Ok, f this. I am done discussing. Excuse my language, its a way to express, something.
That wasn't regen - that was a healing ability.
That ability that helped him recover is healing. The difference between regen and healing is regen is something that happens automatically, it's not something you controll.
NTDante using a ability to get Rebellion to appear, notice the tatoo glows
NTDante using a healing ability, notice the tattoo glows
Also you asked me on basis i debated things, and i told you as it was. If you want me to talk on basis of the gameplay? Go take a look at how fast DMC3 Vergil is in DT.
Player needs to use Quicksilver to effectively kill him.
It's probably a reflex from the stretching. Kind of like how shoulder blades pop when you roll them around.So his tattoo glows when Dante manifests/changes a weapon, and when something heals? What's to say the healing isn't subconscious, and the glow still happens because that's where the regenerative power is coming from.
And that's all you're ever going to get from these types of discussions.That's all we've got out of that...
It still stands that so far we have seen both characters both shrug off damage that would maim a regular person (with no visible wounds - I call dev laziness on that) in cutscenes, and regenerate vitality while in Devil Trigger during gameplay. Of the latter, DmC Dante recovers more vitality per tick than classic characters.
As was I... guess I'm both stronger and faster than DMC3 DT Vergil.Oh you most certainly don't...I never used Quicksilver and was able to beat 'im just fine :/
DMC Dante have shrug off much more damage in his body than DmC Dante. Being stabbed left and right but walks like it was nothing and got stabbed from the heart but still was able to live. DmC Dante only heals faster gameplay wise when in DT.
You here to pick up the torch, bro?DMC Dante have shrug off much more damage in his body than DmC Dante.
He even went limp after getting impaled by Rebellion when Nero through it at him in the beginning of DMC4.
Then what's with all the stuff Dante shrugged off later in DmC...? The high-powered rounds? The chest-fingers? By saying classic Dante shrugged off more than DmC you have to take into account that he's only dealt with more punishment by virtue of there being four installments to the series, along with an anime, and a couple books. If there was something else DmC Dante could shrug off, he probably would.
And in DMC1 Dante totally got stabbed in the heart by Alastor and blacked out for a moment. He even went limp after getting impaled by Rebellion when Nero through it at him in the beginning of DMC4. So really, the greatest thing we get out of all this is that DMC's custscenes are inconsistent and show things happen the way they do simply for the dramatic effect of that moment :/
This is probably how I.D. feels 90% of the time...
You're comparing getting shoot at being stabbed by numerous demonic blades and powerful devil arms such as Yamato and Alastor. You're also comparing those chest fingers to being literally stabbed by rebellion to the heart. Also, being able to shrug off higher or more destructive weapons and being able to regenerate to them easily is a higher feat.
Yes, he blocked out a moment but he was able to get up easily like it was nothing then. As for the Nero battle we could easily say that Dante is just screwing around like what you said, dramatic effect lol
At least DmC tried to remain much more consistent.
However, once again most of this doesn't matter, because it's a contest between DmC Dante and DMC3 Vergil, not his brother. Even then comparisons made between Vergil and Dante can only go so far, considering Vergil ended up losing to his brother and died in DMC3. A lot of what is being documented about Dante comes from later on in the series, where he's becoming more powerful, while Vergil is...still dead >.>
I've seen this many times in anime. Particularly in Bleach. Where a certain character has a haxed ability, but then faces someone else who has stronger spirit power. The haxed ability is then nullified.
Soifon from Bleach has a second stage weapon ability where if she stings you twice on same spot your killed. When she stung Aizen (a powerful villain) twice, she was shocked "Why was he not dying?", simple: His reatsu (spirit power) was so high that it was shielding his physical body from being harmed.It had no effect on him, because he was far to powerful for it to work on him.
Tsk, why do both Vergil have to lose to both Dantes when they are much cooler -_-
In the end, i think i really have to give this debate to the God of Guns. It seems that DmC Dante really had the capacity to defeat DMC 3 Vergil.
Offtopic but...
...I f*ckin hate that, so much. I mean... give a character with a near instant kill power, then throughout the rest of the series, constantly nullify it's use. Should've have given a character such a goddamn op power if you're going to backpedal on it's use for the rest of existence.
Vergil's not fully demon, he's a nephilim.
Under what grounds? The grounds that just because they fly on missles, and use motorcycles as weapons then they're stronger? That's still not a good justification.
The fact that Vergil is as strong as a demon king (or weaker, I don't know) says a lot about DmC Dante who is a killer of demon kings.
No. It's also about actual experience and trusting your instinct. I mean how did DMC3 Dante beat Vergil, and he's hardly had any real formal training? Just because Dante's not been trained properly doesn't mean he can't catch Vergil. And as said before, Vergil's speed won't be too big of a problem because if he could catch Vergil in DmC, then he can catch Vergil in DMC3.
But Vergil was defeated by Mundus...and Dante ultimately became way more powerful than him...what with Vergil being dead and all.
And once again, how to we quantify this "base power" across both characters...?