It was pretty obvious it was Vergil.
He wants Yamato back.
He wants Yamato back.
I reckon it could work if Capcom really wanted it to. As for why they haven't shown up until now, you could write it so they were destroyed all at one point, or maybe they're not interested in helping humanity or it could be that they're eldritch abominations even worse than demons and could wipe out all life on Earth - human and demon - if summoned (a la Evangelion).I don’t think there will be angels either. Like you guys said, it just wouldn’t fit at this point.
Still under NDA (well, I'm sure at least Dan must be) or are they not in it?
you are goddamn rgiht but why dont want yamato from his son just cut his armIt was pretty obvious it was Vergil.
He wants Yamato back.
you are goddamn rgiht but why dont want yamato from his son just cut his arminteresting
One of the screenshots shows an enemy that looks like a Hell Pride.
So are we getting some enemies from DMC3?
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Whose Nell Goldstein?
If this article is correct, it confirms that Nico is Nell Goldstein's granddaughter.
^For the new page. People still asking about Nell...According to the wiki, Nell Goldstein is from the Devil May Cry novel by Shin-Ya Goikeda and is the person who made Ebony & Ivory and possibly Luce & Ombra:
What would the Buster animation be like if Nero grabs those bat enemies =0It looks like he might have some kind of shielding/deflecting ability on his arm here. Or maybe it's some sort of concussion blast.