Deadpool's Healing Factor is such that he just actually regrows his body. Burying the pieces would just have him regrowing his whole body in a hole somewhere >.<
Nah. It's just the way that it's taught that's sadistic. If things went at a (much) slower pace, then it wouldn't be such an issue.Math is just that thing that doesn't catch on like everything else. I mean, I was doing fine in all my other subjects. Especially English, reading, and history. Probably just because I always loved to read. Thing is what I've noticed, is that you seriously would like only need in life up to Elementary level math. Alegebra and Calculus is because they want to watch you suffer. Like a sadistic ******* created this sh!t.
Over dramatic? Maybe. That's what I imagined though. I really don't like math lol.
I was always being reasonable. Highly argumentative, sure, but reasonable. The only reason why I wouldn't compromise is because I would have to give up on my reasoning and start from scratch.
You can always do what I do, and just sit on the sidelines and try to keep the real facts straight
I haven't really been invested in which character wins, but really just making sure the facts are straight, and both characters are properly represented. After that Link vs Cloud deathbattle that Screw Attack did...I sorta cannot stand theory fights where information is wrong.
Playing devil's advocate is fun, though![]()
And that is a fact,
So accept that now, because you will come to same conclusion no matter how much you debate it.
Good God in a baby carriage, why is Deadpool in this!?
Because we're all five-year-olds with ADHD, apparently.
The best is the two of us, the babies spouting theoretical physics. Now where's my juice box...?
Is it bad that I wanna take a nap right now?
He doesn't out class Deadpool. You wouldn't say that if you actually knew a thing or two about Deadpool. I've read a lot of Deadpool. I know the character. I'm pretty sure I know what I'm talking about. Dante would struggle against Taskmaster and Deadpool beat him when he was f#cking tied up! If you have any idea who Taskmaster is then you'd know why that's impressive. He was first introduced as an Avengers villain. Yea, for a whole team to take on. Deadpool also bested The Hulk. THE F#CKING HULK. Something that I doubt Dante could do.Go to the ODB website and tell them that.
Being immortal or unkillable doesn't make you unbeatable and its not a matter of who will kill who its more of a matter who will win in a fight.
You can defeat an immortal in many ways......such as dismembering them into many parts (limbs and body parts) and burying them alive.............I wanted to use the scene in Naruto when Shikamaru blows Hidan (an unkillable immortal) into many pieces (he lived that) and buries him alive under pile or rubble.
Unless if Deadpool can teleport his limbs after they've been severed.
Dante still outclasses Deadpool in speed, range, better abilities (can Deadpool stop time?....maybe he did I never read all of the Deadpool comics), DC, and even durability (there isn't much Deadpool can do to Dante).
You know in Spain they let you take naps after a huge lunch... is that why their economy is such a mess right now?
Joking, of course. I wish we could all take naps after stuffing our faces to the breaking point. Life would be so much better that way.
Deadpool can survive stuff that would kill Dante. I've never seen Dante been dealt the kind of damage Deadpool has bounced back from and I'm pretty sure the reason is because he couldn't bounce back at all.Deadpool's Healing Factor is such that he just actually regrows his body. Burying the pieces would just have him regrowing his whole body in a hole somewhere >_<
No, I do, too.
But I've been watching Supernatural all day while I was writing, and if I take a nappy I might have a bad dweam. WHERE'S MUH BANKY?!
You know in Spain they let you take naps after a huge lunch... is that why their economy is such a mess right now?
Joking, of course. I wish we could all take naps after stuffing our faces to the breaking point. Life would be so much better that way.
As much as I love Zelda, I would totally go with Cloud on that match.You can always do what I do, and just sit on the sidelines and try to keep the real facts straight
I haven't really been invested in which character wins, but really just making sure the facts are straight, and both characters are properly represented. After that Link vs Cloud deathbattle that Screw Attack did...I sorta cannot stand theory fights where information is wrong.
Playing devil's advocate is fun, though![]()
As much as I love Zelda, I would totally go with Cloud on that match.
However, the match between Goku Vs. Superman was right. I swear it's so hard for the weeaboos to accept that. I love superheroes and I do like Superman. I also love Goku and I'm a massive Dragonball fan. I like Goku more than Supes.
It's actually getting on my nerd nerves because so many people won't let it go. I love Goku too but, man he's no match for Superman. Everyone wanted that match up for the longest time and I was like the only one that was saying the whole time "Why? Superman will win anyway."
As much as I love Zelda, I would totally go with Cloud on that match.
However, the match between Goku Vs. Superman was right. I swear it's so hard for the weeaboos to accept that. I love superheroes and I do like Superman. I also love Goku and I'm a massive Dragonball fan. I like Goku more than Supes.
It's actually getting on my nerd nerves because so many people won't let it go. I love Goku too but, man he's no match for Superman. Everyone wanted that match up for the longest time and I was like the only one that was saying the whole time "Why? Superman will win anyway."
I got a question...
Can Deadpool survive lava (or magma) or a nuclear explosion? Also, I think I kind of like Taskmaster now -- I don't really have a good reason as to why, though... :/
Please don't mention that version of him. "Unstoppable" characters like that aren't really all that fun to read about. It gets kind of boring if you can take on anything.But...Worldbreaker Hulk has limitless strength, speed, toughness and endurance.
He doesn't out class Deadpool. You wouldn't say that if you actually knew a thing or two about Deadpool. I've read a lot of Deadpool. I know the character. I'm pretty sure I know what I'm talking about. Dante would struggle against Taskmaster and Deadpool beat him when he was f#cking tied up! If you have any idea who Taskmaster is then you'd know why that's impressive. He was first introduced as an Avengers villain. Yea, for a whole team to take on. Deadpool also bested The Hulk. THE F#CKING HULK. Something that I doubt Dante could do.
Naruto freaking sucks and that has no relevance here.
Dante couldn't beat Deadpool. I know my Deadpool. I have a sh!t load of comics and even read more than I own. Dante may be able to put up a decent fight but, Deadpool would kill him and take the victory in the end. Probably p!ssing on his corpse afterwards and jacking all his pizza.