your Doppelganger is set to, really. Don't get your hopes up.
Oh, that is very much what happened. I know. It is very easy to tell. It doesn't look right, though. The other coat looked more dynamic, it looked more cape like and it really added to Vergil's movements.@berto I think they kept his original DmC coat mesh, which had that waist movement, and just applied old Vergil's coat texture.
Wow, THAT 60 fps gameplay!!!
It's intense, delicious, sexy, tough, rough, beautiful, exciting, stylish, addicting!!!
Yes, I got that excited!![]()
I wish I could be! I'm at school at the moment, and their internet isn't good enough to handle the better videos. But I remember looking at the DmC: DE announcement trailer on YouTube at 1080p/60fps and wow, it was really quite a sight!
Don't worry. When you get the chance to watch it at home, you'll see how fast the gameplay is.
Sure, the player is also playing on turbo ( if I'm correct ), but the video is excellent regardless.
Maybe wait until you have the game in your hands before rating it and implying it's rushed? Why is this game always under so much scrutiny?So I'm curious about one thing. Objectively speaking, how excited are you for the Definitive Edition based on what you've seen so far?
Of course I am excited, I am a DmC fan after all. But when I try to look at the new stuff we've seen over the past few weeks and I can't help but feel like it's not quite there yet on my hype train. I'd personally still give it a solid 7/10.
I was just talking to a friend on Tumblr and she was also half-excited for the DE edition because to her, it still felt rushed. While that feeling isn't as big on my end, I do certainly see her point. I hope that they're still working hard on it.
Maybe wait until you have the game in your hands before rating it and implying it's rushed?
Something feels really off about Vergil's coat. It does looks like ps2 texture placed atop of new gen model. It leaves weird impression.