Kept you waiting huh?
Anyway, yes DmC Sparda is indeed an unknown variable therefore we can't really say that he is stronger or equal to DMC Sparda. Because what we have seen is DmC Sparda was imprison and DMC sparda wasn't. We can't really say that DmC Sparda let himself captured in order to protect his sons because come on this is Mundus. Do you really think he would just let go the seeds that can defeat him in that verse? If Sparda thinks that then he must be pretty naive.
Someone's letting out their inner Snake

That's the thing though, you agree that he's an unknown variable but keep stating with this unabashed certainty that he's weaker. I'm telling that I can just as easily say he could be stronger.
And I can very easily say that he let himself get captured, because there's no record of what happened. For all we know, Sparda hid his sons away and then refused to reveal the location of them, so Mundus had him eternally imprisoned, not giving him the benefit of death.
That's all it is, we don't know, so it's all a bunch of "couldas" and "maybes."
But that's all we got. Infinite potential. The two might have battled and Sparda loses, Or Mundus use some deception or trick or he let himself get captured(which is pretty naive if you ask me). But to help you for DmC Sparda's capabilities he is not just Mundus right hand man but also one of the four demon kings of the demon world in the reboot if you remember the comics.
I barely remember the comics because of how horribly paced and drawn it was >_<
Two millenniums ago, there was a war. Between the human world and the other... the Underworld. But somebody from the Underworld woke up to justice, and stood up against this legion, alone. His name was Sparda. Later, he quietly reigned the human world, and continued to preserve harmony, until his death. He became a legend, The Legendary Dark Knight, Sparda.
-Devil may cry intro
Another inconsistency of the devil may cry narrative i guess. Plus, DMC 2 DOESN'T EXIST >_<
Yeah, the biggest problem of DMC is how many hands the story has passed through :/
so the debate is now that DmC Sparda might have been stronger but let him self lose for some vague reason. that is very unlikely. if we assume that only Nephilim can seal the hellgate (since that is how you kill Mundus and only Nephilim are supposed to be able to kill him) then the situation it the same as DMC Sparda vs Mundus in which case if DmC Sparda was the same the results should have been the same. their is no situation where Sparda would benefit more from being imprisoned than sealing Mundus and we don't have any evidence that Sparda wouldn't have been able to seal the hellgate. the only clearly described advantage of Nephilim is that they can easily cross worlds. as Mundus' right hand man he would have probably known how to access the hellgate without Nephilim powers and Yamato has the same origin (given to Vergil by Sparda) and powers (or at least the one important to this discussion which is the ability to seal hellgates) so all Sparda would need to do is get in the room and Mundus could be made mortal and if he were as strong as DMC Sparda he wouldn't have any problem disabling Mundus long enough to seal the gate and then killing him. there could be other factors that would explain why DmC Sparda couldn't kill or seal Mundus but we are not aware of any so all evidence at the moment points to DmC Sparda being weaker than Mundus.
When there's any number of possibilities - almost anything is likely :/ Don't discount the possibilities just because you disagree with it.
Sparda probably didn't fight since he left the Rebellion to Dante (which seemed to be Sparda's sword), and the Yamato (what can close the Hell Gate) with Vergil. So either DmC Sparda had another undocumented weapon we don't know about, he fought with his bare hands, or logically, he didn't bother fighting at all because it was futile.
And there most certainly is a situation where Sparda would benefit from being imprisoned - not bothering to fight a losing battle against an immortal being, and/or being imprisoned for not wanting to divulge the locations of his Nephilim children, the only things that can kill Mundus.
Plus, there is evidence to support Sparda couldn't close the Hell Gate because he gave Yamato to Vergil, and so far it's documented as the only thing that can close the Hell Gate. Then of course, I don't see how you can say "Sparda just needs to get into the room where the Hell Gate is to close it," when it took both Dante and Vergil to close the Hell Gate, as Dante lured Mundus away from it. Sparda is one (unarmed) dude, and one dude who is already on Mundus' sh!t-list for siring the one thing that can permanently kill him. I don't think Mundus would be stupid enough to let someone he hates that much get that close his Hell Gate.
And before you say "He let Dante and Vergil do it" remember that Mundus didn't even know what or who Vergil was (other than the Order's leader), or that he'd even be there with Dante in Silver Sacks. Y'know when Mundus realized what and who Vergil was? When Vergil stabbed him in the goddamn back >_<
But no...
there could be other factors that would explain why DmC Sparda couldn't kill or seal Mundus but we are not aware of any so all evidence at the moment points to DmC Sparda being weaker than Mundus.
...this is bullsh!t, because it's using a lack of information as evidence to a lack of potential, and it's not. It's specifically a lack of information, which means we cannot come to a conclusion on the matter. All we know is that Mundus imprisoned Sparda, we don't have any other information than that.
Does a child's lack of information that fire his hot mean that fire is not hot? No. That's why the child needs to be told this information, so they know...and then still stick their hand in the fire, because they're a stupid little kid who never listens

As I've said a bunch of times now, because Sparda is an unknown variable, we can't definitively say much about his potential power.
Think of it this way; in the book I'm writing right now, I have a character who has immense potential, and she can lay waste to entire battalions with ease. However, she's also a pacifist, and seeks nonviolent solutions to conflicts. The reader doesn't get to see a glimpse of her immense power until much later in the story, and she spends a lot of her time avoiding fights. Now, her unwillingness to fight does not make her weak, it makes her fighting capabilities completely unknown for the most part. So while we can sort of extrapolate that she's got some muscle considering the weapon she wields, we have a baseline, but we still have no idea how high her potential can reach. Not until we see her wrecking sh!t later on.
As it stands, we have a vague baseline for Sparda, but no gauge on how high his actual potential can go. Could be lower than Mundus, could be the same, could be higher. We just don't know.
It'd be the same concept as if I booted up DmC, and just mashed Triangle. "Dis game sucks, I can't launch enemies like I could in other DMCs" I'd say, because I haven't touched the Circle button, and my tutorials are off. My limited knowledge from not doing every action that was available to me gave me a premature and incorrect conclusion about the game. The upside here is that I can totally push Circle to launch stuff, we have the ability to learn this information. With Sparda, we don't have that luxury, so much of what he's capable of is left unknown, unless we try to get some answers out of Ninja Theory.
And please, stop trying to fill in blanks with your beliefs, it does nothing for the discussion and just drags it out. You can believe whatever you want, but don't prop it up as fact.
oh and the Vie De Marli helped Sparda with Argosax not Mundus. Sparda beat Mundus on his own.
You're gonna have to find me where it says that. But hey! There's the problem with DMC's storytelling again :/