DmC and DMC

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Debating is fine whether you like or don't like DmC/ DMC. Either is fine in my opinion.

So long as the argument is thought out and backed up well for both sides. Granted, there is opinion involved because things cannot be liked universally, but opinion is not fact. However, people should be allowed their opinion wothout being being named as a 'hater' or 'fantard'.

What I don't like is when it turns into name calling on both sides. It lets the fandom down when both sides are like that.
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What you do have to understand is, most people don't hate games for the fun of it. I personally don't like DmC one bit, and get called a 'hater' often because of it. However, I always try to voice my opinion as clearly as possible, by coming up with arguments why I think DmC is inferior to DMC in many ways. I take into account the plot, the characters, the background story, the graphics and the soundtrack. Anything that can make or break a game.

I know there are going to be people who don't like what I have to say, but I don't back down or say stuff like ''I see there's no place here for supporters/opponents of DmC''. I just think it's a shame some people only use the word 'hater', because it implies that I'm not allowed to dislike anything. So to those close-minded people I say: ''I'm sorry you're offended by my opinion, but that's your problem, not mine''.

I do have a lot of respect for people who have the guts to argue instead of walking away. It shows your judgment isn't completely clouded by emotion. So, kudos to you for being open-minded toward other people's opinions.
The main problem of this whole debacle are the people who express their like/dislike for the game in immature manners. It's a constant mud-slinging fest with both sides refusing to back down and it absolutely depressing to see such petty acts. However, you have to understand that most pot shots come from the people who dislike DmC and they seem to have gotten on the nerves of those who like DmC. I do not condone the usage of the word 'hater' but many a time I have face-palmed at utterly stupid statements and it sort of gets on one's nerves, ya know? I have been following this game since it was revealed and through observation of various popular gaming sites and forums and I've noticed that there are more "passionate" fans from the people who don't like DmC compared to those who like DmC. I'm sure all of them have their own reason to dislike DmC but the crux of the matter is how some people express their dislike. With people constantly posting infantile comments(I believe you know what kind of comments I'm talking about), it's pretty hard to not get mad. Of course, this applies to both sides but it's more apparent with the people who don't like DmC from my observation.

My point is that those who improperly express their opinions are to ones who caused this hullabaloo and those who want to sit down and properly discuss about the game suffer due to their actions. Anonymity's a bitch.

Oh, I do want to point out that DMC will probably be replaced by DmC. Capcom said they might consider continuing with the original series if DmC doesn't sell well. So yeah, I don't think DMC will return, sadly.
I believe they said that both series can get sequels. I don't recall them saying anything like what you said. Also, you're being awfully pessimistic. Who says both series can't co-exist?
Anonymity's a bitch.
Funny you should mention that, it would seem youtube has recently realised their community is full of idiots and is trying to fix it by taking away as much anonymity from users as possible. Funny thing is it'll in the end cause more problems than what it would fix.

Any ways back on topic, I agree with the fact both sides can be as annoying as each other. One thing that does annoy me to hell (and it's apparent that most here feel the same way) is when terms like "Fanboy" or "Hater" are used when defending their side. It's such a hypocritical way of insulting the other side and just proves their ignorance to their own actions. They just don't seem to realise that If you defend DmC by calling DMC fans fanboys or vise versa, that in turn makes the person using the term a fanboy of what their defending. It's like shooting a sniper through your own hand before hitting your target.
Being on it can be easy to forget or simply ignore some of the vile that is commonplace for this game. The comments by no means represent every classic DMC fan's view or maturity. But the vulgar comments towards DmC represents largely what is wrong with gaming as a whole.

Allow me to share some of the very common comments you will see for this game, and let me apologize in advance for even bringing these here (I will censor them as much as possible):
"They only made this game for Yoai fangirls and gay men" - Youtube User
"New Dante is a *** just like everyone buying this game" - Youtube User
"Seems like they're aiming for a different audience than the original DMC fans....KEEP REACHING FOR THAT RAINBOW!" - Kotaku User
"Man they are really goin for that twilight audience with Dante's design aren't they?" - Kotaku User
"I was thinking of asking for this game for xmas... but then I realized even getting this game free would be like asking my parents to lick up Tameen's anal grease" - GameFAQs User

Lionheart1991, You truly have my apologies on behalf of DmC fans for anyone who has passed your view off as simply that of a "hater". But as a DmC fan I've been called far worse far more often; ranging from "Not a true Devil May Cry fan" to insults I cannot repeat on this site without fear of being banned.
I'd also like to point out that badly thought out posts can also be annoying at times but it isn't too serious.

Some guy: Well regardless of anything at least this is a spin off, and not a reboot or a main title :P *cough* DmC *cough*

Needless to say, this guy did not think things through before posting.

Here's my reply: The reason why people dislike DmC is because of the direction NT took with it, NOT because of the fact that it's a reboot. I highly doubt people would be so up in arms as they are now about the game if Capcom included the old Dante and same game play in the reboot. Most people care about whether a game is good or not and a game being a reboot, spin off, etc. bears no relationship to the quality of a game.
The main problem of this whole debacle are the people who express their like/dislike for the game in immature manners. It's a constant mud-slinging fest with both sides refusing to back down and it absolutely depressing to see such petty acts. However, you have to understand that most pot shots come from the people who dislike DmC and they seem to have gotten on the nerves of those who like DmC. I do not condone the usage of the word 'hater' but many a time I have face-palmed at utterly stupid statements and it sort of gets on one's nerves, ya know? I have been following this game since it was revealed and through observation of various popular gaming sites and forums and I've noticed that there are more "passionate" fans from the people who don't like DmC compared to those who like DmC. I'm sure all of them have their own reason to dislike DmC but the crux of the matter is how some people express their dislike. With people constantly posting infantile comments(I believe you know what kind of comments I'm talking about), it's pretty hard to not get mad. Of course, this applies to both sides but it's more apparent with the people who don't like DmC from my observation.

My point is that those who improperly express their opinions are to ones who caused this hullabaloo and those who want to sit down and properly discuss about the game suffer due to their actions. Anonymity's a bitch.

I believe they said that both series can get sequels. I don't recall them saying anything like what you said. Also, you're being awfully pessimistic. Who says both series can't co-exist?

Agree with everything in this post,it's in the same vain as I would say. I also never even heard of them no continuing the series since I've heard they are continuing both or want to do both but in no way has it been said the Original was not going to be a 5.
I actually have reservations about my opinions on the game but here goes.

I don't think DmC will sell/get a sequel. No publicity is bad publicity, but there is more to it than that. Capcom has really screwed up this year and I can't see them getting any better anytime soon. Fans are not just angry at the changes: the downplayed combat for newbies, the aesthetics, the dialogue is joggy because it tries to be corny for the fans yet serious for narrative.

I may like the game from what the demo has given me (or I wouldn't be replaying it so much), but I can't deny all it's flaws for what it's worth.

The biggest thorn on everyone's (including me) hides is just how Capcom's been treating their followers and for many, DmC is the hubris of why they dislike them (and consequently NT) so damn much. You can't seriously say to someone that you're supporting this game 100%. Just. No.

Supporting it 100% to me feels like you've ignored all the bs Capcom has been doing all this time. It's really unforgivable, but I guess where I chose to draw the line is when people pin this game as the F U to the face.... and when they take simple dumb opinions from NT and take it as "insulting the fanbase". Oh, please.

Where the hell where they when MML3, MvsC3 Ultimate and all those rehashed street fighters happened? I just don't get how they could take all that abuse and then pin this down as the ultimatum of bad when Capcom has been doing so much worse to hurt their own reputation.

So in short, I don't know exactly how this game will turn out without playing it first and even though I actually like it, that doesn't mean I can't see all the faults in it, too. I absolutely hate it when I'm called "blind sheep" or "not a true fan", etc, etc. Lionheart1991, I totally get it if that equates to being called a "hater" instead of a critic. It's pretty damn irritating.

I just don't see this game succeeding in any aspect, even from a critical standpoint. I wish for Capcom to continue the franchise, but let's be real, they are far more likely to not continue with it at all.
However, you have to understand that most pot shots come from the people who dislike DmC and they seem to have gotten on the nerves of those who like DmC. I do not condone the usage of the word 'hater' but many a time I have face-palmed at utterly stupid statements and it sort of gets on one's nerves, ya know?

I believe they said that both series can get sequels. I don't recall them saying anything like what you said. Also, you're being awfully pessimistic. Who says both series can't co-exist?

I've participated in debates with some people on Facebook, and I don't know if it's because of that site, but I've noticed that most pot shots come indeed from the people who dislike DmC. That said, that's probably because there are so many misinformed people pro DmC on that site. People going ''Chill man, this is a younger Dante, and he'll become the Dante we all know and love'' just bug the crap out of me. While I don't respond in a juvenile way, I can understand why the true fans of the DMC series are rubbed the wrong way by them. That's also because most of the people I mentioned don't know anything about Devil May Cry, yet call themselves fans anyway.

Capcom's actual words (initially) were that they would consider going on with the original series, but only if DmC turned out to be less popular than DMC. This is what I just found, though: “We want to emphasize that we’re firm believers in that opening one door does not mean that another has to close automatically,” he said. “We are leaving all options on the table, so to speak. We are excited about this new iteration of DmC and are eager to get this into your hands, and we want people to play it and enjoy it. If people are still interested in exploring the other world of DmC that exists, we’re happy to go back to that as well.

To me, it does still imply that if people are happy with the new DmC, original DMC will be discontinued, and I think DmC will turn out to be popular to most gamers, or the 'lowest common denominator'.
Lol I've beat this topic to death before on many other threads.

Bottom line is there can be jerks on either side of the fence here.

I've had disagreements with "supporters" and "haters" alike about respecting others opinions and what not.

Granted a lot of them have been with "supporters" since to put it frankly, the "haters" are the minority on this forum.
It's just kind of annoying when people who support DmC without a reason backed up by arguments actually get praised or ignored by most people, while people against DmC get heckled no matter what. It's a pretty lopsided scale.
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An accurate description of what I feel when we get sided off as haters, blind sheep, etc.


Just give it an UUUUGHGHGHGHG sfx.
I wonder what the public reaction will be if they made a game which showed how Dante became DMC2 Dante.
Depends on what that reveal actually is.

Fans in general do want questions answered and the series to move forward but they are hesitant as to what those answers are.
The arguments for this game have gotten really bad. It's really torn the franchise apart. I know there are people who hate this game and I can see why but I don't like the way they go at it. People just can't seem to let this go. Every youtube video is still be downgraded by fans and it's two years already. I'm not joined to many forum sites but when I do post something supporting this game I'm always bashed on and called blind and a "traitor". And it happens with most people who try and support. But I can imagine that it's just as bad for people who are trying to state their opinion on why this game isn't good and getting bashed on by people calling them a hater. Though I do support this game and I'm really excited for it, I can say that it does have it's flaws. But I enjoy this site since people here seem to be very civil
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Well, in my opinion, to be honest, I don't see WHY they MUST reboot the DMC franchise in the first place. Why can't they just continue the DMC sequel right after the DMC4 finished? Just continue the storyline that would be taking place after DMC2? Apparently, the storyline from the previous DMC games was UNFINISHED. I can completely imagine if CAPCOM decided to make DMC5 game by using MT Framework as the game engine itself with excellent environment, smooth graphics as we've seen in DMC4, more combos, more enemies, more bosses, more in-depth storyline, the return of the true Demon Emperor, Mundus as the final boss of the game and of course, the son of the legendary dark knight Sparda, Dante as the main protagonist all over again himself with more elderly and serious look. Dante, Vergil, Nero, Trish, Lady and Lucia reuniting together to put an end to all this miseries. On the other hand, DMC5 could be implies that DMC will ever end. In fact, DmC reboot game is such a pretty great idea from Ninja Theory themselves but still,... I couldn't even adapt into it yet. I don't know why.

Speaking about DmC reboot, lets just say that we've done playing the DmC reboot game in the future. Obviously, the DmC fans are looking forward for the next DmC sequel which gonna be DmC2 of course, I wonder if Ninja Theory is gonna remake the appearance of Arius, Arkham/Jester, Nero, Sanctus, Agnus, Credo, Trish, Lady, Lucia, Nelo Angelo, Argosax The Chaos with a demonic old man looking guy, etc.
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It's just kind of annoying when people who support DmC without a reason backed up by arguments actually get praised or ignored by most people, while people against DmC get heckled no matter what. It's a pretty lopsided scale.
At least on these forums, we can treat others opinions with respect.
It's just kind of annoying when people who support DmC without a reason backed up by arguments actually get praised or ignored by most people, while people against DmC get heckled no matter what. It's a pretty lopsided scale.
It's really not man. Or rather, the scale is completely lopsided for us all. If you say you dislike DmC you do run the risk of someone saying you're just a "blind fanboy". If I say I like DmC I run the risk of someone saying I'm not a true DMC fan and support the dumbing down of games for the "filthy casuals". And in both cases we run the risk of being insulted into the dirt.

Gamers can be vile ugly creatures. And this has nothing to do with DMC specifically. We are defensive by nature but can often be guilty of turning defenses into ugly hate-filled things. Someone accuses RE5 or racism? Gamers will respond with real racism while defending the game. Someone accuses a game of sexism? Gamers will respond with real sexism, etc... etc...

Devil May is a fantastic place where while we don't always agree we at least treat each other as real people most of the time. I just wish as a whole gamers can get over this immaturity... I'm to the point now where I'm getting more and more ashamed daily to admit this is my preferred pastime.
A big part of me just wishes people would stop hating and wait until the game is out, play the whole way through, and then judge it as a whole. But instead, people have to get angry, have to make a 'why Dante is a terrible character' video without seeing all of the character, and then kicking a game in the backside that's not even been released. It's like saying you hate strawberries in your sundaes without tasting it, how do you know it's any good when you haven't tried it? And I don't meant in the sense of just the demo, the demo can only show you so much. It's only a chip of the iceberg.

And putting it in context with Capcom, I don't care. I judge a game for what it is, not who makes it, not on who said what, but the game as a product and what it gives me in enjoyment.I'm not naive, I'm not a blind sheep, that's just the way I feel.

Often those complaining about this game on YouTube behave immature, rude and selfish, bullying those who say anything nice or positive about it and screaming the very curse words they stand against. I appreciate and hold no grudges with those that have opinions against it, (the same people who I can discuss DmC to civilly) but the fact of the matter is, if a teenage girl can post a video on youtube about the terrible life she’s had from bullying, wind up killing herself not no longer afterwards, and she can still get terrible comments from the most heartless of trolls…what chance does a mere video game have? There will always be people on the net that says horrible things, you can't change that.

Maybe DmC isn’t perfect, no game ever is, but it doesn't deserve the hate that it's got. It's has a lot of potential and I get the feeling I'll be playing it a lot and might even enjoy the story too...but, it will really hurt me if it doesn't do well, all because some fanboys out there hating like children, couldn't accept change and weren't prepared to act like adults when taking this game on, instead of only comparing it to the original series to no end.

True Devil May Cry fan? That's not the way a fan acts.
Speaking about DmC reboot, lets just say that we've done playing the DmC reboot game in the future. Obviously, the DmC fans are looking forward for the next DmC sequel which gonna be DmC2 of course, I wonder if Ninja Theory is gonna remake the appearance of Arius, Arkham/Jester, Nero, Sanctus, Agnus, Credo, Trish, Lady, Lucia, Nelo Angelo, Argosax The Chaos with a demonic old man looking guy, etc.

For some reason, I doubt a possible DmC2.

To me, I don't want NT being the "reboot guys" who remake Capcom's old games. NT have been given an opportunity to make a Devil May Cry game in their own image while still keeping true to the original series. However, I doubt they'll do a continuation of DmC because there'd be two versions of it that really are unnecessary. Sure it can be though up like a Marvel comic alternate universe thing, but even so there's gonna be so much controversy with old fans who want to get to a new level of gaming from DMC3 and DMC4, but they won't be getting it because there's DmC and it's similar but still different gameplay.

The chances of a DmC2, in my opinion, seems rather bleak. Plus I don't think NT are the kind of developers who will make sequels to their games. Heavenly Sword 2 seems just as bleak.
This is not about being immature, rude, selfish, ego or whatever the word is, but this is about CONCERN. Being concern and immature or whatever are two entirely different meaning. I've seen a lot of people especially the true DMC fans kept on complaining and unleashed their power of trolls over the DmC Youtube comments and when I asked some of them like "Why are you guys really mad and keep on complaining about this DmC reboot game? Does the game really awful to you guys?" And they answered "I'm not complaining or whining dude, I'm just really concern and extremely worried about the game and bla bla bla." When the moment I saw the first ever DmC reboot trailer back in 2010 (correct me if I'm wrong), I thought that "Dante" character, was not the "real Dante" in the first place, and when it comes at the end of the trailer, that character was introduced himself as "My name is Dante" and I was like 0o0............WHAT?!?! The storyline from the previous DMC games was totally UNFINISHED. Because as we may know that every storyline in every games is always plays a very important part in the gaming world. Let's just put it this way. For an example, one of your most favorite video games is Metal Gear Solid, but then, in the end, other game company like "Treyarch" decided to REBOOT all over again for Metal Gear Solid while the storyline is still haven't finish yet. I'm not trying to sound harsh, negative, bragging, or complaining, but I'm just really concern about this Devil May Cry franchise too. It really concerns me that will this DmC reboot franchise will surpass over the original Devil May Cry? Will this DmC reboot franchise will go as far as what the previous DMC games had went through? I really hope that none of my words are offensive, but this is just what I feel.
I actually have reservations about my opinions on the game but here goes.

I don't think DmC will sell/get a sequel. No publicity is bad publicity, but there is more to it than that. Capcom has really screwed up this year and I can't see them getting any better anytime soon. Fans are not just angry at the changes: the downplayed combat for newbies, the aesthetics, the dialogue is joggy because it tries to be corny for the fans yet serious for narrative.
You actually reminded me of something. Part of the reason for DmC to possibly sell well is because of those who are anti-DmC extremists buying copies just to destroy them. That happened when the PS3 first came out. People who were against it were buying the system just to take it out and smash it in front of the Playstation fans who were waiting to get their system. They never seemed to understand that the money they're paying is supporting what they happen to hate.

So, in truth, the money Capcom and NT will get for this game will likely be partially from the ones fighting against them. I've already seen some tweeting Tameem about buying the game just to beat him with it. That could bring a sequel.
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